Foundation Phase Performance 2013
This year we had no children in our FSTF in year 2 so there was no need to disaggregate any data. The school is placed tenth out of eleven schools in the Family Group, meaning we can expect to be placed second or better when evaluating performance.
Foundation Phase Indicator
The school is amongst the best three performing schools in the Family Group, with pupil achievement significantly higher than Family Group and above Local Authority (LA) and National averages. It is placed in the top 25% of schools. FSM children perform better than non- FSM.
The gender difference is the second smallest in our family of schools and is below Family Group, LA and National averages. The performance of boys is comparable to that of girls, though with boys performing slightly better than girls. The trend in all three benchmark comparisons is for girls to perform better than boys.
Performance in Language, Literacy and Communication Skills
Outcome 5+
The school is in the top three performing schools and its performance is above the Family Group, LA and National averages. It is in the top 25% of schools. FSM children perform better than non FSM.
Outcome 6+
The school is performing fourth amongst its Family Group of schools and its performance is above Family Group but slightly below LA and Wales averages. It is in the top 25% of schools. Non FSM children perform significantly better than FSM. (note: FSM children achieve outcome 5+ but not the higher level).
The gender difference at outcome 5+ is the second smallest in the family group. It is below Family Group, LA and Wales. The performance of boys is comparable to that of girls, though with boys performing slightly better than girls. The trend in all three benchmark comparisons is for girls to perform better than boys.
At outcome 6+ the gender difference is the third smallest. It is below the Family Group, LA and Wales averages. Girls are performing better than boys. This follows the trend in Family Group, locally and nationally.
Performance in Mathematical Development
Outcome 5+
The school lies third in the family group, above the Family Group and LA averages but marginally (0.13%) below the average for Wales. It is in the top 50% of schools. FSM children perform slightly better than non-FSM (5.9%).
Outcome 6+
The school is placed second in the Family Group, significantly above the Family Group average and above LA and Wales. It is in the top 25% of schools. FSM children perform marginally better than non-FSM (0.4%)
The gender difference at outcome 5+ is in the fourth smallest in the group of schools. It is below Family Group, LA and National averages. The performance of boys is comparable to that of girls, though with boys performing slightly better than girls. The trend in all three benchmark comparisons is for girls to perform better than boys..
The difference in performance at outcome 6 is the third smallest in the group of schools. It is above the Family Group average, LA and National differences with boys performing better than girls. In the Family Group, boys perform better than girls at outcome 6.
Performance in Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity
Outcome 5+
The school is third out of eleven schools and is above Family Group and just above LA and National averages. It is in the top 50% of schools. FSM children perform significantly better than non-FSM (13.6%).
Outcome 6+
The school is in the top three performing schools, significantly above Family Group and just above LA and National averages. It is in the top 25% of schools. FSM children are performing marginally better (1.8%) than non-FSM.
The gender difference at outcome 5+ is the fifth largest in the group of schools, with girls performing better than boys. This is above Family Group, LA and Wales.
At outcome 6 the gender difference is the third largest, significantly larger than Family Group, LA and Wales. Girls are performing significantly better than boys.
Benchmarking data
Quartile data
2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14FPI / 3 / 2 / 1
Lang, Lit and Communication
Outcome 5+ / 3 / 3 / 1
Mathematical Development
Outcome 5+ / 4 / 2 / 2
PSD, ... Cultural Diversity
Outcome 5+ / 3 / 3 / 2
Outcome 5+ - In the last three years, before disaggregation, Danygraig has been in the top 50% of schools in 6 of 12 areas (50%). Of those, it has been in the top 25% on two occasions (16.7%).
2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14Lang, Lit and Communication
Outcome 6 / 3 / 2 / 1
Mathematical Development
Outcome 6 / 2 / 2 / 1
PSD, ... Cultural Diversity
Outcome 6 / 4 / 4 / 1
Outcome 6+ - In the last three years, before disaggregation, Danygraig has been in the top 50% of schools in 6 of 9 areas (66.7%). Of those, it has been in the top 25% on three occasions (33.3%).
2011-12Disaggregated / 2012-13
Disaggregated / 2013-14
FPI / 1 / 2 / 1
Lang, Lit and Communication
Outcome 5+ / 1 / 1 / 1
Mathematical Development
Outcome 5+ / 2 / 2 / 2
PSD, ... Cultural Diversity
Outcome 5+ / 1 / 1 / 2
Outcome 5+ - In the last three years, after disaggregation, Danygraig has been in the top 50% of schools in all 12 areas (100%). Of those, it has been in the top 25% on seven occasions (58.3%).
2011-12Disaggregated / 2012-13
Disaggregated / 2013-14
Lang, Lit and Communication
Outcome 6 / 2 / 2 / 1
Mathematical Development
Outcome 6 / 2 / 2 / 1
PSD, ... Cultural Diversity
Outcome 6 / 3 / 4 / 1
Outcome 6+ - In the last three years, after disaggregation, Danygraig has been in the top 50% of schools in 7 of 9 areas (77.8%). Of those, it has been in the top 25% on three occasions (33.3%).
Benchmarking data
Percentage achievement
Before disaggregation, in all areas there is an upward trend in the data over the last three years, with significant improvement at the higher outcomes.
After disaggregation there is an upward trend in almost all areas. There is a small drop in PSD at outcome 5+ (1.67%). There is a drop of 5.34% in Mathematical Development at outcome 5+, although this is still an overall upward trend over three years.