ANTITRUSTSECTIONLaw Student fellowship

The New York Bar Foundation is pleased to announce the 2014Antitrust Section Law Student Fellowship,which has been established by theFoundation through gifts from the Antitrust Section ofthe New York State Bar Association. The Fellowship will be awarded to one or two currentfirst or second year law students to work on antitrust and related matters in the public sector in the State of NewYork during the Summerof 2014.

Fellowship Program Goals

Provide law students an opportunity to experience antitrust practice during the summer after their first year of law school and to increase the representation of lawyers from a diverse range ofbackgrounds in the practice of antitrust law in New York. The ultimate goal ofthe Fellowship is to forge relationships among antitrust practitioners throughout the State of New Yorkand foster greater diversity in the antitrust bar. Through the Fellowship, students will be provided a meaningful and appropriatelysupervised work experience inthe New York Office of New York Attorney General, Antitrust Bureau;theFederal Trade Commission, Northeast Region; ortheDepartment of Justice Antitrust Division, New York Field Office.

The Fellowship

  1. The Fellowship, valued at $6,000, will be awarded to one (1) or two (2) students to spend thesummer of 2014 (10 weeks) working on antitrust matters inthe New York Office of New York Attorney General, Antitrust Bureau;Federal Trade Commission, Northeast Region; orDepartment of Justice Antitrust Division, New York Field Office.
  2. Each Fellow will be a guest member of the NYSBA Antitrust Section for two years starting with the award of the Fellowship.
  3. Each Fellow will be invited to attend Executive Committee meetings of the NYSBAAntitrust Section during the Summer and Fall of 2014.
  4. Fellowship recipient(s) will be announced no later than FRIDAY, February 14, 2014.


The Fellowship is open to all first-year (1L) and second-year (2L) students (as of the Fall 2014semester) who are capable of fulfilling the requested work hours and responsibilities and meet the criteria under the heading “Judging” below.

Fellowship Length

The Fellowship will take place during the summer of 2014for a period of 10weeks,approximately from June 2 to August8, 2014.The expected work requirement per week generally will be 35 to 40 hours.

Location of Fellowship

The 2014 Fellowship will take place in theNew York Office of New York Attorney General, Antitrust Bureau;Federal Trade Commission, Northeast Region;orDepartment of Justice Antitrust Division, New York Field Office. Fellowship finalists will be interviewed in New YorkCity.

Payment of Fellowship

Each Fellow will receive $3,000 at the start of the Fellowship with theremaining $3,000 paid to eachFellow at the end of the Fellowship (no federal orstate income taxes will be withheld and a 1099 will be issued to the student byJanuary 31, 2014).

Housing and Other Expenses

Housing, transportation and all other expenses to participate in the Fellowshipwill be provided by the students.

Fellowship Application Requirements

Each applicant must submit the following:

  1. A completed application (application form below)
  2. Cover letter of interest
  3. Unofficial undergraduate school transcript
  4. Resume
  5. Two letters of recommendation
  6. One writing sample on any topic related to the law. The writing samplemust be at least five pages but shall not exceed 10 typed pages double-spaced.


All hard copy materials must be submitted by mail with a postmark on or before,MONDAY, December 16, 2013.


A Fellowship Committee will undertake a careful review of all applications for the Fellowship, and will consider the criteria below in evaluating each candidate. No single criterion or combination of criteria will be dispositive.

  1. Content and quality of application materials.
  2. Demonstrated interest in antitrust and/or consumer protection.
  3. New York permanent residence or demonstrated intent to reside and practice law in New York following graduation from law school.
  4. Diverse background (e.g., Asian/Pacific Islander, Black/African American, Latino/a, LGBT, Native American/Alaska Native, Physically Disabled.)
  5. Work experience.
  6. Academic record.
  7. Leadership experience.
  8. Extracurricular activities and community service.
  9. Quality of written expression.
  10. Maturity, integrity and professionalism.
  11. Any other relevant factors.


All materials must be submitted by mail with a postmark on or before FRIDAY, December 16, 2013.

Mail to:




ALBANY, NY 12207


Antitrust Section

Law Student Fellowship

Provided by The New York Bar Foundation

through gifts from the Antitrust Section

of the New York State Bar Association



Permanent Address:

Phone: ______Email:

School Address:(if different)____

Phone: ______Email:

Law School attending:

□Day student □Evening student

Year of Law School Study as of December 1, 2013: ______

Please indicate membership in any of the following diversity groups:

□Asian or Pacific Islander — person having origins in any of the Far East Countries,

South East Asia, the Indian subcontinent or the Pacific Islands

□Black/African American

□Latino/a — person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, Central or SouthAmerican origin

□Lesbian Gay Bisexual or Transgendered

□Native American or Alaskan native — person having origins in any of the original

peoples of America

□Physically Disabled


Prior Education


College NameAddressMajorAttendedDegree




Attach the following materials to this application:

  1. A cover letter which indicates your interest in the practice of antitrust and/or consumer protection law in New York and the receipt ofthis Fellowship.
  2. An undergraduate school transcript. (Transcripts need not be official; finalists may beasked to provide official transcripts.)
  3. A resume describing your prior employment and other relevant activities andqualifications.
  4. Two letters of recommendation. (These may be the same as used for law schoolapplications.)
  5. One writing sample on any topic related to the law. (Must be at least five but shall notexceed 10 double-spaced typewritten pages.)

Application deadline: All materials must be submitted by mail with a postmark on

or beforeMONDAY, December 16, 2013.

Mail applications to:



ALBANY, NY 12207


I hereby certify that all of the statements contained and information provided in thisapplication, and in the attachments hereto, are truthful, to the best of my knowledge, andthat I meet the eligibility requirements for the 2014AntitrustSection Law Student Fellowship.


Applicant's Signature Date

About the Antitrust Section of the New York Bar Association

The Antitrust Law section provides a forum in which attorneys and law students can learn about and keep up with developments in competition law and complex litigation generally. The section covers not only U.S. national developments, but also international activity and New York State antitrust enforcement.

Section activities include (1) monthly meetings of the group’s Executive Committee, (2) an annual day-long program and series of evening events, held each January in conjunction with the New York State Bar Association’s annual meeting, and (3) special programs in the mid-summer and fall.

The Section also has three subcommittees, which focus on class actions, horizontal restraints, and vertical restraints including unilateral conduct. The subcommittees similarly hold regular meetings, special programs and brownbag discussions.

Annual Meeting Events:

The Section’s annual meeting events consist of topical panels, presented during the day, followed by a reception, dinner and dessert buffet in the evening. The evening events are attended by roughly 350 persons, and the day events by about 100.

The 2012 annual meeting this past January featured William Kovacic, former Chair of the FTC, as the keynote speaker. At the prior year’s meeting, then-Assistant Attorney General Varney was the featured dinner speaker. Participants in the day panels during the past two yearly events have included the Canadian Competition Commissioner, two FTC Commissioners, and top-level current and former Federal and State enforcers, together with leading academicians, consulting firms representatives, and first-rate practitioners. The 2012 program also included a mock trial presided over by United States District Judge Loretta Preska.

Other Section Activities:
The Executive Committee’s monthly meetings handle regular business, followed by a one-hour speaker’s presentation. These monthly programs cover a wide-range of subjects, which have included bankruptcy 101 for antitrust lawyers, proof of price-fixing, the Capper-Volstead exemption, intellectual property disclosure in standard setting cases, branding and antitrust, and use of filters to detect price-fixing. Any Section member may attend these programs, either in person or by phone dial-in. Some of these programs offer CLE credit at no charge.

The Section’s special summer program typically covers a merger-related subject. The 2012 program, currently being planned, will address merger enforcement in the Americas. Bar groups in Canada and Brazil are expected to co-sponsor the event, which will be videoed to them abroad. Those agreeing to attend include Eduardo Perez Motta, Chairman of the Mexican Competition Commission,Melanie Aitken, Commissioner of the Canadian Competition Bureau, andRachel Brandenburger, Special Advisor, International, of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice.

The 2011 program, on international merger developments, was sponsored jointly with California State Bar’s Section on Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law, and included panels in both New York City and Los Angeles. The two groups were linked by video and phone, and the program was streamed in real time on the internet.

The Section’s fall programs have covered the Supreme Court’s American Needle decision and the concept of “the firm,” and role of market definition in antitrust analysis and litigation.

The programs are open to Section members and non-members alike.

The Section also sponsors a yearly writing competition open to students at law schools located in New York, and to New York state residents in law schools outside the State. The student whose paper is selected as the winning entry receives a $5000 award.
Additional Information:
There are more that 525 members of the Section, and roughly 60 Executive Committee members. The Section’s website is located at:

The website is regularly updated to link to materials presented at the Section’s programs, and to competition law developments generally.
For further information, contact the Section’s chair:
Eric J. Stock
Chief, Antitrust Bureau
Office of the Attorney General
State of New York
120 Broadway
New York, NY 10271-0332
(212) 416-8282

Founded in 1950, The New York Bar Foundation is dedicated to aiding educational, direct legal services, and charitable projects aimed at meeting the law-related needs of the public and the profession. The Foundation solicits charitable contributions and provides funding for the following purposes:
• Increasing public understanding of the law
• Improving the justice system and the law
• Facilitating the delivery of legal services
• Enhancing professional competence and ethics
For more information about The New York Bar Foundation, go to