2013 Greenway Carousel Operator RFP Booklet
Minorrevisions made March 3, 2013
- Form 1 – Respondent Summary Sheet
- Form 2 – Non-Collusion
- Form 3 – Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action
- Form 4 – Tax, Employment, and Childcare Compliance
- Form 5 – Non-Disbarment
- Hospitality Experience (<350 words)
- Carousel Operations Plan (<1,200 words)
- Mobile Eats Operations Plan (<800 words) (optional)
- Carousel
- Food vending (optional):
All responses must be consistent with the guidelines in the Appendices; please especially note the insurance requirements.
Complete this file and submit electronically to . All sections on carousel operation are required, sections on Mobile Eats vending are optional. All responses must be consistent with the guidelines in the Appendices; please especially note the insurance requirements. Submissions are due by Friday, March 22 at noon.
This form summarizes information that should also be included elsewhere in the RFP submission.
Primary Contact Name ______Email______
Business Name ______Phone ______
Street Address: ______Twitter handle ______
City: ______
Mobile Eats Cart (optional):
Do you propose to operate a Mobile Eats Cart?Yes / No
If yes, how many carts?1 / 2
If yes, what type (s)? Push cart Bike cart
Other ______
Provide a high-level synopsis of food concept, operational details, and experience (see RFP Section II)
State of Massachusetts
County of ______, being first duly sworn deposes and says that:
1.0He/she is (owner, partner, officer, representative, or agent) of
______, the Respondent that has submitted the attached Proposal:
2.0He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Proposal;
3.0Such Proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Proposal;
4.0Neither the said Respondent nor any of the officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, has in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly with any other Respondent, firm or person to submit a collusive or sham Proposal in connection with the Contract for which the attached Proposal has been submitted or to refrain from submitting a proposal in connection with such Contract, or has in any manner, directly or indirectly sought by agreement of collusion or communication or conference with any other Respondent, firm or person to fix the price or prices in the attached Proposal or of any other Respondent, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of the Proposal price or the Proposal price of any other Respondent or to secure through any collusion conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement any advantage against the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy or any person interested in the proposed Contract; and
5.0The price or prices quoted in the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement on the part of the Respondent or any of its agents, representatives, owners, employees, or parties in interest, including this affiant.
Signed (type name): ______
Title: ______
Date: ______
The Respondent agrees:
- The Respondent shall not, in connection with the services under this Contract, discriminate by segregation or otherwise against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, age, sex or sexual preference and shall undertake affirmative action measures designed to guarantee and effectuate equal employment opportunity for all persons.
- The Respondent shall provide information and reports requested by the Conservancy pertaining to its obligations hereunder, and will permit access to its facilities and any books, records, accounts or other sources of information which may be determined by the Conservancy to affect the Respondent’s obligations.
- The Respondent shall comply with all federal and state laws pertaining to civil rights and equal opportunity including executive orders and rules and regulations of appropriate federal and state agencies unless otherwise exempt therein.
- The Respondent’s non-compliance with the provisions hereof shall constitute a material breach of this Contract, for which the Conservancy may, in Its discretion, upon failure to cure said breach within thirty (30) days of written notice thereof, terminate this Contract.
- The Respondent shall indemnify and save harmless the Conservancy from any claims and demands of third persons resulting from the Respondent’s non-compliance with any provisions hereof.
Signed (type name): ______
Title: ______
Date: ______
Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 62C, §49A and Chapter 151A, §19A(b) and Chapter 521 of the Massachusetts Acts of 1990, as amended by Chapter 329 of the Massachusetts Acts of 1991, I ______(Name) whose principal place of business is located at ______(Address), do hereby certify that:
A.The above-named Respondent has made all required filings of state taxes, has paid all state taxes required under law, and has no outstanding obligation to the Commonwealth's Department of Revenue.
B.The above-named Respondent/Employer has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to unemployment compensation contributions and payments in lieu of contributions.
C.The undersigned hereby certifies that the Respondent/Employer (please check applicable item):
1. ______employs fewer than fifty (50) full-time employees; or
2. ______offers either a dependent care assistance program or a cafeteria plan whose benefits include a dependent care assistance program; or
3. ______offers child care tuition assistance, or on-site or near-site subsidized child care placements.
Signed under the penalties of perjury this ______day of ______, 201__.
Federal Identification Number
Signed (type name): ______
Title: ______
Date: ______
The Respondent certifies:
1.0The Contractor and all senior executives of the Contractor are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for the award of contract by any Federal agency, by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or by the City of Boston,
2.0 The Contractor and all senior executives of the Contractor have not within the last five years been convicted of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing any private, public or government (Federal, State, or Local) contract or subcontract,
3.0The Contractor and all senior executives of the Contractor shall not knowingly use undocumented workers in connection with any work performed by the Contractor under any contract with the Conservancy, and
4.0The Contractor and all senior executives of the Contractor shall not knowingly or recklessly alter, falsify or accept altered or falsified documents from any such worker(s).
Signed (type name):Title:
Please submit a Word or PDF file with three parts including an optional section on food vending:
The Conservancy seeks an Operator that recognizes that it will be a critical contributor to the image of the Greenway and the City of Boston. The Conservancy will enforce high standards for operations, but more importantly, the Conservancy seeks an Operator that will be a partner in maintaining these high standards of operation and who shares the conviction to bring vibrancy, beauty and innovation to the park.
In no more than 350 words, RFP responses should describe previous experience of the owner and key staff in the hospitality industry, especially any quick-service, outdoor and/or mobile operations particularly serving families and children. Other relevant experience, including experience with permitting in the City of Boston (amusement, food or otherwise), should also be noted. Provide web links to any relevant media (traditional or social) about the owners or their businesses. Provide contact information and/or letters of recommendation from three business references. Please provide information regarding past, present and potential clients or business relationships with other parties that either do pose or could pose a conflict of interest if the respondent were selected.
In no more than 1,200 words, RFP responses should describe the carousel operational plan and specifically address the following:
- Staffing: Proposals should specify anticipated staffing needs; both in quantity and hierarchy. Describe respondent’s experience with employee management, particularly with success maintaining punctuality and reliability.
- Customer service: Respondents should clearly outline customer service mechanisms that will enhance and maintain the satisfaction of patrons and how these mechanisms will be implemented
- Ticketing: Proposals should include information regarding the respondent’s ability to execute multiple pricing schemes and suggest alternative approaches to ticketing, pricing tiers, etc. for the carousel.
- Sales reporting: Proposals should demonstrate respondent’s experience and ability to accurately record and report sales as well as how to assure the safe and timely deposits of cash. Suggestions for point of sale systems are also encouraged.
- Programming, events and outreach: Proposals should include ideas for regular programming as well as special events and the associated revenue sharing plans. If applicable, include exact dates and durations. Respondents should describe strategies for marketing of these events as well as daily operation of the carousel.
- Safety and security: Proposals should describe the respondent’s ability, strategies and precautions to maintain a safe and secure site.
3. MOBILE EATS OPERATIONS PLAN (<800 words) (optional)
In no more than 800 words, RFP responses should describe the food vending operational plan, consistent with Appendix D.
- Structure for operations: Proposals should state how many carts (max. of 2) would be operated and by whom. If the carts will be operated as part of a joint-venture, the proposal should clearly elaborate how this will work to the benefit of the public and the Conservancy.
- Food vending concept:Proposals should describe the concept for each of the 2 optional carts.
- Hours of operation: Please specify if food vending operating hours will differ from carousel hours. The exact hours, days, and duration will be specified in the contract between the Operator and the Conservancy.
- Equipment: The aesthetics of food vending are critical in a park, particularly one as visible as the Greenway. Therefore, the Conservancy expects Respondents to utilize equipment of a premium quality and design. Chosen Respondents must assure that all equipment is inspected and permitted by the necessary agencies. Proposals must include:
- Complete list of proposed on-site equipment, with dimensions. Bike carts are especially encouraged due to their easy load-in/-out and their small environmental footprint. Indicate if any long-lead items would need to be procured, along with estimated lead time.
- Diagram of proposed equipment layout, with dimensions. Respondents should propose the minimum necessary footprint, and cannot exceed 20’ x 10’ for the two carts.
- On-site operations: The Conservancy operates the parks to be clean, green, and safe, and expects food Respondents to do the same.
- Cleanliness: Describe what measures will be taken to reduce spills, litter, etc., and how the location will be kept clean.
- Utilities: All onsite electricity (for the carousel, ticket booth and special events) will be provided at the expense of the Conservancy. A 20-amp duplex outlet is also available for food vending at the designated location. Respondents may not use a generator. (Please note that the City of Boston’s Inspectional Services Department requires mechanical refrigeration for all potentially hazardous food products.)
- Green: Describe how operations will incorporate elements of environmental sustainability. (Solar power, bike carts, and biodiesel have been used by Greenway Respondents.) On-site waste reduction and environmentally friendly products are strongly encouraged; polystyrene packaging is prohibited. A source of additional information is the Green Restaurant Association (
- On-site delivery and restocking: All equipment must be removed from the site every day, with accommodation for safe passage by members of the public. Recognizing that public safety is paramount, describe how the equipment will be delivered, removed, and restocked daily.
- Other: Describe the number and uniform/dress of the staff the respondent intends to dedicate on the Greenway daily. Indicate if credit/debit cards, or alternative payment types (e.g., Level-Up) will be accepted for payment.
Respondents must propose a revenue-sharing structure for the carousel ticket sales. Should respondents choose to take advantage of the food vending option, a monthly location fee for food vending must also be included. Since the Financial Offer is just one of four criteria, the Conservancy reserves the right to accept respondent(s) other than the highest bidder(s).
- Carousel
The respondent must propose percentages of gross carousel ticket revenues that the Conservancy will pay to the Operator. Given that operator costs (for staff, for insurance) essentially do not vary with ticket revenues, the Conservancy requests that respondents propose a percentage for the first $200K of gross revenues (per calendar year) and then percentage(s) paid on ticket sales once past the $200K gross revenue threshold.
Annual gross revenues dollars% of gross paid to Operator
$0 - $200,000______% (maximum allowable: 60%)
$200,000 - $______% (maximum allowable: 30%)
$______- $______% (maximum allowable: 30%)
$______- $______% (maximum allowable: 30%)
Respondents must submit a three-year pro forma projection for carousel operations. These should clearly show assumptions by month for revenues (gross revenues and split between Conservancy and Operator) and for costs (wages & benefits for onsite supervisor, wages & benefits for other onsite staff, insurance, etc.).
- Food vending (optional):
Respondents planning to include food vending must propose a monthly location fee for each cart.
Monthly location fee for food carts
Cart 1$______/month for April, Nov., Dec.(minimum allowable $400)
Cart 1 $______/month for May-October (minimum allowable $800)
Cart 2$______/month for April, Nov., Dec.(minimum allowable $400)
Cart 2 $______/month for May-October (minimum allowable $800)
By the 15th of each month, the Conservancy will pay the Operator for the previous month. For example,
- If the carousel revenue share were 45% for $0-$200,000 and were 20% for Above $200,000
- If the previous month’s gross revenues were $50,000, bringing the annual total to date to $210,000
- If the total food vending location fee was $2,000/month
- Then: the Conservancy would pay the concessionaire $18,000 (45%*40,000 + 20%*10,000 - $2,000) for the month.
If your food vending equipment has not appeared previously on the Greenway, please submit JPG or PDF files of
- photos or drawings of equipment
- pictures or layout drawings of equipment set-up
Respondents must include a statement of intention to produce the following additional documentation when/if requested (and prior to contract signing):
- Copies of all necessary permits required for carousel and food vending from the City of Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- Insurance submissions (described in Appendix E)
- Copy of federal W9 form
- Pro forma income projection for Greenway food vending operation by month, showing customers, average ticket, COGS, operating expenses, and EBITDA
185 Kneeland Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02111 t:617-292-0020 f:617-292-2705