Sources of Funding 2016-17

The Centre for English Local History is fortunate in being able to offer substantial financial aid to a number of its students.

The Thaxted Society

The Thaxted Society would like to sponsor a student with a bursary of £8,000 to start the MA degree in English Local History and Family History in September 2017. Anyone who is interested should email the Admissions Tutor, Dr Andrew Hopper at

The Hoskins Duffield Fund

·  This fund, based on generous gifts from Mrs. Duffield and John, her son, is so called in honour of our founding professor, W.G. Hoskins, for whom Mrs. Duffield had a great admiration. It is set up to help postgraduate students with their expenses while taking courses (MA, or research degrees such as MPhil or PhD) in the Centre for English Local History. This has been taken in the past to mean the payment of fees, though it could cover other expenses such as travel to archives, microfilms etc. Applications should be discussed with, and then sent to, the Director of the Centre, currently Prof. Keith Snell .

The Friends of the Centre for English Local History

·  The Harold Fox Memorial Award, in memory of a former Director of the Centre for English Local History, is an essay competition for an award of £1,000 from the Friends of the Centre for English Local History obtainable as a fee reduction for candidates who apply to study (full-time or part-time) for the MA in English Local History at the University of Leicester, starting in September 2016. Candidates are asked to write an essay of 2000 words addressing the question below, and to submit it as an email attachment in Microsoft Word to by 1 August 2016. Only candidates who have received a formal offer of a place on this degree programme from the University by that date can be considered. Please could candidates include alongside their essay, their address, telephone and email contact details. Candidates may write about any locality in England and Wales in their essay, but the question title for all entries will be: What factors make a particular locality historically distinctive and by what means might such local history now be studied?

·  The Friends offer substantial bursaries for the MA in English Local History. The closing date is 1 August each year. Apply by email to

Institute of Historical Research (IHR) Friends’ Bursaries

These bursaries are intended to cover the costs of short research trips to archives in London, including the IHR. The IHR are strongly encouraging any doctoral students registered at institutions outside London, and planning visits to London-based archives next year, to combine their trip with a visit to the IHR Library and apply for one of these awards to help cover their costs. Details of these, and other prizes and awards may be found here:

Other sources of financial support for students

A list of potential funders is provided at:

The Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust

Usually £250-£1000. Eligibilty: graduates with 1st or 2:1 first degree, over the age of 24 on 1 October of the proposed academic year, studying for higher degrees. Professional training courses are not eligible. Application form from: M.H.Bushby, Secretary of the Trust, The Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust, PO Box 57, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 1ZT. Closing date: 31 March. Decision made by May.

Newby Trust Limited

This trust has very large disposable assets each year, mostly directed to educational grants. The Trust’s general policy is to make grants available to those taking second degrees and to mature students. Individual students may apply in the form of a personal letter setting out their personal circumstances, supported by a CV, financial statement, two references, and an SAE. Awards are between £150 and £1000. The registered office is: Newby Trust Ltd., Hill Farm, Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 1BQ.

Francis Coates Charitable Foundation

Awards are between £1000 and £5000. Research must relate to Bucks., Herts. Or Northants. Francis Coates Charitable Foundation, The Mount, Parsonage Hill, Somerton TA11 7PF.

Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation

Makes 36 to 40 awards p.a. of £500 to £3000. Closing date 15 February. Apply to Jane Reid, Wingate Scholarships, HH Wingate Foundation, 38 Curzon St, London W1Y 8EY.

Educational Grants Directory

Please remember to check the latest edition of the EGD for awards from charities associated with place or parents’ occupation.