Length of unit: 10 days
Written By: Joanie King / ¨  7th Graders / ¨  8th Graders / ¨  9th Graders
Educational Objectives & Standards

Unit Objectives

/ State Standards
1.  To serve the ball over the net using an underhand serve / 1PA-E2 PO1, 1PA-E4 PO1, 1PA-E5 PO1
2.  To bump the ball to a teammate and over the net / 1PA-E2 PO1, 1PA-E4 PO1, 1PA-E5 PO1
3.  To do a set pass to a team mate and over the net / 1PA-E2 PO1, 1PA-E4 PO1, 1PA-E5 PO1
4.  To know the fouls of a regulation volleyball game / 1PA-E4 PO1
5.  To work together as a team / 1PA-E2 PO1, 5PA-E2 PO2, 5PA-E3 PO2 5PA-E4 PO1, 6PA-E2 PO2
6.  In game play, to call their own fouls cooperatively with the opposing team / 5PA-E4 PO1
7.  To know how to score a volleyball game / 1M-E1 PO3
8.  To do several flexibility exercises correctly / 4PA-E1 PO1
9.  To do several muscular strength exercises correctly / 4PA-E1 PO1
Mastery Elements /
à  Underhand serve / à  Set pass / à  Bump
à  Overhead Serve / à  Footwork / à  Athletic Position
à  Blocking / à  Team Strategy – Offense / à  Team Strategy – Defense
à  Formations / à  Vocabulary/terminology / à  Scoring rules
à  Substitution rules / à  Infractions and Penalties / à  Modified Games for Skills & Drills
à  History & Evolvement of Play / à  Modified Game Rules / à  Basic Math (associated with the game and scoring)
à  / à 
à  / à 
à  / à 
à  / à 

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Unit Plan

Daily Overview /

Day 1

Underhand Serve
/ Day 2
Review serve
Overhead Serve
Bump / Day 3
Set Pass
/ Day 4
/ Day 5
Volley Tennis
Day 6
How to Rotate
(3 and 2 rows)
Practice Games
Game Play Skills / Day 7
Serving Fouls
Game Play Fouls
Practice Games / Day 8
Tournament Games
Team 1 v Team 2

Team 3 v Team 4

/ Day 9
Tournament Games
Team 1 v Team 3

Team 2 v Team 4

/ Day 10
Tournament Games
Team 1 v Team 4

Team 2 v Team 3

DATE: ______EQUIPMENT: All volleyballs, 4 nerf balls, and 3 nets.
UNIT: Volleyball Day: 1 of 10 LOCATION: Gym
STANDARDS: 1 PA-E2 P01, 1PA-E4 P01, 1PA-E5-P01
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: What it takes do a successful underhand volleyball serve.
1 lap run around gym, 2nd lap skip / In L/ R: Show me how fast you can find a space along the gym wall where no one else is.
Put music on
Fitness: Teacher led exercises
Upper Body Strength
Knee Push-ups, Triceps push-up, Side, Push-up hold
Abdominal Strength
Knee touch curl-ups
Partial curl-ups and hold 8 seconds
Leg extensions / Please stand in front of me spread out such that you can do this and touch no one.
As you curl, slide your hands up to your knees
As you curl, lift feet off floor, touching elbows and knees
Sitting legs extended feet off floor. Pull feet to your seat.
Lesson Focus: Underhand serve
1.  Me demo
2.  Choose, nerf, volleyball, beach ball
3.  Against wall
4.  Across nets
a.  lower net real volleyball
b.  higher net real volleyball
c.  regulation net, nerf balls
4. Serve and Catch / 1 Ready position – Check feet, is left in front of right? Hand a fist? Ball held low in front of leg? Look up where you want ball to go, look at ball
2 Backswing – Knees are bent, check weight on back foot?
3. Swing – Eye on ball don’t toss it. Step forward with left foot
4. Follow through – Fist pointing over net, step forward right foot
·  Serve 3 in a row, then go to the end of your line.
·  Girls on other side of net, while they’re serving, collect the balls and get them to the first person in each row.
·  When ball comes over the net, catch it run back to serving spot, serve over the net.
·  Each time it goes over and the other team doesn’t catch it, you score a point.
Closure: Put all balls against the wall.
1.  What was our lesson focus?
2.  Show me how you hold the ball
3.  Tell me one thing that helps give your serve enough power to go all the way over the net?
4.  Do you toss the ball up to serve it?
DATE ______EQUIPMENT: All volleyballs, 4 nerfballs, 3 nets
UNIT: Volleyball Day : 2 of 10 LOCATION: Gym
OBJECTIVE: Today you are responsible for learning: What to do when the volleyball comes to you below the waist – called the BUMP
Intro: Run 2 laps around gym
/ ·  ½ forward, ½ backward
·  ½ heel kickers, ½ carrioca
Torso Stretching
Shoulder Stretches / ·  overhead reaches, side bends, side twists, walk around reaches
·  elbow pusher, elbow puller, wishbone, slow arm circles
Lesson Focus: The BUMP
1. Ready position
2.  Demo – me. Pick someone to toss
3.  Triads
4.  Groups of 6
5.  Keep It Up
6.  Practice underhand serving
7.  Teach overhead serve to those who are having success
·  Toss and catch, serve against wall, over net / Joke – been camping?
·  Cup hands
·  Thumbs together
·  Elbows straight
·  1 toss, 1 bump back, one observer
·  Stand in circle with your arms out to the side. If you’re touching someone else, step backward
·  Send one person to center, she tosses to each person who bumps back to her. If bump or toss no good, repeat
·  Review arm/foot opposition, no toss, look at ball, shift weight as swing
·  Good toss, flat hand, shift weight
Everyone think about what you’ve learned today. I’m going to ask you some questions.
1.  What were you responsible for learning?
2.  What are some keys to doing successful bumps?
DATE ______EQUIPMENT: 3 nets, all volleyballs, nerfballs
UNIT: Volleyball Day: 3 of 10 LOCATION: Gym
STANDARDS: 1 PA- E2 PO1, 1 PA- E 4 PO1, 1 PA- E5 PO1
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: What to do when the ball comes to you above the shoulders. It’s called a Set Pass. You will learn the keys for doing a successful set pass.
Clothespin Tag / 1.  Everyone get 2 clothespins, have a friend clip them to the back of your shirt.
2.  Like tag and everyone is it. Except instead of tagging, you try to steal as many clothespins as you can and clip them to the front of your shirt. But..watch your backside, because someone may be trying to steal your pins.
3.  Try w/ different locomotor forms.
Explain Scavenger Hunt / 1.  Show me how fast you can get in groups of 3 sitting facing the wall nearest the cafeteria
2.  Hand out cards to groups who are sitting
3.  Everyone look at #1 on your list
4.  Ask someone, tell that group what do first
5.  Ask someone else; explain they go to a different place first.
6.  Work down your list of 10 IN ORDER. When you get to #1, come to the center of the gym and sit. We’ll see which group is first.
7.  Everybody up. When I put the music on, go and have fun.
Lesson Focus: Set Pass
1.  Demo wall – me
2.  Partners against wall
3.  Self toss, set to partner
4.  Partners across net (maybe have a few practice serve in back)
5.  Game Keep-It-Up / §  Look through window
§  Big hands
§  Finger tips
§  Spring
Toss and catch to get your rhythm
Then switch to gentle set passes against the wall
When 1 person has done it for awhile, let your partner try.
Groups of 6. Using set pass or bump, Count how many times in a row your group can hit the ball (set pass/bump) before it lands on the floor. I’ll time you for 2 min. Check for understanding.
1.  What were you responsible for learning today?
2.  Everyone show me (sitting) what you look like when the ball is coming you above your shoulders.
DATE ______EQUIPMENT: All volleyballs, 3 nets
UNIT: Volleyball Day: 4 of 10 LOCATION: Gym
STANDARDS: 1 PA- E2 PO1, 1 PA-E4 PO1, 1 PA-E5 PO1
OBJECTIVE: Today you are responsible for reviewing 3 different volleyball skills at 5 different stations that are set up for you. After that – if time – get in some practice games.
Intro: Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag
/ §  Show me how fast you can get into partners
§  Think the Rock Paper Scissors Game
§  What beats Rock, Paper Scissors
§  After I say RPS, you make a sign, the winning sign runs to the line behind her and the loosing sign tries to tag her before she gets there.
Fitness: Leg Stretches – Calf Stretch, Hamstring Stretch, Standing V stretch for Inside of Leg, Upper Thigh Stretch on floor / §  Scatter formation
§  Both feet pointed forward
§  Knees slightly bent, never locked
Lesson Focus:
Stations - Explain each one, maybe demo and place one set of partners there
1.  Set Pass with partner
2.  Bump against wall
3.  Serving
4.  Set Passes against the Wall
5.  Bumps Over the Net
6.  3 minutes each station. Ball stays w/ you, not station.
7.  Check for understanding
§  2 tries for the serve
§  Serve from back right, but inside court is OK.
§  Help the serve over is OK
§  As many hits on each side as you want. / § 
§  Seated with your partner in front of me
§  Stand 8’ apart. Start with self toss, then set to partner. Keep it going as long as possible.
§  Try it for several times, see how many you can do in a row. Then let your partner have a turn.
§  Try standing behind the line. Remember to shift weight back, then forward. Partners stand on the other side of the net and catch. Switch places after 1 minute and ½.
§  You have 3 minutes total there. Switch off between partners.
§  Partner toss, you bump back to her, she bumps back to you. Keep it going as long as you can. If you loose control of the ball, start again.
§  When I blow the whistle rotate to the next station. Bring your ball.
§  Only score point when your team served
§  Rotate only when the other team is out (side out) and you have a new person stepping up to serve.
§  When the ball is in play turn your body to face
§  When not in play (dead), roll it under net.
1.  When ball is dead, how do you get it to the other side of the net?
2.  True or false, every VB player on the court should turn to face the direction of the ball?
3.  Hints for serving?
4.  Hints for bump? Hints for set pass?
DATE ______EQUIPMENT: 4 Volleyballs, jump ropes
UNIT: Volleyball Day: 5 of 10 LOCATION: Tennis Courts
STANDARDS: 1 PA-E2 P01, 1PA-E4 P01, 1PA-E5-PO1
OBJECTIVE: Today you will learn: How to play a game called Volley Tennis
Jog to tennis courts
Continuity – jump rope
·  Walk around stretch
·  Calf stretch
·  Quad stretch
·  Wall Sit
·  Curl-ups
Lesson Focus: Volley Tennis
1.  Get yourselves in groups of 6
2.  Demo rotation on one court
3.  How to play / Volley back and forth over net like volleyball, but much easier
·  As many hits per side as you want
·  Can help serve over
·  Can bounce 1 time
·  Same person can play it twice in a row
Same as Volleyball
·  Must serve in order
·  Rotate after you’ve just won the serve back
1.  Vote with your fingers. One finger means I hate the game, 5 means I love it.
2.  When you are going to let a hard, fast ball bounce before you hit, what do you usually need to do to be where you need to be to get the ball?
DATE ______EQUIPMENT: music, nets, 3 volleyballs, cones
UNIT: Volleyball Day: 6 of 10 LOCATION: Gym
OBJECTIVE: Today you are responsible for learning: How to score, what side-out means, how and when to rotate
Wave Drill
Racetrack Fitness
1.  Lesson Focus: Scoring, Rotation
1.  Scoring
2.  Rotation
·  Put 6 people on each side of net
·  Add third row
·  Demo that court
3.  Set up other courts
4.  Practice Games
5.  Game Play Skills / ·  Only when your team served the ball
·  1 point if other team doesn’t return the ball over the net by the third hit
·  Server – announce the score before each serve
·  Games = 15 points
·  When your team serves, but looses the volley, called SIDE-OUT
·  Show me how you rotated in Volley Tennis
·  Sort of backwards compared to 2 rows – middle back to server, server crisscross court to front row
·  MOVE – to keep the ball in sight, to be ready to help a teammate, to get the ball, to get in ready position.
·  Call out “it’s mine” when you are going to hit the ball. Teammates back off.
·  Always be ready, weight forward (on the balls of your feet), and knees bent a little.