Fall Semester / Spring SemesterCourses
/ ECTS /Courses
/ ECTSSU563- The Biology of Penaeid Shrimps / 8 /
SU552- Marine Shrimp Culture and Practices
/ 8SU561- Principles of Aquaculture / 8 /
SU554- Freswater Prawn Farming
/ 8SU565- Lobster and Crayfish Biology and Culture / 8 / SU598- Environmental impact of aquaculture / 8
SU679- Seafood Toxins / 8 / SU664- Food Safety Management Systems / 8
SU649- Gas chromotograpy and its application / 8 / SU638-Advanced Processing Technics of seafood / 8
SU651-Advanced Spoilage Indicators in Seafood / 8 / SU - Seafood Flavors and Analysis / 8
SU659- Resirculation and Integrated Systems and Their Applications in Aquaculture / 6 / SU469- Fish Feeding Methods / 6
SU677- Fish Pharmacology / 8 / SU360- Fish Parasitology / 8
Total / Total
Course Title: SU563 - The Biology of Penaeid Shrimps
Semester: Fall
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: The aim of this lecture is to provide detailed information on commercially important shrimp species. It will consist of the following aspects; morphology, taxonomy, zoogeography, physiology, moulting and growth, reproduction, life histories, food and feeding and behavioural responses to the enviroment of penaeid shrimps.
Instructor: Prof.Dr. M. KUMLU
Course Title: SU561- Principles of Aquaculture
Semester: Fall
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: Basic information about the current aquaculture practices and other subjects that are necessary to perform any kind of aquaculture activity will be given. The lecture will address the issues such as pond construction and water supply, water sources and systems, water quality and its maintenance in the pond ecosystem, fertilisation, aeration, reproduction and feeding strategies of various shrimp and fish species, and harvesting methodologies.
Instructor: Prof.Dr. M. KUMLU
Course Title: SU565 - Lobster and Crayfish Biology and Culture
Semester: Fall
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: The biology (morphology, anatomy, reproduction, feeding, moulting, and growth) of economically important clawed and spiny lobsters, and also freshwater crayfish will be given comparatively. The culturing practices of these crustacean broodstock, larvae, juvenile and adults will also be presented.
Instructor: Prof.Dr. M. KUMLU
Course Title: SU679 - Seafood Toxins
Semester: Fall
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: Toxins causing scombroid and ciguatera fish poisoning, saxitoxin, gonyautoxin, okadaic acid, tetrodotoxin, domoic acid, and brevetoxin related to paralytic, nerotoxic, amnesic, diaretic shellfish poisoning are most important toxins in seafood. Classification, origin, chemistry and occurrence mechanism, mode of action, toxicology and illness symptoms, detection methods for seafood toxin will be given in detail.
Instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. F. ÖZOĞUL
Course Title: SU649 - Gas chromotograpy and its application
Semester: Fall
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: Description of GC and determination of fatty acids, TMAO, TMA, DMA etc. by using GC and development of methods.
Instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Y. ÖZOĞUL
Course Title: SU651 - Advanced Spoilage Indicators in Seafood
Semester: Fall
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: ATP and its breakdown products (Hypoxanthine, K and related values), Biogenic amines, Indole. TVB-N, TMA, DMA, Ammonia content. Chemical indices of oxidative rancidity and hydrolysis of lipid (FFA, Anisidin, PV, TBA and Totox value).
Instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Y. ÖZOĞUL
Course Title: SU659 - Resirculation and Integrated Systems and Their Applications in Aquaculture
Semester: Fall
ECTS Credits: 6
Course Description: Water quality criteria, Nitrogen budget in the water, Design of the resirculation systems, desing criterias, Integrated systems, System Equipment, Application of Integrated systems, System kontrol and management.
Instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr.O.T. EROLDOĞAN
Course Title: SU677 - Fish Pharmacology
Semester: Fall
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: General description of medicines used against fish diseases, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics features, application methods, fish-medicine-environment interactions, treatment dose calculation, residue analysis and drug legislations on drug applications of EU for will be told in this lecture.
Instructor: Dr. A. ÖZAK
Course Title: SU552 - Marine Shrimp Culture and Practices
Semester: Spring
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: All aspects of marine shrimp farming phases; broodstock management, larval culture and larval feeds, nursery systems, pond preparation, penaeid growout systems and pond management, feeds and feeding in the ponds, and harvest will be dealt with in this lecture.
Instructor: Prof.Dr. M. KUMLU
Course Title: SU554 - Freswater Prawn Farming
Semester: Spring
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: All phases of freshwater shrimp farming; reproduction, broodstock management, larval culture, larval feeds, nursery culture, preparation of on growing ponds, fertilization, grow out systems, feeds and feeding, and harvesting methods will be dealt with in this lecture.
Instructor: Prof.Dr. M. KUMLU
Course Title: SU598 - Environmental impact of aquaculture
Semester: Spring
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: Sitting and designing of farms, water and waste use, waste production of aquaculture, introduction of exotics and escape of farmed fish, pathogens in the aquatic environment and controlling the spread of communicable diseases, socio-cultural and economic impacts, environmental of aquaculture. Instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. M.A. GÖKÇE
Course Title: SU664 -Food Safety Management Systems
Semester: Spring
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: In this course, detailed information about ISO 22000:2005 based on HACCP, IFS and BRC Food Safety Management Standards will be given. Food Safety Management Systems include summary of the standard, general requirement, documentation requirement, responsibility of management, food safety policy, responsibility and authority, urgent requirement arrangement, checking of management, pre-requisite programs (Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Hygiene Practices) hazard analysis, control systems and measurements, providing HACCP plan, corrective plan, monitoring system, validation, correction and development of food safety management system, control of monitoring and measurement, correction of food safety management system.
Instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. F. ÖZOĞUL
Course Title: SU638 - Advanced Processing Technics of seafood
Semester: Spring
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: Radiation, irridation and high pressure application in seafood preservation and the factors effecting the quality of seafood.
Instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Y. ÖZOĞUL
Course Title: SU - Seafood Flavors and Analysis
Semester: Spring
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: Sensory assessment of flavors, methods for flavor analysis with GC-MASS, volatiles in fish and seafood flavors, flavor volatiles from fat and oils, flavor enhancers, taste (sweet, bitter, sour, salty).
Instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Y. ÖZOĞUL
Course Title: SU469 - Fish Feeding Methods
Semester: Spring
ECTS Credits: 6
Course Description: Feed composition and analysis; feed types, production and ingredients; Techniques for measuring feed intake; Feeding behavior; Environmental factors and feed intake; Digestion and feeding methods; Feeding rhythms; Effects of feeding time on feed intake and feeding methods; Development on feeding methods.
Instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr.O.T. EROLDOĞAN
Course Title: SU360 - Fish Parasitology
Semester: Spring
ECTS Credits: 8
Course Description: Terms used in fish parasitology, host – parasite interactions, diagnosis of fish parasites, common parasitic fish diseases and treatment methods, fish zoonoses, recent advances in fish parasitology will told in this lecture.
Instructor: Dr. A. ÖZAK