Taiwan Hostfamily Program
2013 Experience Life in Central Taiwan with a Host Family
In order to give international students studying in both the northern and southern parts of Taiwan an opportunity to experience more of the island, the people and the culture, qualified host families in central Taiwan are invited to open up their homes and their lives to allow an international student currently studying in Taiwan to join their family for a weekend.
2、Sponsor:Ministry of Education, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Taiwan Hostfamily ProgramOffice (Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology)
4、Time: Oct. 26thto Oct.27th
Internationalstudents currently enrolled in a college or university in southern or northern Taiwan are invited to spend the weekend in central Taiwan with a host family. The event will start with a meet and greet at Feng Chia University- Xue Si Building, where the international students will meet for the first time their host family. The host family and their new family member will then have the rest of the weekend to enjoy getting to know each, sharing their lives, their stories, and their cultures. The itinerary is shown in Attachment One.
6、Number of Participants:
50 international students are currently attending a college or university in Southern and Northern Taiwan.
7、Sign-up :
International students:Please fill in the application form in Attachment Two. You may fax it or
1. emailto the Taiwan Hostfamily Program Office. The application will be processed according to the orders received by e-mail or fax.
8、Deadline : Oct. 11th
- International students have to pay for the transportation fee to Taichung Train Station and the return trip.
- This is a two-day activity. Host families and foreign students can negotiate on your own and contact us if you want to extend the activity.
J. Contact Information:
Taiwan Hostfamily Program(Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology)
Contact: Sz-Ting, Wang (Crystal)
Tel: 06-2533131#1603
Fax: 06-3010040
Taiwan Hostfamily Program
2013 Experience Life in Central Taiwan with a Host Family
Attachment One:
I. Pleasant Meeting: Feng Chia University-Xue Si Building
Day 1Oct. 26th(Sat.) / Content of Activity
12:30 / Gathering-Front Exit at Taichung Train Station
(Please gather on time in order to avoid any delay.)
12:50-13:20 / Leave for Feng Chia University
13:30-13:45 / Check-in
13:45-13:55 / Welcome Speech
13:55-14:10 / Senior Official Speech Delivering
14:10-14:40 / Meet and Greet
14:40-14:45 / Group Photo
14:45~ / Host families take international students home to experience Taiwanese home life.
Day 2
Oct. 27th(Sun.)
16:30 /
- Host families and foreign students can negotiate when to return to school and bring students to the location to catch a ride.
- Officially, this is a two-day activity. However, if both the host family and international student would like to extend the activity, please contact us after you have worked things out on your own.
Attachment Two:
Taiwan Hostfamily Program
2013 Experience Life in Central Taiwan with a Host Family
Please complete all information:
Name(same as on passport) / First(given)MiddleLast(family) / Nationality
Chinese Name
Level of Chines
speaking / □ fluent
□ average
□ a little
□ none / Passport or ARC # / Gender / □ Male
Cell Phone#
Birthday(YYYY/MM/DD) / / / / Religion
● If you are under 20 yrs old, please write down your father or mother’s name for the travel accident insurance process:______
Address in Taiwan
Allergies / □No□Yes
Smoker / □No□Yes
DietaryRestrictions / □No□Yes
Special Requests / □No□Yes
MedicalConditions / □No□Yes
Medication / □No□Yes
(Continued on Next Page)
To participant:
- In this activity, you will be partnered with one host family; you will enjoy a two-day activity with them and experience local culture at the same time.
- Participation in this activity needs to be approved of by the representative from your university or college; please ask them to sign and stamp your application form in this page.
- You are in charge of any extra costs, such as transportationcosts from your living place to the
- Smoking is discouraged; if you must smoke, it is only permitted in smoking areas.
- Please respect your host family; wehope you can becomeanintegral part of thefamily.
- The Taiwan Hostfamily Program is not responsible or liable for any actions of the host family.
- Ask for permission to use the phone or computer, keep track of all calls and time on the Internet, and reimburse any costs you may incur.
To the university or college:
We will match one host family with this student during this activity; they will stay together for two whole days and establish a friendship for further interaction and meeting; therefore, the staff at your university or college is hereby notified that your international student may possibly have further contact with this family
in the future, so that you might be able to provide timely assistance while participating in their host family’s future activities. Thanks for your cooperation!
University or college’s name & Dept. :
Office staff: ______(Signature) (Seal of the office)