Jefferson Preschool

Ms. Cassi’s News You Can Use

March 21, 2014

Table Toys

This week the children have been working very hard on number recognition. While at table toys the children have been putting together number puzzles, number matching, free exploration, counting out cotton balls to put into cups. The children have also been putting clothes pins on number cards and as well as playing with magnetic numbers on the magnetic board. This week we added salt boxes for the children to draw numbers/letters. We also included a number line for the children to create using marked clothes pins.

Work Time

This week we continued to explore numbers. The children have listened to 1 2 3 Peas and Ten Black Dots. During work time the children utilized the smartboard in two ways. The first allowed the children to see a number then drag that number of objects into a box. The second was to allow the children to practice writing the numbers.

The children also used the Handwriting Without Tears pieces to create the numbers. Using the long, short and curved pieces the children followed an example to help them complete the assignment. We also continued to use the play dough to show one-to-one correspondence. When given mats, the child had to make a specific number of balls and place one on each dot.

When asked where do you want to play, the children would ask to play in the kitchen area. They have been working hard at setting the table for their friends. Over the weekend it would be great if you asked your little one to help you set your family table.

Using stickers, the children created their own number charts.

Both the AM and PM classes wrote numerals 1 & 2 using dot markers and then practiced writing the numbers. We also used our play dough to show 1-1 correspondence and rolled the play dough to make snakes to make the numerals.

During our speech group Ms. Nicole led a cooking project. Each child created his/her own domino using graham crackers, frosting and chocolate chips. The children enjoyed this yummy treat.

Special Activities

Thursday was the sixth session(of six) with the fantastic workers from WDSRA. This week Danny focused.

This has been such a wonderful experience for the children. I am hopeful that we will be able to participate in this program in the near future.

I want to think our wonderful PTA for sponsering this special event!!

Speaking of PTA,

YOUR help is needed.

Jefferson needs volunteers to join the PTA Board. Without your help we will not be able to have a PTA next year. If you are interested please contact me and I will pass along your information.

Next Week

Dates to Remember:

Last day of school before Spring Break is March 28. We will see everyone on Tuesday April 8.


  • Please send your child to school in gyms shoes- if you send your child in with boots on ---please be sure to send a pair of gym shoes so they can participate during our gym time.

Ms. Cassi

This week in Occupational Therapy (3/21/14)

Fine motor skills:

  • Lines, forms and names were reproduced on paper
  • A Shamrock activity was traced or colored and cut out
  • Tall Stacker Mighty Monkey peg set was built

OT Group: 2

  • The children traced the numbers 1 and 2 in the Handwriting Without Tears Activity Book(which included a grass hopper)
  • The surprise bag was passed around and grass hoppers were pulled out
  • Each child placed 2 grass hoppers in a 3 foot tube and guessed which one would win the race
