1970 - Dr. Fred Andrew - Purdue University
1972 - Dr. George Briggs - University of California, Berkeley
1974 - Dr. Harry P. Broquest - Vanderbilt University
1975 - Dr. Hamish Munro* - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1976 - Dr. W.E. Donaldson - North Carolina State University
1977 - Dr. Hector DeLuca* - University of Wisconsin
1978 - Dr. Mark Hegsted* - Harvard University, Dr. Alfred Harper - University of Wisconsin
1979 - Dr. John Weisburger - American Health Foundation
1981 - Dr. Paul Stumpf* - University of California, Davis
1983 - Dr. Lucille S. Hurley - University of California, Davis
1984 - Dr. David Kritchevisky - Wistar Institute
1985 - Dr. Karl Folkers* - University of Texas
1986 - Dr. Lindsey Allen - University of Connecticut
1987 - Dr. Lee Baldwin* - University of California, Davis
1988 - Dr. R.K. Chandra - Memorial University of Newfoundland
1989 - Dr. Robert J. Cousins* - University of Florida
1990 - Dr. Alfred Sommer* - Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1991 - Dr. J. Wesley Pike - Baylor College of Medicine
1992 - Dr. Kaare R. Norum - University of Oslo
1993 - Dr. Terry D. Etherton - Penn State University
1994 - Dr. Janet C. King - University of California, Davis
1995 - Dr. Steven D. Clarke - Colorado State University
1996 - Dr. Bo Lonnerdal - University of California, Davis
1997 - Dr. M. Daniel Lane* - Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1998 - Dr. Dale Bauman* - Cornell University
1999 - Dr. Judith S. Stern - University of California, Davis
2000 - Dr. Jeffrey M. Friedman - Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Rockefeller University
2001 - Dr. Jeffrey Kudlow - University of Alabama School of Medicine
2002 - Dr. Margo Denke - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
2003 - Dr. Tomas Prolla - University of Wisconsin-Madison
2004 - Dr. Marla Berry - University of Hawaii at Manoa
2005 - Dr. Roy Gravel - University of Calgary, Alberta
2006 - Special Mini-symposium: Dr. Richard G.W. Anderson, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dr. Ruma Banerjee, Dr. Catherine Ross*, Dr. Craig Thompson*
2007 - Dr. Jonathan D. Gitlin, Washington University School of Medicine
2008 - Dr. C. Ronald Kahn* - Harvard University
2009 - Dr. Mitchell Lazar* -University of Pennsylvania
2010 - Dr. Jacob Selhub - Tufts University
2011 - Dr. Hans-Rudolf Berthoud - Pennington Biomedical Research Center

2012 - Dr. Vadim Gladyshev - Harvard Medical School

2013 - Dr. Lawrence Chan - Baylor College of Medicine
2014 - Dr. Hei Sook Sul - University of California, Berkeley

2015 - Dr. Michael Karin* - University of California, San Diego

2017 –Dr. Irwin H. Rosenberg* – Tufts University
*Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine

The Department of Nutrition and Food Science and the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences Present:

The 2017 Mary Shorb Lecture in Nutrition

“Title: How action to prevent Neural Tube Defect births with synthetic Folic Acid has put elders with low B12 status at risk of cognitive decline

Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D.

Jean Mayer University Professor, Tufts University

Professor of Nutrition, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy

October 11th (Wednesday), 2017 at 12:30 P.M.

Juan Ramon Jimenez 2208,

Stamp Student Union, UMD, College Park

Reception: 1:40-2:30 P.M.


12:30 p.m. Mary Shorb Biography

Dr. Chad Stahl, Professor and Chair,

Department of Animal and Avian Sciences

UMD, College Park

12:40 p.m. Introduction

Dr. Robert Jackson, Professor and Chair,

Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences,

UMD, College Park

Shorb Lectureship by Dr. Irwin H. Rosenberg entitled:

“How action to prevent Neural Tube Defect births with synthetic Folic Acid has put elders with low B12 status at risk of cognitive decline”

1:40 p.m. Presentation of Appreciation Plaque and Reception in the Juan Ramon Jimenez room 2208

Dr. Mary Shorb

Mary Shorb grew up in a humble environment in North Dakota. After graduating from the College of Idaho, she obtained a Sc.D. in Immunology from Johns Hopkins University in 1933. Among several positions at a time when women were not recognized in the scientific community, Dr. Shorb worked as an unpaid volunteer scientist at the University of Maryland in 1946. During this time and with an initial grant of just $400 from Merck & Co., she made the singular contribution and developed a novel assay for the quantitative determination of anti-pernicious factor, later characterized by scientists at Merck and named Vitamin B12.

Subsequently, Dr. Shorb was appointed as a Professor in the College of Agriculture. Among the many honors and accolades, Dr. Shorb received the prestigious Mead-Johnson Award in Nutrition. An endowment from Merck was established to honor and perpetuate her legacy through the annual Mary Shorb Lectureship in Nutrition at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Dr. Irwin H. Rosenberg

Dr. Irwin H. Rosenberg is University Professor of Nutrition and Medicine at Tufts University's USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA) and the Friedman School of Nutritional Science and Policy.

He was born and educated through college in Madison, Wisconsin and received his M.D. at Harvard Medical School with sub-specialty training in Internal Medicine Gastroenterology and Nutrition at the Massachusetts General Hospital and the Harvard Thorndike Memorial laboratory and at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

After serving as chair of Gastroenterology and Nutrition at the University of Chicago, Dr. Rosenberg was appointed Director of the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts and then Dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. In the 1970’s he was one of the investigators who described Tropical Enteropathy (now Environmental Enteric Dysfunction, EED) in South Asia.

His other research interests include the impact of diet and nutrition on aging brain functions with special reference to the vitamins Folic acid and B 12, as well as the regulation of homocysteine metabolism and maintenance of cerebrovascular integrity.

Dr. Rosenberg was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and served as chair of its Food and Nutrition Board. He is the current editor of the Food and Nutrition Bulletin and former editor of the Nutrition Reviews.