Period 2: Business Math
Objective / Checking AccountsLesson / Students will finish analyzing the checking account transactions in the simulation project individually.
Class will reconcile the bank statement together.
Homework / None
CTE Standard / 1101Perform calculations using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
1102Convert decimals, percents and fractions to their equivalent parts.
1103Properly maintain business checking and savings accounts.
PA Standards
Period 4: Office Tech
Objective / Time and Workstation ManagementLesson / Students will record the chapter 7 vocabulary terms from pages 276-309 individually.
Homework / None
CTE Standard / 1001Plan and manage office activities (e.g., meetings, workshops, travel arrangements).
1002Describe the roles and responsibilities of an office manager.
1003Demonstrate proper workplace ergonomics.
1004Develop time management skills by setting priorities and performing multiple tasks.
PA Standards
Period 5: Typing
Objective / Word ProcessingLesson / Class will discuss the Word Processing Activities 1 & 5 on pages 80-81 together using the multimedia projector as a visual aid.
Students will complete Word Processing Activities 1 & 5 on pages 80-81 individually for a grade.
Homework / None
CTE Standard / 301Utilize templates to prepare business documents (e.g., invoices, fax cover sheets, time sheets).
302Create, edit, and format business correspondences and technical documents efficiently (e.g. letters, memos, agendas, minutes, press release reports, and itineraries).
901Build keyboarding speed and accuracy.
PA Standards
Period 7: Accounting
Objective / Posting to a General LedgerLesson / Class will check the chapter 4 study guide handout and recycling problem together.
Class will play a chapter 4 Kahoot together as a review.
Homework / Study chapter 4 material for a test Tuesday.
CTE Standard / 1201Understand the accounting equation and classify accounts.
1202Analyze transactions effecting assets, liabilities and owner's equity.
1203Analyze transactions into debit and credit parts.
1204Post to general ledger.
PA Standards
Period 8: Computer Apps
Objective / Microsoft WordLesson / Students will continue their chapter 7 assignments using the individualized learning plan handouts.
Homework / None
CTE Standard / 301Utilize templates to prepare business documents (e.g., invoices, fax cover sheets, time sheets).
302Create, edit, and format business correspondences and technical documents efficiently (e.g. letters, memos, agendas, minutes, press release reports, and itineraries).
303Enhance documents with graphics
304Create and format tables.
305Create and format forms.
306Generate form letters, mailing labels, and envelopes using mail merge.
PA Standards
Period 9: Intro to Business
Objective / Social ResponsibilityLesson / Students will read 4.1 on pages 76-80 individually and take section notes including examples from the internet.
Homework / None
CTE Standard
PA Standards