Category 3—Best Solution to an Identified Workplace Health and Safety Issue

This award recognises excellence in developing and implementing a solution to an identified workplace health and safety issue. Entries for this award may include a product solution, design/engineering innovation, training program, awareness raising activity or other risk control measure that reduces the risk of work-related injury and disease.

Name of entry



This award category has nine assessment criteria.Please ensure that you address each criteria. Please note that there are strict character limits for each response.

Supporting material can be supplied to assist in demonstrating claims to the criteria below. This could include but is not limited to claims and incident/injury data and other OHS reporting information.

Criteria 1

What is the workplace health and safety issue?(maximum 500 words)

Criteria 2

What form of risk management system or process was used to identify the issue?(maximum 500 words)

Criteria 3

How was the hierarchy of control applied to develop the solution?(maximum 500 words)

Criteria 4

How effective was the solution for the control of the identified hazard?(maximum 500 words)

Criteria 5

To what extent was the solution developed in consultation with workplace parties and, if appropriate, outside organisations?(maximum 500 words)

Criteria 6

How original and innovative was the solution?(maximum 500 words)

Criteria 7
How well did the solution impact on the overall operations of the organisation?(maximum 500 words)

Criteria 8

Has there been a demonstrated improvement in health and safety in the workplace as a result of the solution?(maximum 500 words)

Criteria 9

How much potential is there for the solution to have broader application across other workplaces and industry?(maximum 500 words)


Please provide a summary of your submission.

About the organisation and its key activities(maximum 100 words)

The problem and/or challenge (maximum 150 words)

The approach taken to address the problem and/or challenge (maximum 150 words)

The outcome(maximum 150 words)

Key achievements

Please list your key achievements below (5 dot points and maximum 100 words).


  • 4% decrease in the incident of workplace injuries
  • 12% reduction in Loss Time Injury (LTI) rate
  • $250,000 reduction in workers compensation premiums