TO: Email Recipients

FROM: ______

Professional Standards & Loss Prevention Partner

RE: Ethics Wall Relating to ______and ______

The Firm (“Firm”) represents [Client A] in connection with [description of representation for Client A] (the "A Representation") under Client/Matter No. ______. The Firm personnel involved in the A Matter are ______, ______, ______. and ______; if additional Firm personnel become involved in the A Representation, ______will be responsible for providing them with a copy of this Ethics Wall, and they will be bound by it.

The Firm also represents [Client B] in connection with [description of representation for Client B] ( the "B Representation") under Client/Matter No. ______. The Firm personnel involved in B Matter are ______, ______, ______, and ______; if additional Firm personnel become involved in the BRepresentation, ______will be responsible for providing them with a copy of this Ethics Wall, and they will be bound by it.

All parties have agreed to waive this conflict of interest and have requested that ethics wall restrictions be implemented between Firm personnel working on the A Representation and Firm personnel working on the B Representation. Effective immediately, the Firm implements the following restrictions, which will remain in effect for the duration of the A Representation and the B Representation:

1. Each Firm lawyer and staff person (past, present or future) involved in the A Representation will not seek, receive or be privy to any information concerning the B Representation, will not transmit any information concerning the A Representation to any person involved in the B Representation, and will segregate all files, documents and records relating to the A Representation so that they are accessible only to Firm personnel involved in the A Representation.

2. Each Firm lawyer and staff person (past, present or future) involved in the B Representation will not seek, receive or be privy to any information concerning the A Representation, will not transmit any information concerning the BRepresentation to any person involved in the A Representation, and will segregate all files, documents and records relating to the B Representation so that they are accessible only to Firm personnel involved in the B Representation.

If you have any questions concerning the Ethics Wall or if you learn of any violation of it, please communicate immediately with ______at Ext. _____.

PRMS #25 - ethics wall - Law Firm 1