First group: dad had iphone kids had some experience with the phone, used it freq as toy, when left asked for dads iphone to play with
didn't really understand tracing concept needed dad to show him how, after dad showed him he really wanted to do it, went to next letter and was able to trace it
error: thought u could press check mark to go to next letter
when asked to go to picture, was able to recognize picking picture
when went to home screen on accident when tried to save
didn't know how to save, but after dad showed he knew how to do
really liked the tracing aspect
knew how to save on another picture, knew to press check mark
knew to pick different colors knew to go to home screen go to different task
other sibling really wanted to try the app
just went and tried all the options went into matching game and understood the matching game right away matching all the correct letters and pics
pressing apple to go to trace not obvious
went to album
parent: dad took some time to find settings, couldn't find settings, thought info was setting, button was hard to press even after we pointed it out had a hard time pressing, thought u could swipe the switches, but needed to press it
time: 7 mins
2nd group
3.5YO: didn't have any experience using iphone os
pressed 123 to go to letter tracing when prompted
didn't understand task, even when audibly given :30
didn't know how to go to another number, but when told to press arrow understood that :44
held phone in wrong orientation to trace in landscape mode :50
had a hard time pressing the color, because it was too small 1:15
after 2nd time trying tracing knew to follow strokes
tried to trace over entire screen even over the line widths 1:35
didn't understand the purpose of that, too complicated?
when go to matching game, didn't understand what to do on that page, just started scribbling around 2:10
when tried to look at pic just started dragging it around 2:45
tried to draw on the pic in the album view 3:20
tried to press on IBC's logo
thought album button was how to get to low case letter
was good for mom, occupied the kid while the mom tended to her other kids, making lunch for them
time: 7.30
mom: knew how to get to album knew to press on picture
thought u had to go to picture view to delete, didn't know you could drag,
knew how to get to settings
thought u swipe to change settings
not really used to using iphone
3rd group: has used ipod touch before
pressed red but didn't reuses it accurately and color was still black :14
went to another number on accident :35
pressed wrong color, :50
pressed check mark on accident instead of arrow :57
knew how to get home
went to abc correctly
kept going to different letter on accident 1:20
knew how to get to coloring screen
didn't try to connect the dots just tried to color 1:29
knew to disk
tried pressing line widths to clear screen 1:46
had hard time pressing the undo button, too small? shake not obvious 1:55
accidentally save and and was prompted to save 2:01
understood matching game
matched all the letters correctly
pressed picture to go to picture but it didn't work first time 2:41
knew how to get back to album
wanted more functions in the game
looked very engaged by the app
hard time choosing the color he wanted 3:11
mom: knew how to get to album ok
pressed pic to go to it
was looking for prompt on deletion on pic view,
didn't know what picture was deleted, wanted to have visual cue
didn't know which one was settings
didn't know what any of the settings did, wasn't that obvious
didn't really care about password protection for the settings, wanted prompt first
random cards not really a good name
undo thought was back button, undo might be bad icon
11:38 total