2014ISACA Academic Scholarship Competition


ISACAisapace-settingglobalorganizationforITprofessionalsfocusingoninformation governance, security and audit. IT has become essentialinmanagingthetransactions, information and knowledge necessary to initiate and sustain business. Today’s organizationsrelyuponindividualswhoknow howtosecuresystemsandevaluateand reportontheadequacyofsystemcontrols, securitypractices,efficiencyand effectiveness to assure that data integrity isprotectedandthatsystemscomplywith applicablepolicies,standards,lawsand regulations.ISACA’s50,000+members addresstheseneedsasISauditors,consultants, educators, IS securityprofessionals, regulators, and chief information officers.

Through the generous support of our members, the Philadelphia Chapter of ISACA is making $5,000 available for scholarships in 2014. The purpose of this program is to introduce college students to ISACA and careers in the IT governance, security, and audit fields. To learn more about our organization and activities, please visit our web site at


Participantsaretowriteanessayononeofthefollowing topic areas:

1.Electronic Medical Records - Describe privacy and security risks and controls associated with electronic medical records.

2.Biometric Authentication - Describe privacy and security risks and controls associated with biometric authentication.

3.Portable Computing Devices - Describe privacy and security risks and controls associated with portable computing devices (phone, laptop, tablet, etc.) and electronic transmission of personal (credit card) and corporate data.

4.Social Media - Describe what corporations should be doing to protect against social media risks.

5.Intrusion Detection - Describe best practices for corporate intrusion detection, prevention, and mitigation.

Essay submissionswillbereviewedby members of the Philadelphia ISACA Chapter Grants & Scholarships Committee, and evaluated based on innovation and originality,ideas,relevance,clarityof thought,demonstratedunderstandingofthesubjectmatter,organization,spelling, punctuation,andgrammar.

2014 ISACA Academic Scholarship Competition


Scholarshipswillbeawardedtothetopthreesubmissionsasdecidedbythe Philadelphia ISACA Chapter Grants & Scholarships Committee. Alldecisionsarefinal. This scholarshipisaone-timeaward.

Allscholarshipawardwinnerswillhavetheir essay published in the Philadelphia ISACA ChapterNewsletter. All qualifying students who submit essays for considerations will receive a one-year membership to the ISACA organization.


Essays will only be accepted from graduate or undergraduate students who are enrolled and in good standing in a full-time program at a higher education institution in Pennsylvania, Delaware, or New Jersey.

Essay submissions must include a signed statement authorizing the Philadelphia ISACA Chapter to verify your academic standing with your college or university.

Only one essay per student will be considered.

The student asserts that the essay has not been published elsewhere and is not being considered for publication elsewhere and is the original work of the student. The student assigns the copyright to the essay to the Philadelphia ISACA Chapter. Reproduction and publication of the essay without the written consent of the Philadelphia ISACA chapter is prohibited.

Essays will be double-spaced and must include between 950 and 1000 words,
excluding names, headers, and endnotes.

Essays should be submitted in a standard word processing format such as MS Word or WordPerfect. When citing sources, essays must follow either the MLA or APA format and the essay must contain a reference page.

The essay will be submitted in English and be grammatically correct.

Essays must be submitted and received no later than MAY 1, 2014. Any entries received after this date will not be considered.

Students will be notified no later than June 1, 2014 of decisions on publication and
award status.

All competition submissions must include a cover sheet (form1), student certification (form 2), and academic verification (form 3).

Fall 2014ISACA Academic Scholarship Competition

Submissionsnotmeetingtherequirementsdefined above will be disqualified from the competition.

Allessay competition entries alongwiththecoversheet,studentcertificationandacademic verification forms must be submittedforconsiderationto:

1.Emailed to:


2.Hardcopiesmailedto: Philadelphia ISACAChapter,ScholarshipCommittee,


Fall 2014ISACA Academic Scholarship Competition



Student’s Name:

Student’s Mailing Address:

Student’s Phone Number:

Student’s Email Address:

Student’s Area of study:

School Name:

School Address:

School Phone Number:

DepartmentHeadorCounselor’s Name & Phone Number:

Year in School:

Fall 2014ISACA Academic Scholarship Competition




Ihereby certify that the information provided inthisapplicationandduringthe applicationprocessistheoriginalworkofthe applicant and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have not knowinglywithheldormisstatedanyfactsor circumstancesthatwouldberelevantto the consideration of this application.

Duringthe period that my essay submission isunderconsiderationbythePhiladelphia ISACA Chapter, I am also certifying thatithasnotbeenpublishedelsewhereandisnot being considered for publication elsewhere.



Fall 2014ISACA Academic Scholarship Competition



Igivemywrittenpermissionandauthorizethe PhiladelphiaISACAChaptertocontactmycollegeoruniversity and verify my current enrollment and academic qualificationsasoutlinedbelow.



Student’sName: Student’sSchoolID#: Student’s Date of Birth: Student’s Major: Student’sDatesofAttendance: Student’sExpectedDate of Graduation: Student’s Mailing Address:

Student’s Phone Number:

Nameof University / College: University/CollegeOfficeof Registrar Contact Name: University/CollegeOffice of Registrar Address:

University/CollegeOfficeof Registrar Phone Number: University/CollegeOfficeof Registrar Fax Number: