Multifamily Finance Production Division




II. Pre-application submission timeline 3

iIi. bond review board priority of reservations 4

IV. format for submitting the multifamily bond pre-application 4

v. pre-application process 12




The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs’ (the Department) Multifamily Bond Pre-Application Submission Procedures Manual sets forth the basic information needed for filing a Private Activity Bond Pre-Application and briefly outlines the full application process. All portions of the manual must be followed when filing a Pre-Application. This document is meant to serve only as a complementary guide on how to put the Pre-Application together. Applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with all of the applicable state and federal rules that govern the programs they are applying for.

Tax Credits for Tax-Exempt Bond Developments: For Applications involving Tax-Exempt Bonds with the Department serving as the issuer – a Bond Pre-Application will coincide with the 4% Tax Credits. There is not a cumulative ceiling to these types of Applications, however to the extent that there is a bond ceiling governed by the Texas Bond Review Board, the quantity of corresponding 4% Tax Credit Applications is limited. Pre-Application submission deadlines relating to this program are outlined in this Manual.


The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (the ‘TDHCA”) is accepting additional applications for the 2009 Private Activity Bond Program to be placed on the “waiting list”. The applications will be accepted on a monthly basis with deadlines for submission outlined below. All applications must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. CST on the submission date. Applications received each month will be scored and ranked for that month and will be presented to the TDHCA board for inducement the following month. The applications will then be submitted to the Texas Bond Review Board (the “TBRB”) to await a reservation in order of descending score. Multiple site applications will be scored on their own merits and the final score will be determined based on an average of all the individual scores. The TBRB will issue reservations on a first come first serve basis (to issuers) after all applications participating in the lottery have been reserved or withdrawn. The reservations will be issued in the order that TDHCA submits.

2009 Waiting List Submission Timeline for the Multifamily Bond Program
Public Comment Deadline
Request for Neighborhood Organizations / Submission Dates / Inducement Board Meeting*
N/A / N/A / N/A / No meeting in January
December 19 / January 2 / January 27 / February 5, 2009
January 22 / February 5 / March 3 / March 12, 2009
March 5 / March 19 / April 14 / April 23, 2009
April 2 / April 16 / May 12 / May 21, 2009
May 7 / May 21 / June 16 / June 25, 2009
May 28 / June 11 / July 7 / July 16, 2009
June 11 / June 25 / July 21 / July 30, 2009
N/A / N/A / N/A / No meeting in August
July 16 / July 30 / August 25 / September 3, 2009
August 27 / September 10 / October 6 / October 15, 2009
October 1 / October 15 / November 10 / November 19, 2009
October 29 / November 12 / December 8 / December 17, 2009

*Board Meeting Dates are subject to change.


Priority 1

(a)  Set aside 50% of units rent capped at 30% of 50% AMFI and the remaining 50% of units rents capped at 30% of 60% AMFI; or

(b)  Set aside 15% of units rent capped at 30% of 30% AMFI and the remaining 85% of units rent capped at 30% of 60% AMFI; or

(c)  Set aside 100% of units rent capped at 30% of 60% AMFI for developments located in a census tract with median income that is higher than the median income of the county, MSA or PMSA in which the census tract is located. (http://www.ffiec.gov/geocode/default.htm)

Priority 2

(a)  Set aside 80% of units rent capped at 30% of 60% AMFI.

(b)  Up to 20% of the units can be market rate.

Priority 3

(a)  Includes any qualified residential rental development. Market rate units can be included under this priority.


The Pre-Application for the Private Activity Bond and Housing Tax Credit program consists of one bookmarked electronic copy of the complete Pre-Application and must be submitted in one PDF file on a recordable compact disk (CD-R). The disk should NOT be rewritable to protect the integrity of the data stored on the disk. This electronic copy must be submitted in the following required format:

§  The tabs must be correctly bookmarked.

§  Files should average less than 100 Kilobytes per page.

§  Files must be readable with free PDF file viewers including Adobe Reader and be compatible with Adobe Reader 5.0 and above.

§  Files should be saved so that "Fast Web View" (or page-at-a-time downloading) is enabled. Text within the PDF file should be searchable using the "Find" command inthe PDF viewer.

§  The PDF file should be named in the following format -- <file_name>.pdf (e.g., Greens_Crossing.pdf).

§  Please note that the PDF format is an open technology and not proprietary to Adobe, therefore other PDF format applications are available to the public. Questions about the electronic submission should be directed to Jason Burr at .

Submit two CD-Rs containing the PDF file along with all the Pre-Application fees to the Department no later than 5:00 p.m. on the submission date as outlined above. Multiple site applications will be required to submit a separate application/CD-R for each site.

Exhibits shown in italics are forms, templates or reference material included on the Department’s website and in the Pre-Application. The forms, templates and reference materials required to complete the Pre-Application are listed below and can be found at the following link http://www.tdhca.state.tx.us/multifamily/bond/applications.htm.

1. “2009 Multifamily Bond Pre-Application (DOC)”

2. “2009 Templates (DOC)” – Will be referred to as “Templates” in the manual.

3. “2009 Multifamily Bond Pre-Application Inserts (XLS)” – Will be referred to as “Excel Inserts” in this manual. [Note: this workbook includes multiple sheets; ALL sheets must be completed]

4. “2009 Multifamily Housing Revenue Bond Rules (PDF)”

All required forms may be found on the Department’s website at the links provided above; the names of these forms are presented in italics. Each form must be completed; all questions must be answered and spaces completed. If a question does not pertain to the Development, mark “N/A.”

If you have difficulty downloading the files from the website, contact Jason Burr at (512) 475-3986, or .

Include all of the following documents:

Tab 1: All forms included in the Multifamily Bond Pre-Application

1.  Activity Overview

·  This form must have an original signature.

2.  Applicant Information

·  All items must be completed.

·  A second contact must be provided.

3. Funding Request

·  Correctly select the appropriate items.

·  If applying for TDHCA HOME funds, indicate if there is a “Special Needs” set-aside.

·  If applying for TDHCA HOME CHDO funds, check the HOME CHDO box.

4. Populations Served

·  Note that the “Type of Unit” categories are not mutually exclusive. For instance: for a 200 unit Qualified Elderly Development with 10% of the Units set aside for Persons with Disabilities, the table would read 200 Elderly Units and 20 Units for Persons with Disabilities with corresponding percentages of total Units.

The forms identified in items 5 through 14 below can be found in the Excel Inserts, also called “2009 Multifamily Bond Pre-Application Inserts (XLS)” on the website.

5. Rent Schedule

·  Note that this is a two-page form.

·  If the Development includes efficiency Units, label these Units as zero (0) bedrooms.

·  If any non-rental income is included, describe the source(s) of the income.

6. Utility Allowances

·  Form must be completed; if the form is not applicable, indicate such and submit the form. If the Development is all bills paid, indicate such and indicate the utilities and energy source.

·  Support documentation must be included (i.e. Current PHA utility allowances sheet or local utility provider estimate specific to development) that clearly identifies the utility costs included in the estimate.

7. Annual Operating Expenses

·  You must describe any “Other” cost included in any of the expense categories.

8. 30 Year Rental Housing Operating Pro Forma

§  Note: The Applicant must complete this form for all 30 years; however, no Applicant will be determined by the Real Estate Analysis Division as “infeasible” based on any information relating to years 16-30 contained within this document at the time of full application.

9. Development Cost Schedule

·  Must be signed by Development Owner and Contractor.

·  Owner’s Requested Credits must match Funding Request on Page 2.

10. Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds

·  Financing participants must be listed in the right-hand column.

·  Total sources of funds must equal total uses of funds.

·  Total sources must match Development Cost Schedule Total Development Cost.

·  Amounts listed must match amounts listed in Financing Participants, and the Financing Narrative.

11. Financing Participants

·  The sources and amounts of funds indicated on this form must match those indicated on Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds.

12. Financing Narrative -- §49.9(h)(6)(A).

·  Sources and amounts of funds must match Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds.

13.  Current Market Information

·  Evidence must be submitted behind this tab which indicates the rents in the market support the proposed affordable rents.

Tab 2: Organizational Structure

1.  Applicant Ownership Chart (use form as template) -- §49.9(h)(9)(A).

·  If a Guarantor that is not an owner exists, a separate chart must be provided.

·  Chart must show the following:

a. Name and ownership percentage of each entity and Person with an ownership interest in the Development Owner, General Partner, Special Limited Partner, Guarantor and Developer.

b. State the percentage of ownership of each entity and Person in the chart in terms of the entity’s or Person’s direct ownership of the organization that the entity or Person owns, not in terms of the Development Owner as a whole (See examples of ownership percentages in the example chart).

c. Trusts must show trustee and each beneficiary.

d. Nonprofit entities, public housing authorities and publicly traded corporations must show name of organization, president, vice president and secretary (executive officers).

e. Any person receiving 10% of the Developer Fee must also be included in the chart.

2. Organization Documents -- Each entity shown on the organizational chart must provide the following documentation as applicable (§49.9(h)(9)(B)):

·  For entities that are not yet formed but are to be formed either inside or outside the state of Texas, a certificate of reservation of the entity name from the Texas Secretary of State must be submitted.

·  For existing entities whether formed inside or outside of the State of Texas, evidence that the entity has the authority to do business in Texas or has applied for such authority must be submitted.

·  Evidence of good standing from the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas for the Applicant and its principals.

3. Nonprofit Documentation: This section must only be completed for Applications involving a Nonprofit.

·  Documents required for all Applications involving a nonprofit General Partner -- §49.9(h)(11)(A).

a.  Evidence of Nonprofit Organization and CHDO Participation and List of the Nonprofit Organization’s Board Members, Directors and Officers.

b.  IRS determination letter which states that the nonprofit organization is a 501(c)(3) or (4) entity. If the organization is a Qualified Nonprofit Organization as defined in the tax code, notwithstanding any apparent limitations in the 2009 QAP about the particular parts of the code under which a nonprofit may qualify, submit an IRS determination letter.

Tab 3: Site Control

1. Evidence of Site Control -- §49.9(h)(7)(A)

·  Site control must be valid for the entire period the Development is under consideration, which is:

a.  At pre-application site control must be properly executed and receipted through the inducement Board meeting date; and,

b.  At full application, site control must be valid 90 days from the date of the bond reservation with the option to extend through the scheduled TDHCA Board meeting. It should be noted that the potential expiration of site control does not warrant the full Application being presented to the TDHCA Board prior to the scheduled meeting.

·  Evidence must be in one of the following forms:

a. A recorded warranty deed (with a corresponding executed settlement statement-unless identity of interest transaction)

b. A contract for lease (45-year minimum term)

c. A contract for sale or purchase option

·  Evidence must be in the name of the Development Owner. If not in the name of the Development Owner, then the documentation must reflect an expressed ability to transfer the rights to the Development Owner.

·  If a contract is provided as evidence of site control, the closing date must be highlighted or flagged. If the date is not explicitly stated, but rather is triggered by other dates or periods, submit an outline of the dates that must be used to derive the closing date.

·  If the contract expires prior to the date the Board will consider for final award, there must be an exclusive option to extend in the contract.

·  Copy of the full legal description

2. Boundary Survey -- §49.9(h)(5)(B)

·  If the tract of land being purchased is larger than the portion being used for the Development; the survey must depict both the larger tract as well as the site to be developed.

·  The survey must clearly identify the location and boundaries of the subject property.

3. Site Information Form

·  Sections 1, 2 and 3 must be filled out in its entirety.