School of Education & Psychology

COUN 516 Career Counseling

Winter 2017 / 3 Credit Hours

Thursday, 5:30 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. LWH 3012B

Instructor:Jim Wampler, Psy.D., Ed.S.,



Office:Counseling & Testing Services Office/Student Success Center, Lynn Wood Hall

Office Hours:By appointment—Mon -Thurs, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. / Friday, 8:00 a.m. – Noon

Phone:Office- 423.236.2783

Course Description:

This course provides understanding of career development theories and decision-making models; career counseling processes; career, vocational, educational, occupational, and labor market information resources; career development; program management at PreK-12 grade levels; and assessments and techniques relevant to career planning and decision making in a global economy.

Required Texts:

Zunker, Vernon G. (2016). Career counseling: A holistic approach (9th edition). Pacific

Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole

Curry, J. & Milson, A. (2014). Career counseling in P-12 Schools. New York: Springer

Publishing Co.

Recommended Text:

Whitfield, E.A., Feller, R.W. & Wood, C. (Eds.). (2009) A counselor’s guide to career

assessment instruments. Broken Arrow, OK: National Career Development Association

NCDA Code of Ethics:

Course Website:

Supplemental Reading:

  • Blustein, David L. (2006). The psychology of working. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum


  • Brown, Dale. (2002). Career choice and development, (4th Edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass


  • Brown, Steven D. & Lent, Robert W. (2005). Career development and counseling: Putting

theory and research to work. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  • Hansen, Sunny L. (2001). Integrative life planning: Critical tasks for career development and

changing life patterns. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

  • Krumboltz, John D. & Levin, Al S. (2010). Luck is no accident: Make the most of happenstance

in your life and career (2nd Edition). Atascadero, CA: Impact Publishers.

  • Lowman, Rodney L. (1991). The clinical practice of career assessment: Interests, ability, and

personality. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

  • Lowman, Rodney L. (1996). Counseling and psychotherapy of work dysfunctions.

Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

  • Niles, Spencer & Harris-Bowlsbey. (2013). Career development interventions in the 21st Century

(4th Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

  • Power, Sally J. (2006). The mid-career success guide: Planning for the second half of your

working life. Westport, CT: Prager Publishers.

  • Savickas, Mark L. (2011). Career counseling. Washington DC: American Psychological



American School Counselor Association (ASCA)

1101 King St. Suite 310, Alexandria, VA 22314

  • ASCA supports school counselors' efforts to help students focus on academic, career and social/emotional development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society.

National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP)

810 First Street, NE, Suite 525, Washington, DC 20002-4227

  • NAWDP advocates for the workforce industry and develops the professional capacity of workforce professionals seeking the highest standards of excellence in credentialing, applied learning opportunities, and cutting edge tools to excel in serving job seekers and business.

National Association of College and Employers (NACE)

62 Highland Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18017

  • NACE is the leading source of information on the employment of the college educated, and forecasts hiring and trends in the job market; tracks starting salaries; recruiting and hiring practices, and student attitudes and outcomes; and identifies best practices and benchmarks.

National Career Development Association (NCDA)

305 North Beech Circle, Broken Arrow, OK 74012

  • The NCDA provides professional development, publications, standards, and advocacy to practioners and educators who inspire and empower individuals to achieve career and life goals.

National Employment Counseling Association (NECA)

5999 Stevenson Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304

  • NECA aims to provide the best possible resources for people seeking employment and the counselors who work with them.

Vocational Evaluation and Career Assessment Professionals Association (VECAP)

PO Box 2958, Salina, KS 67402

  • VECAP promotes best practices for vocational evaluation and career assessment professionals.

Additional Resources:

  • Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development:
  • Southeast Career Center, 1105 E 10th Street, Chattanooga, TN.
  • Student Success Center: Career Services, Southern Adventist University, Lynn Wood Hall

Perspective and Focus:

Work is a common denominator for most adults. In fact, most Americans spend nearly half of their waking hours at work. A person’s work and occupation play a critical role in an individual’s sense of identity, self-esteem, and psychological well-being.

Work is the central and defining characteristic of life for most individuals. And, being satisfied with one’s career is one of the most important aspects of an individual’s personal happiness.

The world of work is a complex interaction of characteristics of a person and a situation. This nexus of individual and work is often fraught with friction giving the counselor a unique opportunity to assist individuals in a vitally critical aspect of their lives. Career counseling is personal counseling focused on specialized content that generally includes initial career choice, the connection between career and personal problems, adaptations to changes in the workplace, multiple career dilemmas, and maintenance of a balanced lifestyle. “The career counseling process does not separate career and personal concerns but integrates them to better evaluate how all life roles are interrelated” (Zunker, 2012, p. 2).

Course Purpose:

This course blends the study of vocational behavior with the study of career assistance. After completing this course, the student should know how to better integrate career issues into the counseling process and know how to perform basic career counseling functions.

This course is congruent with the School of Education and Psychology Conceptual Framework delineated below. This Conceptual Framework is aligned, in turn, with the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), and the Tennessee Licensure Standards for School Counselors as found in the SEP Student Handbook.


This course is congruent with the Conceptual Framework of the School of Education and Psychology. This Conceptual Framework is aligned, in turn, with the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) common core curricular experiences and student learning outcomes established for Clinical Mental Health and School Counseling programs.

To Serve, To Lead, To Transform

A.Mission of the School of Education and Psychology: Our mission is to prepare all students

to be effective professionals who demonstrate a commitment to the pursuit of truth, wholeness, and a life of service in a pluralistic society.

B.Goal of the School of Education and Psychology: The goal of the School of Education and Psychology is to facilitate the comprehensive development of professionals as servant leaders in their communities. This goal is realized by providing opportunities for the counselor candidate to become effective in the following roles: (1) a caring person, (2) an informed facilitator, (3) a reflective decision maker, and (4) a committed professional.

Together these roles lay the foundation for the professional excellence on which the counselor education unit bases the CACREP core curricular experiences and expected learning outcomes.

C.Core Curricular Experiences and Learning Outcomes:

1. As a Caring Person, the counselor candidate is provided with curricular experiences in the areas of social and cultural diversity, helping relationships, and group work. The counselor candidate is then expected to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and practices requisite to:

(a) effective counseling, prevention, and intervention;

(b) service to clients who represent diverse populations; and

(c) advocacy to better the lives of individuals and communities

2.As an Informed Facilitator, the counselor candidate is provided with curricular experiences in

the areas of assessment, human growth and development, and career development. The counselor candidate is then expected to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and practices requisite for:

(a) meaningful assessment that facilitates a plan of action,

(b) diagnosis leading to appropriate treatment, and

(c) promoting optimal academic development in the school setting

3. As a Reflective Decision Maker, the counselor candidate is provided with curricular experiences

in the area of research and program evaluation. The counselor candidate is then expected to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and practices requisite to:

(a) conduct research that contributes to the knowledge base of the profession;

(b) critically evaluate research and apply current information to decision making; and

(c) conduct meaningful program evaluations that inform development and enhance services.

4. As a Committed Professional, the counselor candidate is provided with curricular experiences in the area of professional orientation and ethical practice. The counselor candidate is then expected to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and practices requisite to:

(a) applying and adhering to ethical and legal standards specific to the counseling practice;

(b) adhering to the professional orientation and roles that are relevant to the counseling practice;

(c) collaborating and consulting with other professionals, both within the clinical or school setting and with other community professionals;

(d) utilizing the foundation knowledge specific to the area of counseling practice, and

(e)leading in the development and management of counseling practice in a clinical or school setting.


Upon successful completion of this course, students should:

1. Understand a variety of models and theories of career counseling and career development. [CACREP II.G.4a]

2. Understand education, training, and employment trends, as well as labor market information and resources that provide information about job tasks, functions, salaries, requirements, and future outlooks related to broad occupational fields and individual occupations. [CACREP II.G.4b, TNSC 5]

3. Know how to design, implement, manage, and evaluate comprehensive career development programs for individuals in community and educational settings throughout the lifespan. [CACREP II.G.c, SC.C2, SC.C4, TNSC 5]

4. Be able to identify community, environmental, and institutional opportunities that enhance—as well as barriers that impede—the career development of students. [CACREP SC.E2]

5. Understand the interrelationships among and between work, family, and other life roles and factors, including the role of multicultural issues in career development. [CACREP II.G.4d]

6. Understand how to assist individuals in career and educational planning, placement, follow-up and evaluation. [CACREP II.G.4e]

7. Demonstrate an ability to identify, select, and provide appropriate career assessment tools for clients in community and educational settings. [CACREP II.G.4f]

8. Be familiar with career counseling processes, techniques, and resources, including those applicable to specific populations in a global economy. [CACREP II.G.4g]

* Identifiers between brackets refer to the Clinical Mental Health (MH) and School Counseling (SC) domains required by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), and the Tennessee licensure standards for school counselors (TNSC) to which the given course expected outcome contributes.

Course Procedures:

Class Procedures: Attendance at each class is required. Plan to be on time, so that class may begin on time. Absence from class will adversely affect your final grade. Laptop computers may only be used for the purpose of class presentations and/or note-taking. No food is allowed in the classroom. There will be a 15 minute break at the halfway point of the class.

Special Needs Accommodation: In keeping with university policy, any student with a disability who needs academic accommodations should call Disability Support Services at 423-236-2574 or Lynn Wood Hall, room 137, to arrange a confidential appointment with the Disability Services Coordinator (DSC) before or during the first week of classes. (Students who request accommodations after the third week of the semester might not complete the process in time to receive accommodations for that semester.) Legally, no retroactive accommodations can be provided. For more details, visit the Disability Support Services website at support.

Accommodations for disabilities are available only as recommended by Disability Support Services. Students whose accommodations are approved will be provided confidential letters which students should review and discuss with their professors in relation to particular course requirements.

Class Participation: Your participation will be reflected in reading the text material allocated to each class session, oral presentations, and contributing meaningfully to class discussion.

Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is an essential part of the education process. In the university setting, we seek to nurture independent thought and to maintain a professional and Christian code of ethics that upholds our own personal integrity and that of the academic community. Consequently, dishonesty of any kind is unacceptable and will result in a failing grade for the course. If you are uncertain if a certain course of action is ethical, please refer to the Academic Honesty Policy listed in the current academic Catalog or consult the instructor for specific guidelines.

Feedback: Feedback on work you have submitted is provided in a timely manner, usually by the following class period. Although care is exercised when scoring and recording grades, please keep all grade communications after they are returned to you. If there is a discrepancy, having these materials will be useful for clearing it up. Also carefully review graded examinations. If you should have a question regarding any item, please feel free to make an appointment to speak to the instructor regarding the matter.

Evaluation: Each student will be graded upon an individual level of mastery, not as a statement of relative position within the group. The following distribution of scores will serve as a guide in determining the final letter grades for this course:

A94 – 100%C73 – 76%

A-90 – 93%C-70 – 72%

B+87 – 89%D+67 – 69%

B83 – 86%D63 – 66%

B-80 – 82%D-60 – 62%

C+77 – 79%F 0 – 59%

(The instructor reserves the right to modify the above requirements as deemed appropriate.)

Extra Credit: Extra credit is generally not offered. Students should focus on completing given assignments with care and quality.

Course Methodologies:This course will utilize the following instructional methodologies, among others: lecture, audiovisual media, class discussion, textbook supplemental learning exercises, in-class and field activities, and participant presentations.

Technology—A Lifelong Learning Tool:

Emerging learning technologies are an important key to assisting clients develop life-long, self-directed skill acquisition. This course will introduce the student to computer-assisted career guidance systems (CACGs), career information delivery systems (CIDS) and the Internet as significant sources for career information. Assignments will be given to facilitate familiarization with Career Cruising, the Association of Computer-Based Systems for Career Information ( the Strategic Career Services website ( and on-line assessment sites.

Diversity Considerations:

When practicing career counseling, the culture of the client and other diversity considerations must be considered. As such, counseling students must acquire awareness of and sensitivity to issues of diversity. Counseling students must also learn to communicate with those of different cultural backgrounds from themselves in a clear and accepting way. The aforementioned is particularly salient when the student is of a dominant group and will be working with clients of minority backgrounds. In such situations it is especially important for students/future counselors to be able to work knowledgeably and sensitively with clientele from varying diverse backgrounds. Because this is of utmost importance, this course will challenge students to develop self- awareness about their own biases/perspectives, as well as other factors that may impact their delivery of career counseling services.

Incorporation of Research:

  1. Students:

Students will engage in research related to career inventories in order to complete a personal

career paper.

  1. Instructor:

The instructor will incorporate counseling-related research to this course by using and infusing into class discussions and activities the professional literature resources listed in the Required and Supplemental Reading sections of this course outline. Other research resources will be included as appropriate.

Course Contribution to the SEP goal of Servant Leadership and Integration of Faith and Learning:

A Christian worldview supposes an intrinsic value in the God-given talents and interests of each individual. In keeping with this view, and in order to be servant leaders as future counselors, students must learn to listen sensitively to others with as much empathy as possible. To facilitate that goal, students will become familiar with assessments and other tools which may be used to assist those served (either in clinical mental health or school settings) in accurately distinguishing their own aptitudes and interests. This, in turn, will enable students to assist with the development of vocational goals. Finally, these activities will allow students to act in the best interest of those served by providing sensitive and appropriate guidance as it relates to career planning.

Evaluation of Student Personal and Professional Dispositions: Near the end of this semester, the instructor will assess your development toward the personal and professional goals you are expected to achieve as you progress through the Counseling program. This assessment is separate from the course requirements listed above, and in order to complete it, the instructor will fill out for you the Evaluation of Personal and Professional Dispositions form included in the Graduate Student Handbook. If your instructor has any concerns about your development in this area, he will discuss them with you individually during this semester. If, on the other hand, there are not any concerns, there will be no need to talk about your results at this time. They will only be reviewed by the Psychology Faculty Committee at the end of your first year in the program, and during the last semester prior to graduation. Results from these two reviews will be individually discussed by your faculty advisor with you.

Course Evaluation:

Near the end of the semester you will need to evaluate this course. Southern Adventist University strongly encourages all students in courses, on campus or online, which enroll more than five students, to complete course evaluations as part of the ongoing process of improving course delivery and academic standards. You may access the on-line evaluation at Log in using your SAU e-mail and password, and then select course evaluation. All comments are completely anonymous.

"Cheshire-Puss,"... said Alice, "would you tell me, please which way I ought to go from here?"