2015 Little Miss Merry Christmas
(Kindergarten - Second Grade)
*Contestants must be residents of Barton County.*
Type or Print, Legibly in Black Ink in Space Provided Only (NO attachments)
Name (First only, no last name) ______
Pronunciation of Name______
Age______Grade______School______Home Room Teacher______
Activities, Hobbies, Interests, and/or Awards:
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Return completed forms to Lamar United Methodist Church on Monday, November 2nd between 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Entry fee ($30.00, paid by sponsor) and a photograph must be included with this form. The photo should be wallet or school trading size only and should not be attached. Please print your name on the back of your photo. Please have sponsors make checks payable to Beta Gamma. Late entries will be accepted for an additional $10 (paid by contestant), up to one week past sign up (11-9-15) at the Barton County Chamber of Commerce office, 102 W. 10th St., Lamar, MO.
· No full length gowns or pageant dresses will be allowed. Please have the contestants wear nice church dresses appropriate for their age. Contestant’s score will be deducted if rules are not followed.
______(Initials) I understand the above rule change concerning attire.
*The pageant will be held on Saturday, December 5th.*
Questions? Contact the Barton County Chamber of Commerce office.
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Please print and complete entire page. The Master of Ceremonies will read from the boxed area during the pageant. The bottom information is necessary in the event that we have a change in scheduling and need to contact you.
Name ______Age ______Grade ______
(first and last name)
Pronunciation of Name______
Parent(s) name (as it is to be printed & read aloud) ______
Sponsor ______
Activities and Interests (same as judge sheet, limit 4)
What would you like to be when you grow up? ______
Address ______City ______
Home Phone______Parent Cell Phone______
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