This Entry Form must be completed and sent to address listed below by 25 April 2014. Please ensure all questions are answered in their entirety. IF ALL QUESTIONS AND SIGNATURES ARE NOT COMPLETED, THIS FORM IS INVALID - NO EXCEPTIONS.
Name: Student ______Parent(s) ______
Home Address______
Home Phone: ______Parent's Work Phone ______
Student Grade Level (4th thru 12th ): ______School Name:______
Saturday, May 31, 2014. Setup (7:30 – 8:00 AM) and judging is Saturday morning (0800 – 1200) unless student/parent has a major schedule conflict, then they can come Friday evening.
Parent/student judging time preference: 8-9:00 am ______9-10:00 am ______10-11:00 am ______
11-12:00 noon ______
Do you require Friday, May 30, 2014, (5 p.m. – 8 p.m.) set-up ______and/or judging?
Friday Parent/student judging time preference: 5-6:00 pm ______6-7:00 pm ______7-8:00 pm ______
Will you require 120 VAC Power (Normal plug outlet electricity)? Yes _____ No _____.
Will you require more than the required table dimensions for displaying your project? (see Science Fair and Expo Guidelines for details) Yes _____ No _____.
Please enclose copy of Certificate of Humane Treatment of Live Vertebrate Animals (If applicable for your individual experiment -NO EXCEPTIONS; see Science Fair Guidelines for form)
Science Fair and/or Expo Categories: Animal Behavior ______Biology/Microbiology ______Botany ______Biochemistry _____ Chemistry _____ Human Psychology/Social Sciences _____ Earth & Space Science ______Engineering _____ Mathematics & Computers _____ Medical Science/Health_____ Physics/Energy/Env ______
Zoology _____ Other ______
Science Fair Project Title: ______
Mandatory Signatures:
I pledge to work hard and complete my Science Project (Student): ______date ______
If you sign-up for the Science Fair, we expect you to complete your project. If for reasons outside your control you cannot participate after signing this form (death in family, etc.), notify your teacher ASAP.
I pledge to encourage my child to complete his/her Science Fair and/or Expo Project.
(Parent(s)): ______date ______
I have reviewed students Science Project Topic and have approved it for submittal to the 2014 Central Coast Science Fair. I will notify Mr. Tom Stevens (266-6664, e-mail: ) at least two weeks prior to the Science Fair if one of your students who signed-up will not be able to complete his/her project. Strongly encourage teachers to be a judges or activity supervisor? Yes_____ No_____
(Teacher): ______date ______
Please forward to : Tom Stevens (Science Fair)
AIAA Vandenberg Section
P.O. Box 5302
Vandenberg AFB, CA 93437 ENTRFRM.DOC
Certification of Humane Treatment of Live Vertebrate Animals
The California Education Code Title 2, Division 2, Part 28, Chapter 4, Article 5 51540 states in part that:
...Live vertebrate animals shall not, as part of a scientific experiment, or any purpose whatever:
a. Be experimentally medicated or drugged in a manner to cause painful reactions or induce painful or lethal pathological conditions.
b. Be injured through any other treatments, including but not limited to, anesthetization or electric shock.
Live animals involved shall be housed and cared for in a humane and safe manner.
Additionally, vertebrates used must comply with these International Science and Engineering Fair regulations:
1. All live or preserved animals or animal parts must be lawfully acquired from an approved source and their care and use must be in compliance with local, state, and federal laws.
2. The comfort of the animals shall be a prime concern. No research using vertebrate animals shall be attempted unless the following conditions can be assured: appropriate, comfortable quarters; adequate food and water; humane treatment and gentle handling. Care must be provided at all times, including weekends and vacation periods.
3. No experiment involving anesthetics, drugs, thermal procedures, physical stress, organisms pathogenic to human or other vertebrates, ionizing radiation, carcinogens, or surgical procedures, may be undertaken except under the direct supervision of an experienced and qualified biomedical scientist or designated adult supervisor.
I have read the above regulations involving the humane treatment of vertebrate animals and agree that animals used by for his/her Science Fair project have been properly and humanely treated and will not be abandoned.
Date (Responsible Adult)
Statement of Purpose
2014 Central Coast Science Fair and STEM Expo
Written by Edmund Burke, Endeavour Center, Founder
A note to the parents:
The 2014 Science Fair and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Expo mission is to provide your son/daughter an experience into the world of creativity and thinking in science, engineering and mathematics. We hope they will consider a high-tech career in the future. Engineers, scientists and educators from Vandenberg AFB, the Endeavour Center and the community are donating their time to run a first class Science Fair.
We would appreciate your support by providing: 1). Positive assistance at home for the two month science project endeavor. A continuous effort (1 - 2 hours a week) is much better for your son/daughters growth than a last minute attempt. It's very important for you to keep the enthusiasm going at home with constant encouragement and help. One way to do this is to take your son/daughter on a weekend nature trip relating to their project (i.e. science museums, zoo, park, etc.). 2). Transportation to the Science Fair event at Endeavour Center, Vandenberg Middle School (just outside VAFB Main Gate). We strongly encouraged for you to participate (8-12 AM). Other Student STEM Events will be going on in parallel with the Science Fair (Rocket Launches, Robotics, etc.) in the time when the students are not being judged. The Science Fair will be held on Saturday, the 31 May 2014 (8-12 AM). Set up of the student science projects will be from 7:30 – 8:00 AM on the 31 May 2014 (Saturday) or 5 - 8 PM on the 30 May (Friday) at the Vandenberg Middle School Auditorium. An awards ceremony will be held on the evening of 31 May 2014, Saturday (7-8 PM).
A note to students:
Already you probably have many questions, such as "What is a science project supposed to look like?", "How is it to be put together?", "What am I supposed to choose as a topic?", "Who's going to help me?", "Once I choose a topic, then what?", "How is it going to be graded?". These questions, and others you may have, will be answered as you read through the attached pages and/or when your science teacher fully explains the exciting activity.
One thing is certain, however, and it is that a Science Project is an involved endeavor, one that should not be taken lightly. It will require a great deal of your time with planning, researching, experimenting, evaluating, writing and constructing. So try to put a few hours a week into your project. Don't wait until the last few weeks to begin working on the project.
Friday, May 30, 2014
5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Lompoc Valley Middle School Gymnasium
· Students will be able to check-in and display projects. Students will be assigned a table display area and specific time for judging. Students planning to be judged Friday evening are required to indicate so on Entry Form; NO EXCEPTIONS. Those students planning to be judged Friday evening, should be prepared for immediate judging upon display set-up.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Lompoc Valley Middle School Gymnasium
· Students/parents will be able to check-in Science Fair projects, receive table assignment area and judging time, and display projects. Students are asked to form a line at the appropriate table based upon grade level, 4th through 12th. Signs will be placed for direction. Parents and School Science Teachers who have volunteered to judge, supervise, or just plain participate are asked to arrive at 7:30 am.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Lompoc Valley Middle School (LVMS) Gymnasium
· Student Science Fair and/or STEM Expo project judging will commence. Students are invited to participate in our planned activities outside of the Auditorium. Please do not hinder or hang around other students while they are being judged. This is annoying and you will expect similar responsible behavior from others while you are being judged. When your time comes to be judged, be prompt and ready immediately as judges arrive; NO EXCEPTIONS. Realize judges will be on a tight schedule to complete activities within three hours, so be prepared. A well prepared and thought out presentation will be more pleasing to the judges when scoring points in the different areas. Planned activities include:
o Model rocket build/launch competition (supervised outside)
o Mousetrap car races
o Egg drop competition
12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. LVMS Gymnasium
· Judging Team lunch hour
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m LVMS Gymnasium
· Judging Team awards decision meeting (Closed Session). Supervisors of planned activities will be asked to complete activities by 2:00 pm. Students are asked to vacate Maple High School at 2:00 pm so that preparations may be made for this evening's Awards Reception.
3:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. LVMS Gymnasium
· Auditorium will be closed to decorate projects with ribbons and prepare the auditorium for the Awards Reception. Student and parents are asked not to return early. We know all are excited to find out how they performed, but we must have this time to prepare.
6:30 p.m. LVMS Gymnasium
· Auditorium will be opened for student/parents to arrive for the Awards Reception. Students are asked to keep project on display throughout the entire awards presentation. Please, informal attire is preferred. Individuals, parents, company representatives, or school administrators and faculty representatives presenting awards are asked to arrive at 6:30 pm to be briefed on order of presentation.
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. LVMS Gymnasium
· Awards Reception commences. Student/parents are asked to remove their projects immediately following the conclusion of the reception. Any projects intentionally left will not be able to be returned after this evening.
Entry # ______Judge No: ______Grade Level ______
Project Title ______
Street Address: ______
Student Name(s) ______
1. CREATIVITY (20 points)
a. Unique project or original approach to old problem. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b. Materials and processes applied ingeniously. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c. Student shows interest in project. 1 2 3
d. Objective is practical and intriguing. 1 2 3
a. Hypothesis or goal clearly stated. 1 2 3 4 5
b. Depth of research. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c. Appropriate experiment or study designed to test hypothesis or satisfy goal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
d. Data collection techniques are precise, repeated, and appropriate to problem. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
e. Orderly recording of procedures, experimental progress, and data. 1 2 3 4
f. Comprehensive and accurate analysis of data appropriate to age group. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
g. Conclusions are logical, supported by data, and relevant to scope of project. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
h. Demonstrates appreciation of relevant applications and further study. 1 2 3 4
i. General evidence of personally performing all project tasks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total: ______
a. Accurate and informative title. 1 2 3
b. Display clearly explains project and results. 1 2 3 4 5
c. Graphic appeal and pride of workmanship evident in display. 1 2 3 4 5
d. Technical clarity and thoroughness of oral presentation and discussion. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
e. Demonstrated confidence and poise in speaking. 1 2 3 4 5
Total: ______
Judge’s Name: ______Grand Total: ______
Please include constructive comments on back.
Project Guidelines
1. Groups. Students may work on projects in groups of one to a maximum of four.
2. Dimensions. The project display must fit within a space of 48 inches wide, 30 inches deep, and nine feet high. A table which is 30 inches high will be provided.
3. Power. Electricity (120 VAC) will be provided. Exhibitors must furnish 9 foot grounded extension cords. Batteries may be used as required.
4. Display
a. Construction. Construction must be durable and all parts must be firmly attached. No attachment to the table or the walls is allowed. Proper back support must be provided for each exhibit.
b. Security. Give careful thought to topic and type of display. Although precautions are taken, the AIAA and the schools are not responsible for theft or vandalism of project materials. Expensive, rare, fragile, or "tempting" objects are not suitable for display, unless you can devise proper security.
c. Kits. Purchased kits and models may not be used as the primary exhibit, but they may be included if they help explain or demonstrate a larger fact.
d. Other written material. A paper describing the research, notebooks, computer programs, or other relevant materials are encouraged and may be displayed.
5. Animals. Experiments with vertebrates are regulated by International Science Fair
Regulations. The experiments must:
a. Have clearly defined objectives requiring the use of animals to investigate a scientific problem;
b. Be under the supervision of a teacher, doctor, or other qualified adult;
c. Have the adult supervisor's signature on the entry form verifying humane treatment and proper care of animals; and
d. Animals must be taken home immediately after judging.
No preserved animals or parts may be exhibited at the fair. Photographs are acceptable.
6. Humans
a. Human Tissue. The exhibition of human parts is prohibited except teeth, hair, nails, histological sections and liquid tissue slides properly acquired.
b. Use of Human Subjects. To avoid possible exposure to physical or psychological risks, students should be discouraged from undertaking research involving human subjects in either behavioral or biomedical studies.
Project Guidelines
7. Safety
a. Anything that could be hazardous to display in public is prohibited. This includes: