Sunday 13th July 2014; 9:00am start. Central Park Athletics Arena, Cranford Road, Dartford DA1 1JP
This event is sponsored by: and supported by:
Dole UK Ltd; McDonalds
Sweatshop Ltd; Sainsbury’s
Enter online: www.runnersworld.co.uk; Info: www.dartfordharriersac.co.uk; Email (enquiries only): .
Route: one lap of an undulating, rural route starting and finishing on the Athletics Track in Central Park, home of Dartford Harriers AC.
Awards: All finishers will receive a medal. Prizes: Senior Men & Women; MV40, MV50, MV60, FV35, FV45, FV55: 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Male Team (3 to score); Female Team (3 to score): 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Fee: UKA-Affiliated Club entry fee: £21.00; Unaffiliated: £23.00. On the day entry (all competitors): £25.00 (subject to limit).
Deadlines: Closing date for the receipt of postal entries: Friday 11th July. Closing date for on-line entries: midnight Friday 11th July. Race numbers, with disposable timing chip attached, are to be collected from the venue on race day. (Please ensure you complete the medical information on the reverse of your bib number).
Additional Information: for your own and others’ safety and convenience, all competitors are required to read the Race Information on the DHAC web-site (above). Please note: submission of your entry, by post or on-line, indicates you have read and understood the information contained in the Race Information and will abide by the instructions and advice therein.
Entry limit: 1200 (not reached previously). If limit is not reached, on the day entries will be taken until the start time.
Eligibility: Participants must be 17 years or over on race day. We regret that this race is not suitable for wheelchair athletes.
Facilities: Accessible Changing Rooms, Toilets & Showers; Baggage Store; Sports Massage; Refreshments; Chip Timing.
Fun Run: Entries on-the-day only; no age limits; fee: £3.00. Race starts at 9.15am. The course is 4 laps of the track, approximately 1 mile. All proceeds from the Fun Run go directly to our Official Charity:
Cut here "______________________________________________________________________________________________________
PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY I wish to enter the 2014 Dartford Half Marathon
Surname: …………………………………..…….…………………… Forename: …………….…..……………………..……; Gender: …M… F...
Date of birth: …DD…/...MM…/...YY.....; Age on race day: ……….; England Athletics No: ……......................................................
UKA Affiliated? ; Affiliated club: ……………………………………………….………………………………………….………..
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Post Code: …………………; Telephone: ………………………………….; Email: …………….…….…………………………………………………
I declare and understand: (1) I will abide by the rules of UKA and the organisers, and have read and understood the Race Information on the DHAC web site. (2) I am an amateur as defined by UKA. (3) I will be 17 years or over on race day. (4) I enter the race at my own risk and accept that no person(s) or organisation(s) will be held responsible for any accident, injury, illness or loss to me on race day, prior to, during, or after the event. (5) I will not compete in the race unless I am in good health and medically fit to do so. (6) The entry fee is non-refundable. (7) Race numbers are not transferable. (8) My details will be recorded on a computer for race administration purposes only and will not be passed to third parties, other than that my name, age group, club, finishing time and position, will be published on the Internet; no additional information will be published or passed on. (9) In accordance with Data Protection legislation, information held about me will be available if I request it.
I declare that all the information provided on this Entry Form is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signed: ………………………………………………………………; Date: ……………………………… I enclose a Cheque for £…………………..
Please make cheques payable to Dartford Half Marathon. (A stamped addressed envelope is not required, thank you).
Please send payment and Entry Form to: Race Entry Coordinator, Dartford Half Marathon, 225 Hurst Road, Sidcup DA15 9AL