Human Tech Synthesis
Name ______Hour _____Date______Score _____
Objective: Gather and synthesize information about the technologies that have changed the way humans influence the inheritance of desired traits in organisms.
Technology is defined as: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
1. Write a heading for each group of statements on the second page. The heading names can be found in the chart below.
2. Fill in the chart below by writing the letter (or number) of each statement (from the second page) in the box it best belongs in. Each letter will only be used once.
Selective Breeding / Animal Husbandry / GMOs(genetic modification) / Gene Therapy
General Information
Pros / XX
Cons / XX
Real World Example(s)
Reasons to continue study
Ethical Dilemmas
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter (or number) of each statement in the box it best belongs in. Each letter will only be used once.
A. Technology that provides new instructions to cells to allow them to work normally.
B. The management and care of farm animals by humans for profit, in which genetic qualities and behavior, considered to be advantageous to humans, are further developed.
C. Choosing organisms with desired traits and having them reproduce.
D. Technology where, in order to produce organisms with more desirable traits, a gene from another organism is added to the existing organism.
E. Many/most processed foods have ingredients developed with this technology.
F. This technology was first used on a German girl in 1990.
G. In many parts of the world, people are essentially practicing this technology through being farmers, ranchers, sheepherders, or simply taking care of large groups of livestock.
H. The process of pollinating plants or fertilizing animals has been practiced since early prehistory. Key species such as dogs, wheat, and rice are significantly different from their wild ancestors due to human influence on the inheritance of their traits.
I. By using this technology we can transform viruses from causes of disease into carriers of cures.
J. Scientists believe this technology may one day save millions of people from dying of disease.
K. Controlled pollinating of the plants and fertilization of animals that don’t have genetic diseases will sooner or later eliminate genetic disease from the future offspring.
L. This technology is a useful way to increase crop production or provide resistance to crop diseases.
M. Using this technology decreases genetic diversity, increasing the severity of certain disease outbreaks.
N. This technology can present significant allergy risks to people.
O. Foreign genes could have unknown effects on plants and animals in surrounding ecosystems.
P. Use of this technology may not be all good because they are basically hacking at your DNA.
Q. Pollinating two plants with strong roots in hope of producing more plants with strong roots.
R. Doctors are using this technology to restore people’s vision.
S. Killer bees, also known as Africanized honey bees, were bred to produce more honey, but have killed a couple of people due to the unforeseen trait of increased aggressiveness being passed on to each generation.
T. Using this technology, eggs and sperm from the meatiest cattle are fertilized (together) and implanted into the wombs of many other cattle to increase the number of meaty cattle produced.
U. Using this technology, a gene has been inserted into the salmon genome that causes the fish to continuously release growth hormone so that it never stops growing and can get large very fast.
V. This technology has produced tobacco plants that glow in the dark when they need watering.
W. This technology has been used to cure dogs of diabetes.
X. This technology can continue to improve farming practices in the future.
Y. This technology could drastically increase the amount of crops and help feed millions of starving people around the world.
Z. This technology is still in its infancy (early stages of development) but shows great promise for the future.
9. This technology or process is a very advantageous procedure. It’s beneficial towards humans because man has been able to obtain finer wool, more milk, more meat, and desirable accompaniment of favorable animals that have been used in contests/competitions of different purpose.
8. The use of this technology in humans requires extensive testing on mice, monkeys and sheep.
7. With this technology, the trait that humans consider desirable might cause discomfort to the animal/pet. Some people consider this cruel.
6. Sometimes physical characteristics of animals are altered for farmer or animal safety. Examples include dehorning cattle, removing the beaks of chickens and removing sharp teeth from animals.
5. There are a number of concerns about helping/treating a human fetus (unborn baby) by changing its genes.
4. Some people don’t want to eat food made using this technology.