Title of a Contribution
Name Surname, Name Surname
Here is introduction to your topic. Here is introduction to your topic. Here is introduction to your topic. Here is introduction to your topic.
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1. Chapter
Here is a text of the first chapter.References should be presented in the text in its respective place according to APA citation style. Here is a text of the first chapter.References should be presented in the text in its respective place according to APA citation style.
Here is a text of the first chapter.References should be presented in the text in its respective place according to APA citation style.
1.1 Subchapter
Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter.
Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter.
1.2 Subchapter
Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter.
Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter. Here is a text of a subchapter.
The text has to include links to tables (Tab. 1) and figures (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1: Here Is a Name of a Picture (Graph, Pattern,…)
Source: European Communities (2006)
The text continues. The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.
Tab. 1: Here Is a Name of a Table
Source: own
The text continues. The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.
Equations are situated on the middle of a line.
y = 1 + sin x,(1)
where y is…
The text continues. The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.The text continues.
The text continues. The text continues.The text continues. The text continues.The text continues. The text continues.The text continues. The text continues.The text continues. The text continues.The text continues. The text continues.The text continues. The text continues.The text continues. The text continues.
There may be references to your projects and financial support written in italics.
Adams, E. …
Hula, R., Reese, L., & Jackson-Elmoore, C. (Eds.). (2012). Reclaiming Brownfield: A Comparative Analysis of Adaptive Reuse of Contamined Properties. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.
European Communities. (2006).Nová definice malých a středních podniků.Brussels: EuropeanCommunities.Retrieved October 9, 2014, from
Sixta, J., & Žižka, M. (2009). Logistika: Metody používané pro řešení logistických projektů. Brno: Computer Press.
Šoltés, V., & Gavurová, B. (2014). The Functionality Comparison of the Health Care Systems by the Analytical Hierarchy Process Method. EM Ekonomie a Management, 17(3), 100-117.
Woodford, M. (2012). Inflation Targeting and Financial Stability(NBER Working Paper 17967). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved January 21, 2016, from doi:10.3386/w17967.
Žižka, M. (2013). Measurement Analysis. In P. Budaj (Ed.), Operations Management: Dimensions for Increasing Process Performance (pp. 73-100). Fribourg: S.E.C.T.
prof. Ing. Name Surname, Ph.D.
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prof. Ing. Name Surname, Ph.D.
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Title of a Contribution
Name Surname, Name Surname
There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words. There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words. There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.There shall be an English abstract ranging between 250 to 300 words.
Key Words:Word, word, word.
JEL Classification:G34, M12.