2004 IT IUE User Survey Summary
prepared by
Center for Statistical and Mathematical Computing
The IT User Survey is administered by the IU Center for Survey Research. Surveys were sent to 817 randomly selected people at Indiana University East (89 faculty, 128 staff, 600 students). The questions on the survey are primarily Likert opinion scales (1-5 rating scales with 5 always being the most favorable rating). For questions asking opinions of services, the results shown include in order: the average opinion score (labeled "Average"), the percentage of people who were satisfied with the service (graded it as a 3 or better, labeled "Satisfaction"), the percentage of people who use the service (which we have taken to be the percentage of people who expressed an opinion about it, labeled "Usage"), and the total number of respondents to each question (raw number of respondents who did not leave a given item blank, labeled "Responses").
Unless indicated otherwise, the results shown are weighted to estimate the average response of the entire IUE community. Some services, however, are used only by certain subpopulations, so results are shown for the appropriate subpopulations. Subpopulations are indicated by F for Faculty, Staff for Staff, and S for Students. In some cases, the scores are for groups of subpopulations, indicated for example by [F&S] for services used by faculty and students. Results are shown separately for multiple subpopulations where appropriate. For the average opinion and the satisfaction percentage scores, confidence intervals are also provided. The confidence intervals indicate the sampling error for each estimate at the 95% confidence level (i.e. each mean and satisfaction score falls within the range indicated by the estimated value, plus or minus the interval score).
1. Overall, how satisfied are you with the computing environment offered by the Information Technology at Indiana University, East (IT at IUE) during the past year (e.g., student computing facilities, electronic mail, staff and faculty computing environment, campus network, audio/video services, instructional technology, campus website services)?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage4.03 ± .12 / 94.8 ± 3.2% / 100%
2. Overall, how important are IT systems and services to your work or study?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage4.51 ± .10 / 97.6 ± 2.2% / 100%
3. On a weekly basis, approximately how many hours do you use a computer?
% 1-5 hours / % 6-10 hours / % 11-15 hours / % 16-20 hours / % Over 20 hoursStudents / 9.8% / 17.1% / 12.2% / 18.3% / 42.7%
Staff / 3.7% / 7.4% / 4.9% / 16.0% / 67.9%
Faculty / N/A / 10.0% / 18.0% / 18.0% / 54.0%
4. How would you rate your computer expertise?
Average Expertise (1=novice, 5=expert): / 3.39 ± .115. What is your class standing?
Percentage checked / ResponsesFreshman / 12.2% / 10 [S]
Sophomore / 23.2% / 19 [S]
Junior / 32.9% / 27 [S]
Senior / 24.4% / 20 [S]
Graduate / 7.3% / 6[S]
6. Do you have a computer at your residence (desktop computer or a laptop that you use at home)?
Yes: / 92.3%a. If you have a computer in your residence, what type of computer is it?
Percentage checked / ResponsesIntel-compatible computer running Windows 95 or 98/ME / 22.8% / 63
Intel-compatible computer running Windows NT or Windows 2000/XP / 66.9% / 120
Apple Macintosh or compatible / 2.6% / 10
Unix workstation (including microcomputers running LINUX) / 4.7% / 7
Other / 9.5% / 15
b. If you access IUE computing systems from off campus, please indicate the service you use.
Percentage checked / ResponsesCommercial Internet Service Provider for lower speed service, 56kb/s and below (e.g., Microsoft Network, America Online, IQuest, INdynet, etc.) / 61.6% / 123
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) service from an Internet service provider with high-speed connectivity (e.g., SBC) / 4.7% / 6
Cable Modem Service from local cable television service provider that offers high-speed connectivity (e.g., Insight, Comcast, etc.) / 20.1% / 34
Other / 1.6% / 10
7. IT supports a variety of electronic mail systems to send messages (e-mail) to others at IUE and worldwide. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by marking the appropriate response.
Average / Satisfaction / UsagePine / 2.92 ± .21 / 32.4 ± 7.3% / 8.8%
WebMail / 3.85 ± .15 / 89.8 ± 4.5% / 85.3%
Microsoft Outlook Express / 4.08 ± .16 / 96.9 ± 3.8% / 49.1%[F,Staff]
Microsoft Outlook / 4.18 ± .14 / 98.2 ± 2.7% / 86.4%[F,Staff]
Other (e.g. Internet Explorer) / 4.11 ± .14 / 93.4 ± 4.0% / 79.0%
8. Which e-mail system do you use most often?
Student / Staff / FacultyPine / 1.3% / N/A / N/A
WebMail / 65.4% / 7.6% / 10.2%
Microsoft Outlook Express / N/A / 15.2% / 16.3%
Microsoft Outlook / N/A / 75.9% / 69.4%
Other / 33.3% / 1.3% / 4.1%
9. If you use an external mail service (e.g. Hotmail, Yahoo mail, AOL, etc.), indicate the usage frequency.
Student / Staff / FacultyAlways / 28.0% / 5.1% / 8.2%
Frequently / 31.7% / 21.5% / 26.5%
Occasionally / 29.3% / 29.1% / 28.6%
Never / 11.0% / 44.3% / 36.7%
10. Overall, how satisfied are you with the electronic mail systems available at IU East?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.97 ± .13 / 90.8 ± 4.0% / 100%
11. IT provides a wide range of assistance for computer users. If you have received help from any of the following sources in the past year, please indicate your satisfaction by marking the appropriate response.
Average / Satisfaction / UsageOnline consulting resources (IU Knowledge Base, IUE IT webpages) / 3.79 ± .12 / 94.5 ± 3.3% / 47.4%
IU communications and publications on paper / 3.63 ± .12 / 91.5 ± 4.0% / 44.5%
IU News Vehicles (Newsbit, IT@IU, UITS items in JagNews) / 3.32 ± .15 / 72.6 ± 6.2% / 17.5%
IUE IT Weekly Announcement / 3.81 ± .17 / 92.9 ± 4.8% / 88.0%[F,Staff]
IUE IT Orientation Guide / 3.95 ± .19 / 85.8 ± 6.6% / 20.6%[F,Staff]
Knowledge and ability of IUE Help Desk consultants / 3.90 ± .13 / 87.7 ± 4.5% / 70.9%
Courtesy and helpfulness of IUE Help Desk consultants / 3.91 ± .14 / 89.8 ± 4.2% / 72.9%
IUE Help Desk overall / 4.03 ± .14 / 92.6 ± 3.7% / 71.7%
Education Program Hands-on Computing Classes (STEPS & PROSTEPS) / 3.58 ± .15 / 87.1 ± 4.7% / 19.6%
NETg online training / 3.52 ± .13 / 87.8 ± 4.6% / 20.1%
Getting software via IUWare Online / 4.11 ± .14 / 86.2 ± 4.8% / 35.5%
IUWare CD-ROM / 4.14 ± .15 / 89.7 ± 4.3% / 35.8%
12. Overall, how satisfied are you with the IT user support services available at IU East?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.85 ± .14 / 90.7 ± 4.0% / 89.6%
13. IT maintains a number of computer facilities and services designated specifically for student use and instruction. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by marking the appropriate response.
Average / Satisfaction / UsageStudent Computer Lab hardware (computers, printers, etc.) / 4.05 ± .12 / 96.0 ± 2.9% / 88.9%
Student Computer Lab software / 4.02 ± .13 / 90.6 ± 4.1% / 86.4%
Knowledge and ability of Student Computer Lab consultants / 3.54 ± .15 / 78.1 ± 5.7% / 63.7%
Courtesy and helpfulness of Student Computer Lab consultants / 3.63 ± .15 / 82.6 ± 5.3% / 61.7%
Student Computer Labs overall / 4.11 ± .12 / 93.6 ± 3.5% / 90.2%
Oncourse (Internet-based distributed learning environment):
Availability / 4.33 ± .14 / 96.2 ± 3.6% / 96.1%[S,F]
Oncourse (Internet-based distributed learning environment):
Features and functions / 4.09 ± .16 / 94.5 ± 4.3% / 93.2%[S,F]
14. Overall, how satisfied are you with IT instructional and student computing services available at IU East?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.93 ± .14 / 90.9 ± 4.0% / 91.4%
15. IT provides a number of services designed to facilitate the use of information technologies in the classroom. If you use these facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by marking the appropriate response.
Average / Satisfaction / UsageKnowledge and helpfulness of classroom technology service staff (from A/V services to smart classroom) / 4.15 ± .24 / 95.7 ± 6.7% / 93.9%[F]
Usability of TLC equipment / 4.07 ± .27 / 90.0 ± 9.4% / 81.6%[F]
Usability of VIC and other two-way video equipment / 3.46 ± .34 / 75.0 ± 13.2% / 49.0%[F]
Usability of smart classroom equipment / 3.53 ± .31 / 81.6 ± 11.8% / 76.0%[F]
Availability of the equipment / 3.64 ± .29 / 83.3 ± 11.5% / 85.7%[F]
16. Classroom facilities vary from building to building and room to room. Overall, how satisfied are you with your classroom facilities (e.g. in terms of lighting, acoustics, projector screens, and aesthetics)?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.50 ± .29 / 81.3 ± 12.0% / 98.0%[F]
17. Overall, how satisfied are you with instructional technology support in classrooms over the past year (e.g. delivery of equipment, permanent classroom equipment, equipment ordering procedures, support staff, selection of equipment)?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.92 ± .27 / 89.6 ± 9.5% / 96.0%[F]
18. Through the University Information Services Division, IT supports a number of information systems in support of administrative services on campus. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by marking the appropriate response.
Average / Satisfaction / UsageLibrary online catalog (INDYCAT/IUCAT) / 4.02 ± .13 / 89.2 ± 4.4% / 86.5%
Financial Information System (FIS) / 3.77 ± .15 / 94.1 ± 4.5% / 37.5%[F,Staff]
The Online Purchasing System (TOPS) / 3.78 ± .18 / 87.3 ± 6.1% / 14.4%[F,Staff]
Web Based Purchasing / 4.19 ± .15 / 94.9 ± 4.2% / 18.1%[F,Staff]
Information Access Services: IU Information Environment / 3.82 ± .19 / 92.3 ± 5.0% / 40.1%[F,Staff]
Information Access Services: Financial Data Retrieval System (FDRS) / 3.81 ± .14 / 97.1 ± 3.3% / 31.6%[F,Staff]
Information Access Services:
Information Center (FOCUS) / 3.18 ± .19 / 69.3 ± 8.4% / 21.0%[F,Staff]
Safeword cards / 3.50 ± .21 / 78.8 ± 7.3% / 61.0%[F,Staff]
INSITE ( Web-based course listings, Bursar information, student advising, etc.) / 4.36 ± .11 / 97.4 ± 2.3% / 93.7%
19. Overall, how satisfied are you with student support systems made available by University Information Services at IU East (e.g., INDYCA, INSITE, etc.)?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage4.20 ± .16 / 97.4 ± 4.1% / 93.8%[S]
20. Overall, how satisfied are you with the administrative support systems available at IU East?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.79 ± .15 / 94.9 ± 4.1% / 87.0%[F,Staff]
21. IT supports access to and use of various web-based information services and tools. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by marking the appropriate response.
Average / Satisfaction / UsageAccessibility of the IUE Web site ( / 4.29 ± .11 / 97.4 ± 2.3% / 99.8%
Information available on the IUE Web site / 3.77 ± .15 / 84.9 ± 4.9% / 98.6%
Publish information/web pages on the IUE Web site / 3.38 ± .20 / 77.7 ± 7.7% / 77.0%[F,Staff]
Ease of navigation of the IUE Web site / 3.75 ± .15 / 84.7 ± 4.9% / 97.3%
IUE Search ( / 3.80 ± .16 / 88.3 ± 4.5% / 77.3%
22. Overall, how satisfied are you with web-based information services?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.90 ± .12 / 93.3 ± 3.5% / 99.6%
23. IT provides campus networking for faculty and staff, and repair services. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by marking the appropriate response.
Average / Satisfaction / UsageReliability of office, laboratory, or classroom direct network connection (Ethernet data jack) / 4.11 ± .12 / 93.8 ± 3.4% / 57.3%
Speed of office, laboratory, or classroom direct network connection (Ethernet data jack) / 4.09 ± .13 / 93.9 ± 3.4% / 60.8%
Reliability of campus wireless network connection / 3.76 ± .12 / 92.7 ± 3.7% / 35.3%
Speed of campus wireless network connection / 3.73 ± .13 / 90.5 ± 4.1% / 37.6%
Data jack activations / 4.02 ± .13 / 94.3 ± 4.4% / 16.1%[F,Staff]
Data jack repair services / 4.01 ± .15 / 94.2 ± 4.5% / 16.1%[F,Staff]
24. Overall, how satisfied are you with the IT network services available at IU East?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage4.02 ± .11 / 95.7 ± 2.9% / 87.0%
25. IT provides a wide range of telephone services to the IU East campus. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your overall satisfaction by marking the appropriate response.
Average / Satisfaction / UsageTelephone repair service / 3.66 ± .18 / 87.9 ± 6.0% / 56.5%[F,Staff]
Campus office telephone service / 3.32 ± .22 / 73.7 ± 7.9% / 93.6%[F,Staff]
Telephone equipment (telephone sets) / 3.38 ± .20 / 76.9 ± 7.7% / 92.0%[F,Staff]
Printed telephone directories / 3.38 ± .21 / 77.8 ± 7.4% / 91.6%[F,Staff]
Installation of campus office phone jacks and telephones / 3.73 ± .18 / 88.6 ± 5.8% / 60.8%[F,Staff]
Campus office long distance service / 3.82 ± .16 / 93.6 ± 4.5% / 95.2%[F,Staff]
Campus office voice mail services / 3.79 ± .18 / 89.0 ± 5.7% / 97.0%[F,Staff]
Cellular telephone services / 3.61 ± .19 / 85.9 ± 6.4% / 17.5%[F,Staff]
26. Overall, how satisfied are you with the telecommunications services offered by IT during the past year (e.g., Long Distance Calling Service, Telephone Service, Telephone Features, Voice Mail, and Telephone Equipment)?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.62 ± .12 / 90.7 ± 4.0% / 55.0%
27. How helpful has the information technology environment at IU East been in your teaching activities?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage4.09 ± .25 / 95.7 ± 6.7% / 95.9%[F]
28. How helpful has the information technology environment at IU East been in your research activities?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.94 ± .14 / 95.9 ± 3.7% / 94.6%[S,F]
29. How helpful has the information technology environment been in your learning experience at IU East?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage4.03 ± .19 / 96.2 ± 4.7% / 97.5%[S]
30. Please state your level of agreement with the following statement: The information technology environment was an important factor in my decision to attend IU East.
Average / Satisfaction / Usage2.86 ± .28 / 58.0 ± 11.4% / 86.3%[S]
31. Overall, how satisfied are you with the information technology services (including telecommunications, computing, and computer networking) offered by the IT department at IU East during the past year?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.80 ± .12 / 92.6 ± 3.7% / 97.5%
32. Overall, how would you compare the quality of the services (including telecommunications, computing, and computer networking) offered by the IT department at IU East to previous years?
Average / Satisfaction / Usage3.70 ± .12 / 95.2 ± 3.1% / 83.7%
33. Departments other than IT offer computing services that are important to the functioning of the IU East computing environment. If you use such facilities and services, please indicate your satisfaction by marking the appropriate response.
Average / Satisfaction / UsageKnowledge and ability of Instructional Technologist at Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) / 4.46 ± .12 / 99.2 ± 1.9% / 76.6%[F,Staff]
Courtesy and helpfulness of Instructional Technologist at TLC / 4.56 ± .10 / 100 ± .4% / 77.8%[F,Staff]
Workshops & trainings offered at TLC / 4.39 ± .12 / 98.4 ± 2.6% / 75.6%[F,Staff]
Teaching and Learning Center overall (TLC) / 4.34 ± .12 / 99.2 ± 1.9% / 80.5%[F,Staff]