Name: ______October 23, 2013
Date: ______
Eating Disorders Mini WebQuest Worksheet
· Eating Disorders OverviewsOnly read through binge eating.
· Anorexia and Bulimia
· Eating Disorders: Facts for Teens
· Mirror, MirrorRead the main page and then click on "Myths and Realities"
· Males and Eating Disorders
· Types of Treatment
· Love Your Body
What is an eating disorder?
What is it? (Define it)
Identify at least three health problems that can be caused by anorexia.
What is it? (Define it)
Identify at least three health problems that can be caused by bulimia.
Binge Eating
What is the difference between binge eating and bulimia?
Most people with this eating disorder are______
What are possible warning signs of an eating disorder? (Identify at least four)
List and three myths about eating disorders and explain why they are myths. (In your own words).
Approximately ______% of males suffer from eating disorders.
What appears to put boys and men at-risk for developing an eating disorder, give examples.
Identify three types of treatment available for people suffering from eating disorders. Choose one treatment and explain what it is and how it works.
What are three things you can do to improve your body image?
Part II (Due October 28th, 2013) Before Exam on Monday!
Society's obsession with looks and appearances causes people to be overly critical about the way they look. The media is constantly sending out messages that being an attractive woman means being thin and that being an attractive man means being athletic and muscular. While being overweight or obese is not physically healthy, being as thin as some of the actors and models out there isn't healthy either. A healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 for most people, yet the average model is 5'10" and 98 pounds with a BMI of 14.06, that's almost four points below a normal, healthy BMI. The models that we see gracing billboards and magazines are not just thin, they're skinny, too skinny - yet we are constantly told that they are what we need to look like.
Your second task is to find examples of conflicting messages the media sends us about body image. For example, as proven above, the media tells us that we need to be thin or muscular to be attractive, yet the media also encourages us to eat high calorie, high fat foods through ads for fastfood restaurants. How many other examples can you come up with? How many of those conflicting messages can you find in magazines?
Tonight you will create a "mixed messages" poster that shows at least four examples of mixed messages the media sends us. You will use magazine pictures, google images, or your own art work to show an example for each mixed message.