Recognitions Committee - Attachment A




1. Nominees for all awards shall be considered each year, but the awards will be made only when National recognition is merited. Decisions of the Recognitions Committee shall be final.

2. Individuals who are nominated and not selected may be nominated again. The Recognitions Committee may be contacted for suggestions on strengthening of subsequent nominations. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can be nominated.

3. Any individual or organization is eligible to submit nominations and may submit nominations on their own behalf.

4. No more than one award may be granted each year for the following award categories: Award of Merit, OTA Award of Excellence, Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lectureship Award, and Lindy Boggs Award. More than one award may be granted in other award categories.

5. All occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and occupational therapy students who are nominated for an award must be members in good standing of the Association at the time of the nomination and presentation of the award.

6. Organizations, occupational therapy students, and individuals who are not occupational therapy practitioners may be nominated only for the Health Advocate Award or Certificate of Appreciation.

7. An additional statement not to exceed seven words shall be prepared that highlights the nominee’s primary contributions (e.g., Jane Doe, OTA, for innovative leadership in technical education). This statement shall be used when announcing and publishing the name of the selected awardee.

8. All awardees shall be announced by the president of the AOTA at the Annual Conference & Expo.

9. The names of the awardees shall be published in The American Journal of Occupational Therapy.




The Award of Merit is the highest Association honor for an occupational therapist.


  • TO HONOR occupational therapists who have made an outstanding global contribution to the profession of occupational therapy.
  • TO INSTILL in members a desire to contribute to the development and growth of the profession and the Association.
  • TO FOCUS public attention on the scope of occupational therapy to the end that many may be influenced to consider occupational therapy as a career and profession.
  • TO INCREASE awareness of occupational therapy as a health care profession whose body of knowledge and skills are innovative in research and in implementation of new approaches to increase the quality of life for each individual.

Minimal Requirements

  1. The nominee(s) shall be an occupational therapist.
  1. The nominee(s) shall have demonstrated an outstanding global contribution to the profession of occupational therapy that enhances quality of life.
  1. The nominee(s) shall have served as a leader within the professional and the health care community, fostering growth and development of the profession and the Association.
  1. Both scholarly contribution and volunteer organizational leadership will be considered.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. If the recipient of this award is not a Fellow he or she shall be designated as Fellow of the AOTA and will be presented with the Certificate for Roster of Fellows at the time the Award of Merit is announced.
  1. The name of the awardee and the year selected shall be inscribed on a small metal plaque and attached to the Award of Merit Plaque located in the Association Headquarters.



The Award of Excellence is the highest Association honor for an occupational therapy assistant.


  • TO HONOR occupational therapy assistants who have made outstanding contribution(s) to the advancement of occupational therapy.
  • TO RECOGNIZE individuals who exemplify the highest level of technical skills and knowledge that benefits the profession of occupational therapy.
  • TO PROVIDE an incentive to contribute to the development and growth of the occupational therapy assistant and of the profession.
  • TO INCREASE awareness of occupational therapy as a health care profession.

Minimal Requirements

  1. The nominee(s) shall be an occupational therapy assistant.
  1. The nominee shall have demonstrated excellence in contributions to the advancement of occupational therapy. Both scholarly contribution and volunteer organizational leadership will be considered.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. If the recipient of this award is not a Roster of Honor member, he or she shall be designated as a member of the Roster of Honor of the AOTA and will be presented with a Roster of Honor Certificate at the time the OTA Award of Excellence is announced.
  1. The name of the awardee and the year selected shall be inscribed on a small metal plaque and attached to the OTA Award of Excellence Plaque located in the Association Headquarters.



An academic honor established as a memorial to Eleanor Clarke Slagle, one of the outstanding pioneers in the profession of occupational therapy.


  • TO HONOR a member of the AOTA who has creatively contributed to the development of the body of knowledge of the profession through research, education, and/or clinical practice.
  • TO ACKNOWLEDGE the advancement of theory, standards, and improved methods that enhance service to consumers and promote public awareness and understanding of occupational therapy.
  • TO GIVE outstanding occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants a distinctive opportunity to share their knowledge and experience with the membership.
  • TO ENABLE members to benefit from new knowledge, innovative perspectives and significant developments in the profession.

Minimal Requirements

  1. The nominee shall be an occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant and a member of the AOTA at the time of the nomination and when the award is presented.
  1. The nominee shall have made a significant contribution to the body of knowledge of the profession. This will be manifest in the development or refinement of professional theory and/or techniques that enhance clinical or educational practice and/or involvement in outstanding research activities.
  1. The nominee shall have shared his or her knowledge and have inspired others through written publications and oral presentations.
  1. Both scholarly contribution and volunteer organizational leadership will be considered.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. The individual selected for this award shall be notified by the president of the AOTA and shall, in turn, convey his or her acceptance before public announcement.
  1. Recipients of this award will present The Slagle Lecture during the AOTA Annual Conference & Expo in the following year.
  1. The awardee shall be announced by the president of the AOTA, or the previous Slagle lecturer, at the Annual Conference & Expo the year before the lecture is to be presented.
  1. An inscribed plaque, highlighting the awardee’s contributions and the year selected, and a monetary gift shall be presented by the president of the AOTA at the Annual Conference & Expo the year the lecture is given.
  1. If the awardee is not a member of the Roster of Fellows or Roster of Honor, he or she will be designated as such and will be presented with the appropriate certificate at the time the Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lectureship Award is announced.
  1. The name of the awardee as well as the text of the lecture shall be published in The American Journal of Occupational Therapy.
  1. The name of the awardee and the year selected shall be inscribed on the Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lectureship Plaque located in the Association Headquarters.


Description & Purpose

  • TO RECOGNIZE occupational therapists who with their knowledge and expertise have made a significant contribution to the continuing education and professional development of members of the Association.
  • TO PROVIDE an incentive to contribute to the advancement of the profession.

Minimal Requirements

  1. The nominee(s) shall be an occupational therapist.
  1. The nominee(s) shall have made a significant contribution to the profession by utilizing special skills and/or knowledge in therapeutic practice, education, research, and/or administration. Both scholarly contribution and organizational leadership will be considered.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. Awardee(s) will be presented with a certificate designating the member as being named to the Roster of Fellows.
  1. A person receiving the Roster of Fellows award may identify himself or herself by using “FAOTA” after his or her signature. These initials shall be included in the identifying information that follows his or her name in the registry as evidence of this honor.


Description & Purpose

  • TO RECOGNIZE occupational therapy assistants who with their knowledge and expertise have made a significant contribution to the continuing education and professional development of members of the Association.
  • TO PROVIDE an incentive to contribute to the advancement of the profession.

Minimal Requirements

  1. The nominee(s) shall be an occupational therapy assistant.
  1. The nominee(s) shall be recognized by his or her peers as having made a significant contribution to the profession by utilizing technical expertise and knowledge in therapeutic practice, education, administration/supervision, or research. Both scholarly contribution and volunteer organizational leadership will be considered.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. Awardee(s) shall be presented with a certificate designating the member as being named to the Roster of Honor.
  1. A person receiving the Roster of Honor award may use “ROH” after his or her signature. These initials shall be included in the identifying information which follows his or her name in the registry as evidence of this honor.


Description & Purpose

  • TO RECOGNIZE occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants who have made notable contributions to the profession and its consumers in a focused area of occupational therapy practice.
  • TO ENCOURAGE other occupational therapy practitioners to develop and apply knowledge and skill to the advancement of the profession and in the interest of its consumers.

Minimal Requirements

  1. The nominee(s) shall be an occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant.
  1. The nominee(s) shall have evidence of notable contributions to practice (e.g., clinical, teaching, administration). This may include, but not be limited to:
  2. Development and application of practice models, methods of evaluation, or treatment strategies that enhance service to consumers.
  3. Development and application of academic, fieldwork, or continuing education models, programs, or methods that enhance professional or technical education and clinical practice.
  4. Participation in research activities that benefit occupational therapy practice.
  5. Involvement in advocacy activities that enhance the profession and benefit its consumers.
  6. Development and application of administrative methods that enhance practice.
  1. Nominees shall be recognized by supervisors, colleagues, consumers, and/or students as having made contributions to the profession and/or consumers through the dissemination of knowledge and expertise on local, state, regional, or national levels. Both scholarly contribution and volunteer organizational leadership will be considered.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. Awardee(s) shall be presented with a certificate recognizing achievement in the area of practice.


Description & Purpose

  • TO RECOGNIZE the significant contributions by an occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant in promoting occupational therapy in the political arena by increasing recognition of occupational therapy in federal or state legislation, regulations, and/or policies or by increasing appreciation and understanding of occupational therapy by elected or appointed officials.
  • TO PROVIDE an incentive for others to take an active role in the legislative process, advocacy, and/or policy making that affects occupational therapy.

Minimal Requirements

  1. The nominee(s) shall be an occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant. Current AOTA staff members are not eligible for this award.
  1. The nominee(s) shall have demonstrated outstanding contributions in one or more of the following categories:
  2. Assuming an active role in training and organizing occupational therapists to have an impact on federal or state legislation, regulations, and/or policies.
  3. Educating legislators or other key government officials about the purpose and function of occupational therapy.
  4. Responding to requests for action from the Public Policy Group of the AOTA.
  5. Acting as an advocate for consumers of health care and educational services.
  6. Playing an active role in state activities related to AOTPAC and/or state PACs.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. The awardee shall be presented with the Lindy Boggs Award Certificate.


Description & Purpose

  • TO RECOGNIZE an occupational therapy assistant and an occupational therapist who, through their collaborative efforts to promote the profession of occupational therapy, exemplify the professional partnership.
  • TO PROVIDE an incentive for other OTA/OT partnerships to contribute to the advancement of occupational therapy through an OTA/OT partnership.

Minimal Requirements

  1. The nominees shall be an occupational therapy assistant and an occupational therapist.
  1. The nominees shall have demonstrated evidence of collaborative OTA/OT partnership in the profession of occupational therapy.
  1. The nominees shall be recognized by their peers as having made a significant contribution by their partnership to the profession in such areas as research, practice, and education. Demonstration of partnership contribution may include, but not be limited to:
  2. Development of a practice model or method of evaluation and treatment with significant application.
  3. Development of academic or continuing education models, programs, or methods utilizing the OTA/OT partnership to enhance the education of both occupational therapy assistants and occupational therapists.
  4. Participation in research activities that benefits the profession and that reflects the OTA/OT partnership.
  1. The nominees shall be recognized by their peers as having made a significant impact on their profession through their OTA/OT partnership by
  2. significantly affecting state, regional, or national levels and
  3. collaboratively demonstrating and sharing their expertise and knowledge through publications and presentations.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. Up to three Terry Brittell OTA/OT Partnership Awards may be presented in a given year.
  1. Two certificates designating each member of the partnership as a recipient of the OTA/OT Partnership Award shall be presented.


Description & Purpose

  • TO EXPRESS the appreciation of the AOTA for extraordinary contributions of national significance that led to the advancement of health promotion and/or health care.

Minimal Requirements

  1. Nominee(s) shall have made significant contributions toward the advancement of health promotion and/or health care. These contributions may include, but are not limited to:
  2. Legislation.
  3. Political support of health promotion and/or health care.
  4. Financial contributions.
  5. Leadership in improving health promotion and/or health care.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. The awardee will be presented with the Health Advocate Award certificate and a Letter of Appreciation from the President of the AOTA.
  1. If a Health Advocate Award is to be granted outside of the standard Recognitions Committee process, it must be done with the concurrence of the President, Speaker, the Recognitions Committee Chairperson, and the Executive Director.


Description & Purpose

  • TO EXPRESS the appreciation of the AOTA for extraordinary contributions to the advancement of occupational therapy.

Minimal Requirements

  1. Nominees shall have made a significant contribution to the advancement of occupational therapy. Their efforts could include, but are not limited to: financial contributions, political support, pioneer work, or an outstanding leadership role.
  2. Members—An individual or group whose services or contributions are clearly beyond those of normal professional duties or responsibilities.
  3. Nonmembers—An individual or group whose services or contributions have markedly benefited occupational therapy.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. A Certificate of Appreciation will be presented to the recipient(s).
  1. If a Certificate of Appreciation is to be granted outside of the standard Recognitions Committee process, it must be done the concurrence of the President, Speaker, the Recognitions Committee Chairperson, and the Executive Director.


Description & Purpose

  • TO RECOGNIZE individual members of the AOTA who have provided service to the Association and/or profession through time- or task-limited activities.
  • TO RECOGNIZE individual members who have served in national offices as chairpersons of standing and ad hoc committees of the Board and committee chairpersons of the Assembly.
  • TO RECOGNIZE individual members who have demonstrated commitment to the advancement of occupational therapy education who are retiring.

Minimal Requirements

  1. The following individuals will automatically receive the Service Commendation at the Annual Conference & Expo of their last year in office:

• President

• Vice President

• Secretary

• Treasurer

• Chairpersons of Board of Directors Standing Committees

• Chairpersons of Board of Directors Ad Hoc Committees

• Speaker • Vice Speaker • Recorder

• Chairpersons of Assembly commissions/committees

• Chairpersons of Special Interest Sections

• Local Conference Committee Co-Chairpersons

• Assembly Representatives and Alternate Representatives

• State Affiliate Presidents

2. Any of the above individuals who serve as Chairperson should designate members of their AOTA committees/commissions/boards or others who are to receive Service Commendations.

Specific Information Regarding Award

  1. There shall be no limit to the number of recipients of the Service Commendations nor to the number of times an individual may receive this award.
  1. The AOTA staff shall provide the Chairperson of the Recognitions Committee with a current list of eligible recipients.
  1. The awardee(s) shall receive a certificate.


The following are awards and recognitions of the Association that are granted but do not involve a nomination process:


Description & Purpose

  • TO HONOR a respected leader of the profession who has made sustained contributions to occupational therapy over a lifetime of service.

Minimal Requirements

  1. A respected leader of the profession who has demonstrated sustained, exceptional contributions and service to the profession of occupational therapy over a lifetime.
  2. Participated to a considerable extent in the leadership of AOTA and AOTF and made significant contributions which have enhanced the development and growth of the profession of occupational therapy in major ways.
  3. Demonstrated the vision and wisdom to advance excellence in the profession.

Service Information Regarding Award

  • This award is granted by the Presidents of AOTA and the AOTF. Refer to AOTA or AOTF President for specific information.