Mrs. Christina Jackson

(215) 750-2800 Ext. 3538


August 2016

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Honors Biology at Bensalem High School! In this class, your son or daughter will be learning about many aspects of biology, including genetics, cellular activities, biotechnology, and evolution. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science, where they will have an opportunity to participate in an independent, self designed experiment/lab experience.

Honors Biology at BHS is one of the most challenging courses available to ninth grade students. I have set high expectations for myself as well as for the students. Students will need to spend time at home working on lab reports, homework assignments, and studying for quizzes and tests. Students must be sure to balance their time appropriately so that all work is completed in a timely manner. It is essential that students come to class with their agenda book, binder, and writing supplies each day (please see the student supply list on the next page to assist you in your back-to-school shopping). Please be sure to read the course expectations sheet and course syllabus that are attached to this letter. It is my hope to inspire your child to love biology as much as I do. It is also my mission to strengthen the students’ academic skills, including organization and cooperation.

The state of Pennsylvania requires end-of-course exams in three high school subjects, including Biology. Our curriculum has been designed to support our students and to ensure that they will be provided with the content that they need to do well on this exam. Students will need to prepare for this exam throughout the year, as it is essential that they show proficiency. Please be aware of the following:

·  Keystone Courses (pending state guidelines): As part of the state mandated requirements for graduation, students will need to take three Keystone assessments designed to evaluate proficiency in academic content. Students must demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra 1, Literature, and Biology Keystone exams to graduate. Students will be offered multiple opportunities to take the exams throughout their high school careers. Supplemental instruction will be offered to students who did not pass the Keystone assessment.

Please carefully review the following pages and sign and return the last page to indicate that you have read and understood this letter, along with the course expectations and policies.

I am available through my voicemail (215-750-2800 Ex. 3538) or via district email (); e-mail is the best way to reach me. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with your child.


Christina Jackson, M.S.

Honors Biology Course Expectations & Procedures

Honors Biology is a challenging and interesting course. This class will require organization and commitment in work ethic from the student as well as from the instructor.

To help you with the organization:

1.  Stay ahead of the game, read the unit calendar on my website and prepare ahead! I will stay as close to the calendar as possible and it will be adjusted as needed. Drills, assemblies, & other unforeseen events may cause us to adjust the calendar.

2.  Readings and other assignments in your text will be given to you at the beginning of each unit. You will also be given access to our text online. Site: Username: jbensalem Password: s2p6s

3. Prepare a 3 ring binder as shown to you on the first day of school. The binder MUST be brought to class DAILY.

SHOPPING LIST: Please acquire all supplies by the 4th time we meet.

REQUIRED: 1.5” or larger 3-ring binder, looseleaf paper (at least 100 sheets), 4 tabbed dividers (construction paper would also work for this), 1 slim 2-pocket folder, pencils, pens, highlighter, agenda book (calendar app on phone is also acceptable)

RECOMMENDED: 1 dry erase marker, colored pencils, index cards

Keys to Success in Honors Biology:

§  ATTENDANCE: IF you MUST be absent:

o  Complete the homework assignment found on the unit calendar on my website.

o  Upon return, retrieve copies of missed work from the “absent” folder.

o  All work must be made up within one scheduled class period of the absence. You will be expected to make up pre-announced quizzes or tests on the day you return if we haven’t covered any new material during your absence.

§  PREPARATION: Have your binder and all other materials with you each day.

§  ACTIVE PARTICIPATION: Every student is expected to participate in class. It is always ok to be wrong, it is never ok to not try.

§  DON’T FALL BEHIND: Record all assignments from the homework board in your agenda book. If you forget your agenda book, I will always post homework and upcoming test/due dates on my website. Work ahead whenever possible! If you feel yourself getting lost, seek help immediately! Late homework will not be accepted. Labs and projects handed in late will receive a point deduction (generally 10% per day) and no work will be accepted after it has been graded and handed back to the rest of the class.

§  HOMEWORK: Even when there is no assigned homework, review class materials for 15 minutes each night.

§  EXTRA HELP: Study sessions will be provided after school weekly on Tuesdays or Thursdays or by appointment before school. If a student is struggling in class, these study sessions will be my first suggestion.

§  APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR: Misbehavior in a science lab can put everyone in danger, and therefore will not be tolerated. You will be signing a safety contract and are expected to follow the outlined protocols. Your actions affect not only your education, but also that of all of your classmates. Be respectful of each other.


30% Major Assessments and/or Major Projects: There will be at least two major assessments/projects each marking period

30% Minor Assessments and/or Minor Projects: Minor assessments may include projects, labs, quizzes, performance tasks, and/or demonstration of a skill. A minimum of six mini-quizzes and/or labs, and/or other mini-assessments will be administered during the course of a marking period.

10% Quarterly Assessments: One per marking period that covers all material from the marking period.

20% Classwork: Laboratory work (data collection and experimentation), group work/collaboration (white-boarding, presentations, Think-Pair-Share, etc.), in-class worksheet/activity completion, completion & correction of Do Nows, exit tickets, general participation and behavior

10% Homework: Expect homework at least 4 nights a week in order to practice concepts taught in class. May include watching online tutorials or videos and assignments on the videos.


Students are expected to follow all classroom rules and treat one another and the teacher with respect. Disruptions and general misbehavior will result in disciplinary procedures. In regard to cell phones and iPod/MP3 usage in the classroom, these devices will NOT be permitted to be used in the classroom, except for occasional use for academic purposes (i.e. as a calculator). Using electronic devices for recreational purposes in the classroom will result in confiscation of the device and potential disciplinary action.


Cheating, copying, and/or plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. Engaging in these behaviors may result in receiving zero (0) credit on the assignment and/or disciplinary action.

Honors Biology Resources

During the first week of class, you will receive a code to join our Google classroom. Whenever possible, assignments will be posted & turned in virtually through the Google classroom to cut down on paper waste.

Please visit the above site for copies of all assignments not posted on Google classroom, including our unit calendars, & additional resources.

Honors Biology Syllabus

Unit One: Introduction to Biology & Biochemistry Biology in the 21st century, Chemistry of Life

Unit Two: Cells Cell Structure and Function

Unit Three: Cell Energy Cells and Energy

Unit Four: Mitosis and Meiosis Cell Growth & Division

Unit Five: Genetics Meiosis and Mendel, Extending Mendelian Genetics

Unit Six: DNA DNA to Proteins, Biotechnology

Unit Seven: Evolution Principles of Evolution, Evolution of Populations

Unit Eight: Ecology Principles of Ecology, Interactions of Ecosystems, Human Impacts on Ecosystems

Class Contract Signature Page

Please complete, detach, and return with your child

Due: 8/31/16

à As the teacher of this class, I promise to uphold the rules and expectations of this class.

Teacher’s Signature: ______Date: ______

à As a student in this class, I pledge to uphold the rules and expectations of this class.

Print Student Name: ______

Student’s Signature: ______

Date: ______Class Period: ______

à As a parent/guardian of the above student, I have read and understood the Honors Biology parent letter, course expectations and policies.

Print Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______

Date: ______

Email Address (print clearly): ______

Phone Number: ______

Best time to call: ______

Does your child have internet access at home? Circle: Yes No

Comments/ Concerns/ Questions: