2002 MSc Transport, Imperial College,London

1989 BA(Hons) Geography 2:1, Kings College,London


2012 EFQMAssessor

1994 Specialist Diploma in EnvironmentalManagement


Rail franchise management, Bid management, Customer serviceoperations,

Stakeholder relations, Projectmanagement


2017-Current Regional Director, Northern England & Scotland, FCP

2008-2017Director, NJJ Technical ServicesLtd

2005-2008 Head of On- Board, GNERLtd

2002-2004 Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Strategic Rail Authority

1998-2002 Franchise Team Manager andFranchise

Manager, OPRAF and then Strategic RailAuthority

1988-1998 Head of Business Development, MRS Environmental ServicesLtd



Jonathan has over nineteen years of experience in the UK rail industry where he has gained a reputation as a highly effective project manager specialising in franchise management and bidding. His franchise management experience spans senior roles in both the public and private sectors having led this activity on the Intercity East Coast franchise under GNER and also at OPRAF/SRA/DfT. As Franchise Team Manager at theSRA

Jonathan was responsible for a team managing no less than one third of the UK’s rail franchises. Jonathan finished his time at the SRA as Executive Assistant to the Chairman serving Richard Bowker for two years and then David Quarmby. This role provided high level exposure in both the rail industry and ministerial level engagement with the DfT. It was during this time that Jonathan honed his stakeholder management skills as the main point of contact with the minister’s privateoffice.

Following the SRA Jonathan moved to GNER, firstly as Head of Safety, Security and Compliance and then as Head of On-Board with line management responsibility for over 1,000 front line customer service staff and trainguards.

During this time he led the successful deployment of a new on-board EPOS system and the negotiation of productivity enhancements inreturn for a 35-hour week.

Since 2008 Jonathan has worked as a transport consultant providing advice to clients and leadership across projects for train operators and the Department for Transport and transport authorities. In addition, he has led a business development project for the for the UK’s largest socialenterprise.


Newcastle Passenger Transport Authority (Nexus) 2016-2017 Jonathan is leading the Customer Service work streamand providing wide ranging transition advicefor Nexus as it brings the Newcastle Metro in house. The role requires the development and delivery of customer service improvement plans to remedy a long-standing decline in customer satisfaction across the business.

California High Speed Rail, 2016-2017 FCP is an independent reviewer of plans for the California High Speed Rail Authority. Jonathan has worked across two review projects on this assignment most recently leading the review of the planned operating and maintenance costs of the high-speed rail system for its early years of operation.

Transport for Greater Manchester, Stations Devolution Project Lead, 2015-2017 Jonathan led this complex project for Transport for Greater Manchester, (TfGM), resulting in a comprehensive business case forlocal authority management and control of 97 stations in the Greater Manchester area. The role required the leadership of a large team of internal and external advisors covering all aspects of station operation, asset management, safety and business case development.

Metroline Rail, Head of Bid Quality, 2015 Jonathan worked as part of the senior leadership team on this project with responsibility for bid quality. This included design of the submission template, review and coordination of content and the development of the committed obligations to full legal drafting stage.

Department for Transport, Bid Evaluator, 2015 Engaged by the UK’s Department for Transport as a bid evaluator on the Northern and TransPennine Express franchise competitions. Jonathan evaluated three plans across the two bids.

Caledonian Sleeper, Mobilisation Programme Director, 2014-2015 Engaged by Serco to manage the mobilisation of the new Caledonian Sleeper franchise. This was a complex and unusual franchise mobilisation that entailed the extraction of the Caledonian Sleeper business from the ScotRail franchise to create an entirely new franchise. Jonathan led the establishment of the new business successfully securing a TOC operators’ licence from ORRandmanagedengagementwiththeclient,TransportScotland.

ScotRail Franchise Bid, Bid Manager 2014 Engaged by a UK rail operator to manage their bid for the ScotRail franchise. Jonathan led the production of the technical submission with a team of over sixty technical experts, managed the programme and had full budgetary responsibilityfortheproject.Thetechnicalsubmissionwasscoredhighlybytheclient.

Caledonian Sleeper, Bid Leader and Technical Author 2013 Engaged by Serco to lead the technical submission for the Caledonian Sleeper franchise and to write the mobilisation plan. Serco won the franchise completion with a high quality customer service proposition and a fleet of new build carriages delivering greater value and customer benefit than the refurbishment of the existing fleet offered by otherbidders.

Business Development, Bid Manager 2011-13 Retained by Keolis (UK) to work on a number of business development projects as Bid Manager and Technical Author. Projects included Bid Manager on the Intercity West Coast franchise from PQQ to bid submission and technical author and editor on Docklands Light RailwayPQQ.

Franchise Management, Department for Transport 2008-2010 Retained by the UK’s Department for Transport, (DfT), to manage the Intercity East Coast franchise. During the time the franchise was brought into public ownership and Jonathan led the client side activity at this time ensuring the franchisee continued to deliver to the required level of quality, ensuring obligations transferred effectively to the public sector franchisee and providing expert advice to theDfT.