


Finance & Administration /





Media Relations / 2


/ Effective Date



February 24, 2015

Approved (date and resolution number)


Index Number

February 23, 2015 Resolution No. 8.5

/ G/A - 033


As an open and accountable organization, City of Morden values the role that themedia plays in communicating City news and information to the public and the value inthe media reporting on the public’s views and opinions of City of Morden. For thisreason the organization is committed to developing and maintaining professionalworking relationships with the media, to promote public awareness and understandingof Council decisions, City policies, issues facing the City, services and programs, andnew and emerging initiatives.


This policy applies to City of Morden Council’s relationship with all news media, including all print and broadcast media, online and social media. It also applies to all City of Morden departments and staff.


  1. City of Morden, through its Marketing and Communications Coordinator, co-ordinates media relations for the City as an organization. The Marketing and Communications Coordinator is solely authorized to handle news media interactions on behalf of the City as an organization. This includes issuing City of Morden news releases and official City statements to the media; responding to or coordinating responses to inquiries from journalists; and scheduling interviews or news conferences

However, some departments may use their staff or third-party consultants to communicate their internal announcements to news media. Examples include Community Services issuing program schedules, facility announcements, general information on events, Police department reports, etc;

  1. The Mayor is the official City of Morden spokesperson and principal contact between the City and media representatives. He/she relates City of Morden’s official position on issues of municipal-wide interest or significance, or for situations that may be sensitive. All media inquiries about such matters should be referred to him/herthrough the Marketing and Communications Coordinator.
  2. The Marketing and Communications Coordinator must be notified of all potentially sensitive, contentious or controversial media inquiries regarding City of Morden. In cases requiring a public statement by the City, the Marketing and Communications Coordinator will work with the City Manager, directors and Council to collect the known facts of a situation and summarize the City's position, and will issue official statements. In some situationsand always in times of crisis elected representatives, the City Manager, directors and supervisors who have specific tasks can liaise with media in delivering the message whereas expediency of the message delivery is essential to save property, lives or another identified crisis situation. Reference should be made then to theCrisis Management Guidelines for tasks and resources.
  3. While only authorized individuals will speak publicly on behalf of City of Morden, the City recognizes the responsibilities of the management team to speak with the media on topics within their area of responsibility and expertise.

a)If an employee is contacted directly by a journalist,they should first be redirected tothe Marketing and Communications Coordinator,who is available to provide preparation and ensure the accuracy of information and spokespersons for media interviews.

b)In all circumstances, the Marketing and Communications Coordinatorshould be notified about any such media contacts sothey can monitor media coverage that features City of Morden.

  1. Media representatives should place requests for information or interviews via the Marketing and Communications Coordinator, to expedite a prompt and coordinated response. The Marketing and Communications Coordinator will respond to media inquiries as promptly as possible, including to significant inquiries that occur outside of normal office hours. The City recognizes media deadline pressures and seeks to provide open and equal access to all news media. The City will present particular features to individual media representatives where a past interest was expressed, and will respect the exclusivity of a story initiated by individual media representatives.

E:\Policies Adopted\General Administrative\GA 033 Media Relations Policy 20150223.docx