Oklahoma BPA
State Executive Council Handbook
Thorough review of the entirety of this handbook
is compulsory for success as an officer candidate
State Executive Council
Definition & Role
State officers are collectively known as "Executive Council". They are the student representatives for the entire membership of Oklahoma Business Professionals of America. They represent the state association at various conferences, trainings, and meetings during their term in office, and may make recommendations to Oklahoma BPA as well as to their constituents. They are charged with the facilitation of all meetings and workshops at both the Fall and State Leadership Conferences.
State officers must comply with policies and procedures as established by Oklahoma BPA. Specifically, state officers shall:
- Attend all meetings as scheduled (see page 4).
- Provide guidance, leadership, and inspiration to all members.
- Represent the views of the membership, not those of the individual officer.
- Maintain correspondence with typed, proper style communications.
- Wear the organization's official blazer when representing Business Professionals of America.
- Fulfill their responsibilities, but shall not let them interfere with continuing their education.
- Refrain from serving on state, district, or chapter nominating committees; endorsing potential candidates; being involved in any sort of campaign activities; or serving as a voting delegate.
- Notify the state advisor or designee and the division of Business, Marketing and Information Technology Education immediately of circumstances that prevent carrying out an assignment.
- Be reimbursed for expenses incurred while performing approved services for the Association.
- Be available to represent the organization as requested and approved by the state advisor or designee and the division of Business & Information Technology Education.
- Abide by the State Executive Council Code of Ethics as established by Oklahoma BPA.
The elected officers shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as prescribed for the office in these bylaws, by the Executive Council, or in the adopted parliamentary authority.
- Duties of the President. The President shall:
1.preside at all business meetings;
2.preside over the Executive Council meetings;
3.appoint all committee chairmen and members with the approval of the State Executive Council and State Advisor for a period not to exceed his/her term of office and assist these committees in their activities;
4.serve as an ex-officio, nonvoting member of all committees;
5.perform other duties of a presiding officer;
6.promote the general welfare of Business Professionals of America, Oklahoma Association.
B.Duties of the Vice-Presidents. The Vice-Presidents shall:
1.serve in any capacity as directed by the President;
2.accept the responsibilities of the President as occasions may demand;
3.assist in compiling and publishing the State Association Annual Report;
4.serve as a liaison between local member and the State Executive Council;
5.contact each assigned local chapter at least every other month;
6.promote the general welfare of Business Professionals of America, Oklahoma Association.
C.Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary shall:
1.keep an accurate record of all business and Executive Council meetings;
2.promptly submit one (1) printed copy of the minutes and any substantiating reports to the President, State Executive Council, and the State Advisor;
3.promote the general welfare of Business Professionals of America, Oklahoma Association.
D.Duties of the Reporter. The Reporter shall:
1.prepare and submit the organization’s news to all news media;
2.serve as the public relations liaison to other state associations and the national organization;
3.compile local chapter activity news for the state newsletter;
4.promote the general welfare of Business Professionals of America, Oklahoma Association.
E.Duties of the Historian/Chaplain. The Historian/Chaplain shall:
1.charged with appropriate inspirational exercises for council meetings and state association meetings;
2.document and submit all historical events such as conferences, meetings, etc. to the state chapter;
3.compile local and state chapter activities for the state scrapbook;
4.be available for promoting the general welfare of chapter meetings;
5.provide inspiration and encouragement to the State Executive Council;
6.serve as a liaison to middle level chapters;
7.promote the general welfare of Business Professionals of America, Oklahoma Association
F.Duties of the Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall:
1.advise the President and other association members on the orderly conduct of business in accordance with the organization’s bylaws and the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised;
2.responsible for the general conduct at all business and Executive Council meetings;
3.rule on rules of order, should the occasion arise, during business meetings;
4.promote the development, general welfare, and growth of Business Professionals of America.
Desire and willingness to work are major qualities a state officer must possess. Please be sure you have the desire to do your part and are willing to devote your time and efforts for a full year of service to BPA if elected. Please read the commitment form carefully. It is important to realize you are agreeing with all of the commitments. The candidate, advisor, and administrator are required to sign this form with the understanding that a state officer may be removed from office if the state officer does not satisfactorily follow the standards listed below.
The State Officer shall:
- Commit the entire year to state BPA Executive Council activities and treat all organization activities as a top priority.
- Respect and abide by the authority delegated to the executive council, fellow officers, and state advisor.
- Conduct self in a manner commanding respect without any display of superiority. Treat all members of the student organization equally and without prejudice or discrimination.
- Use extreme care when posting on social media sites. Do not post ethnic slurs, offensive language, personal insults, inappropriate photos, or any other material that would shed negative light on the organization or self.
- Allow access to the state advisor, state executive council coordinator, and/or designee to any social networking site that I participate in. I understand that these sites will be monitored and I will remove any material deemed inappropriate.
- Understand appropriate phone etiquette and limit distractions while on official business at conferences, workshops, and other events.
- Behave in a courteous and respectful manner, refraining from language and actions that might bring discredit upon the Association. Refrain from patronizing public places that would bring reproach to the organization.
- Avoid places and actions that in any way could raise questions as to my moral character or conduct. Serve as a member of the team and always maintain a cooperative attitude. Work in harmony with fellow officers, and not knowingly engage in conversations detrimental to other members, officers, advisors, or other partners.
- Commit to being on time for all required meetings, conferences, and other special events.
- Be willing to schedule my time to minimize conflict at home, work, and school to enable me to maximize my participation in BPA Executive Council activities.
- Have a reliable mode of transportation in order to get to and from all scheduled meetings, workshops, conferences, etc.
- Maintain frequent communication with all members of the executive council and advisors. Checking e-mails daily and replies to all correspondence in a timely manner (within 24 hours); unless otherwise notified or approved by the state advisor or designee.)
- Participate fully in all appropriate activities, conferences, workshops, business meetings, etc. for which I have responsibility.
- Agree to maintain proper dress and good grooming so to project a desirable image of the business education student organization at all times. Name badges shall be worn at all times.
- Forego alcohol, tobacco, vaping and all other illegal substances.
- Be responsible and mature enough to handle staying independently in a sleeping room when attending conferences, workshops, and other events, when no roommate is available.
- Understand that I will be staying with the officer team during conferences and activities, and will be financially responsible for any damages to property or furnishings in hotel rooms, private accommodations, and/or buildings I am assigned. (Note: Male and female officers may not be in the same sleeping room at the same time, unless accompanied by an advisor. Doors to sleeping rooms must not be propped open at any time.)
- Understand that curfew will be enforced each night while attending conferences or other workshops that require overnight lodging.
- Strive through preparation and practice to develop into an effective public speaker and workshop presenter.
- Write all letters, thank-you notes, reports, and other correspondence regularly and on time.
- Be willing to ask for and accept constructive criticism and evaluation of my total performance.
- Periodically evaluate my personality and attitudes and make efforts to improve.
- Communicate any circumstances that prevent carrying out pre-determined plans at assigned conferences to appropriate conference personnel.
- Maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average during the term of office.
- Not violate any state or federal laws.
- Serve as an Oklahoma voting delegate if attending the National Leadership Conference.
- Be committed to the total business and information technology education program as a part of the career and technology education system in Oklahoma.
I understand that if I am elected to a State Executive Council position, I will be required to attend ALL activities on the list of Important Dates in this packet, which includes Fall Leadership Conference, State Leadership Conference, CareerTech University, Executive Council Meetings, and other officer activities as assigned. The signatures below indicate:
- An understanding of the duties assigned to the state officer.
- Acceptance of the responsibility to support and assist the candidate in the performance of the duties of his/her office.
- Ensure that, if elected, officers and advisors are able to attend all required events.
I understand that if I violate or ignore any of the above standards, disciplinary measures may be taken, such as, but not limited to:
- Removal from conference and/or activity at officer expense.
- Forfeiture of any honors or awards.
- Removal from officer position.
While serving in the role of a State Executive Council member, I agree to abide by all of these commitments and statements.
Candidate’s Signature
Parent’s Signature
(if secondary)
I understand the duties of a state BPA officer and I agree to support and assist the candidate in the performance of the duties and assignments during the term of office. I understand the BPA Bylaws state that the local advisors are non-voting members of the Executive Council and this means that I will attend State Executive Council meetings monthly.
Advisor’s Signature
I understand the duties of a state BPA officer and I agree to support the candidate and advisor in the performance of their duties and assignments during the candidate’s term of office.
High School Administrator’s Signature
Technology Center Administrator’s Signature
NOTE: If a secondary student attends a technology center, both the high school and the technology center administrator must sign.
Oklahoma Association
State Executive Council
Important Dates for the 2017-2018 School Year
Below are dates of meetings and conferences that you are required to attend unless otherwise noted. If any of these dates are changed, you will be notified in a reasonable amount of time. The meeting times and dates are tentative:
March 23-24, 2017 / State Officer Orientation / Training / ODCTE-StillwaterApril 12, 2017 / BPA Winner’s Workshop / ODCTE-Stillwater
May 10-14, 2017 / National Leadership Conference / Orlando, FL
May 30-June 2, 2017
Tentative dates / Career Tech University / ODCTE / Tulakogee Conference Center
June 19-22, 2017 / iCAN DECA-BPA Leader Camp / TBD
August 1-2, 2017 / August Conference / Oklahoma City
September 7, 2017 / Monthly Meeting / FLC Preparation
9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. / Alexander Conference Room
September 28, 2017
Tentative date / Fall Leadership Conference (FLC) / TBA
October 12, 2017 / Monthly Meeting
9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. / Alexander Conference Room
December 7, 2017 / Monthly Meeting
9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. / Alexander Conference Room
January 11, 2018 / Monthly Meeting
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. / Alexander Conference Room
February 22, 2018 / Officer Candidate Screening
8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. / ODCTE-Stillwater
March 7-9, 2018
Tentative dates / State Leadership Conference (SLC) / TBA