This is the template for the 2012-2013 departmental annual report, to be completed by the person who was Chair in a given department during that period.

Each department is being provided with a data for use in developing this report as well as for supporting any potential position requests. The data summarizes program level data within departments, as well as entire department data. Much of the data offers you a multiple year perspective, so you can examine your department’s progress/ changes/patterns over time.

Once again this year, you will not have to use WEAVE. However, you are being asked to respond as completely as possible to this outline. You may use a bulleted, short response format, except where you are being asked to provide reflection and analysis. There should be a concise, meaningful narrative response in those areas.

This report is due to the Dean of Faculties on September 15, 2013, and should be submitted in an electronic formatusing Word.

These reports and any attachments will be posted online to allow you access to view all 12 departmental reports. These reports will be shared with the Provost, the Chancellor, the Planning and Budgetary Review Council, and other governance groups as requested by them. The Provost and Dean of Faculties will review each of these reports when it comes in and will respond to each department in writing in response to the reports.

  1. Teaching Profile:
  2. Enrollment Data for 2012-2013 (Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013)
  • Please examine this data and include a meaningful analysis and reflective discussion of this data, noting strengths, concerns, changes and trends.
  • How will you use this data to strengthen the department and its programs?
  • Departmental Contribution to Campus Retention Efforts

A reflective summary/evidence-based discussion about how the department and its programs have contributed and/or how it plans to contribute to campus retention efforts.

  1. Departmental Contribution to Inclusive Excellence

A reflective/evidence-based discussion about how the department and its programs have contributed to Inclusive Excellence efforts on campus to date and/or how it plans to contribute to Inclusive Excellence efforts.

  1. Contributions to General Education and as Service to Other Departments

A list by program within the department of courses that serve the General Education Program and courses which serve as support to other majors and minors across campus.

  1. Faculty and Staff Statistics
  • Any retirements, resignations, sabbaticals, new faculty or staff (who came on board during this year), tenure decisions, promotions which occurred in 2012-2013.
  • Did your department or its programs conduct any search and screens for new faculty/instructional staff during 2012-2013? Which were successful and which did not result in a hire? If there was no hire made, why not?
  • Departmental participation in the Liberal Arts High Impact Practices:

1)Writing across the Curriculum

  • How do your departmental programs integrate writing into course offerings and major/minor curricula?
  • What plans, if any, do departmental programs have to increase emphasis on writing?

2)Academic Service Learning

  • How, if at all, have your departmental programs participated in Academic Service Learning?
  • What plans, if any, do your departmental programs have to increase participation in Academic Service learning?

3)Global Awareness

  • How, if at all, do your departmental programs promote language study among students?
  • How, if at all, do your departmental programs promote student study abroad?
  • How, if at all, do your departmental programs participate in the global studies minor?
  • In what other ways do your departmental programs promote global awareness among students?

4)First Year Experience:

  • How, if at all, have your departmental programs participated in First Year Experience? (First Year Seminars offered; participation in Hive night, etc.)
  • What plans, if any, do your departmental programs have to increase participation in First Year Experience? (Offer a first year seminar, sponsor a campus activity, etc.)

5)Senior Experience:

  • What senior experiences and/or capstones do your departmental programs offer?
  • Please attach your 2012-2013 Senior Experience Evaluation Report to this annual report.

6)Undergraduate Research Initiatives

  • In what undergraduate research activities have departmental programs, staff and students been involved (McNair, Posters on the Rotunda, Posters at the Capital, National Conference of the Council for Undergraduate Research, Swenson Undergraduate Research Fellow, etc.).
  1. Accomplishments from the 2012-2013Strategic Plan and Obstacles Encountered

Three years ago, each department entered its strategic plan into WEAVE for that year (10-11) and each of the next two years (11-12 and 12-13). This is year three of this process. If your department has not engaged in additional strategic planning since then, use those 12-13 plans for this section. If your department has developed additional or alternative strategic planning, use those plans for this section.

  1. What accomplishments can you note from your 2012-2013strategic plan?
  2. What obstacles to achieving strategic plan goals and objectives did the department and its programs encounter?
  1. Department/Program Development
  2. Note any major curricular changes/proposals that have gone forward in 2012-2013
  3. Note any new initiatives
  4. Note new course(s) approved
  5. Note course(s) discontinued
  6. Note grants received.
  7. Student Learning Outcomes: 2012-2013 Assessment Report
  8. What are your student learning outcomes, by program, within your department?
  9. Please attach a copy of the departmental (by programs) 2012-2013 Assessment of Student Learning Report.
  10. Departmental Teaching and Advisement, Scholarship and Service Activities and Awards

These accomplishments can be derived from faculty personnel narratives and vitas, which might be collected electronically from department members.

  1. Teaching and Advisement
  2. Notable faculty and staff teaching activities
  3. Notable faculty/staff advisement activities
  4. Scholarship
  5. Faculty and staff presentations, performances, or exhibits
  6. Faculty and staff publications
  7. Service
  8. Notable faculty and staff service activities to program and department,
  9. Notable faculty and staff service activities to the campus,
  10. Notable faculty and staff service to the larger community.
  1. Student Accomplishments
  2. Notable student awards
  3. Notable student presentations and projects.
  4. Other (Optional)This is material, defined by you as Chair, which you deem important to understanding the experience of your department in the past year.

2012-2013 Annual Report Format Page 1