Evolution Stations

STATION 1 – Darwin and The Origin of Species

1) Read/skim p. 369-376, 378-9, 408-409.

Historical development of the theory of evolution by natural selection:

2. a) List in chronological order the following people and tell how each contributed to development of

the theory of evolution: Darwin (1831 & 1859), Hutton, Lamarck, Malthus, Wallace, Lyell.

b) Evaluate the relative importance or significance of each person’s contribution to development

of the theory by ranking them from 1 (most important) to 6 (least important) and give reasons

for your #1 and #6 ranking.

3) Pretend you are Darwin and write letters or journal entries about:

a) Your observations in the Galapagos Islands that led to your theory of natural selection

b) Thoughts during the journey home or after arriving home from the Galapagos Islands about

the origin of species in the Galapagos

c) How ideas from Hutton and Lyell about the earth shaped your thinking about living things (4)

d) Why did you wait 25 years to publish your ideas and how did Alfred Wallace influence your



4.a) What hypotheses did Lamarck have about evolution that were wrong?

b) Which of his ideas would Darwin have agreed with?

Speciation in Darwin’s Finches: (p. 408-409)

5. List and explain the steps that probably occurred in the speciation (forming of different species) of

finches on the Galapagos Islands.

STATION 2 – Experiments and Early Life

1) Read text p. 9-13, 423-424.

2. a)Draw and label experiments on abiogenesis vs. biogenesis by Redi , Spallanzini, and Pasteur (p. 9-13)

b) Write a brief description of each experiment.

c) Define the 2 words: abiogenesis and biogenesis.

3) Fill in the graphic organizer “The History of Life”.

4. a) Color and label the experimental set up that Urey and Miller used to simulate the early


b)Write a description of the hypothesis, the procedure, and the results of their experiment.

c) Describe what scientists think the early atmosphere was like.

5) After reading about conditions on the early earth, write and sing a song about how conditions

affected the type of organisms that developed. Include atmospheric and other conditions and

whether the earliest organisms were thought to be anaerobic or aerobic, and whether they were

eukaryotic or prokaryotic.

6) Make a drawing (with labels) that shows the proposed origin of eukaryotic cells (i. e. How do

scientists think they got started?)

STATION 3 - Evidence

1) Read text p. 417-420.

2) Write an explanation for a middle school student of:

a) How are fossils dated by relative dating methods?

b) How are fossils dated by absolute dating methods?

3) Explain what evidence for evolution can be inferred from patterns in the fossil record. (p. 382-3)

4) Draw and explain the evidence for evolution that comes from shared anatomical structures

(homologous structures). (p. 384)

5) Explain or give an example of how similarities in embryology support the theory of evolution. (p. 385)

6) Explain how the geographic distribution of living species supports the theory of evolution. (p. 383)

STATION 4 – Natural Selection

1) Read p. 379-382, 397-399, 403, 405.

2) Write an explanation of natural selection that could be included in a guidebook for space aliens

considering a trip to earth, so they will know how scientists think things work here on earth. Include

inheritable variation, the struggle for existence/competition for resources, survival of the fittest, and

adaptation. (p. 379-381)

3) Explain the following:

a) How do variations provide the material for natural selection?

b) How is the environment important in selecting adaptations?

c) Explain “descent with modification” (p. 381).

d) Explain “common descent” (p. 382).

e) Describe two isolating mechanisms (p. 405).

4) Fill in the graphic organizer “Evolution of Populations”

5) Fill out the worksheet “Natural Selection on a Single Gene Trait” (p. 397-398)

6) Do the following worksheets:

a) “Change Through Time Graphs”

b) “Directional Selection”

STATION 5 – Evolution Today

1) Read text p. 403

2) Write a paragraph discussing evolutionary selection in the development of resistance to antibiotics.

3) Write a paragraph discussing evolutionary selection in the development of resistance to pesticides.

4) Write a news article for the “Bacteria Blogspot” (audience: other bacteria) or the “Insect News

Tribune” (audience: other bugs) about bacteria developing resistance to antibiotics or about insects

becoming resistant to pesticides.

5) Draw a graph and answer questions on the worksheet “Peppered Moth Survey”.