1.Your child has been excluded from school on a permanent basis. This means he/she may not return to school or go on or near the buildings or grounds until a meeting of a committee of the governing body has taken place and it has been decided whether or not to allow your child to return to the school.
2.You have the right to make oral and/or written representations to the governing body about this exclusion.
3.A Governors’ Discipline Committee meeting should be held within 15 school days of the date of the notification of the exclusion by the Head Teacher and you will be invited to attend.
4.The purpose of the Governors’ Discipline Committee is to discuss the reasons for your child’s exclusion from the school, and you will have the opportunity to give your views and make representations to the governors.
5.The Governors’ Discipline Committee will consist of at least 3 or a maximum of 5 governors. The Head Teacher will also will be invited as well as yourselves and your child. If you wish, you may be supported at the meeting by a friend or anyone else of your choice. A representative of the Local Authority may be invited to attend and give their view of the exclusion to the committee.
6.If you do not attend, the meeting may go ahead and this may result in a decision being made in your absence which will affect your child’s education. You may choose to provide written representations only, for the Governors’ Discipline Committee to consider, by writing to the Discipline Committee before the date of their meeting.
7.The Head Teacher will provide a report on the circumstances leading to the exclusion which will be sent to you at least 5 days before the meeting, together with any other written information which is to be presented at the meeting. Otherwise no written information will be considered, and the committee’s conclusion will be based on spoken information alone.
8.Your child should come with you to the meeting so that he/she can be present to give their view and to answer questions. All those who are not members of the committee, including you, will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the governors discuss the information which they have received. No new information will be introduced in your absence.
9.If invited, the Local Authority representative will also confirm the Local Authority’s view of the exclusion. You will be informed of the decision of the governors in writing within 1 school day.
10.The Governors’ Discipline Committee can decide:
i)that your child should return to the school on a certain date;
ii)that your child should not return to school and that the permanent exclusion is upheld.
11.If the governors decide to uphold the permanent exclusion you have the right to request for the decision to be reviewed by an independent review panel. You will be informed about the right to request an independent review in the governors’ decision letter.
12.If you require further information this can be obtained from the Local Authority’s Inclusion and Disability Team Tel: 0115 876 4700.
Parents who consider their child may have Special Educational Needs may wish to contact Parent Partnership for advice and support on Tel: 0115 948 2888 or 01623 422223.
There are a number of support agencies who can provide free confidential advice and support to parents/carers and young people around drugs, alcohol or substance abuse. They can be contacted on Tel: 0300 123 6600 (Frank), or Tel: 0115 853 3892 (Compass).
You may also find it useful to contact The Children's Legal Centre. They aim to provide free legal advice and informationto parents on education matters. They can be contacted on 0808 8020008 or on The advice line is open from 9.00 am to 6.30 pm Monday to Friday, except Bank Holidays and 24th December to the 1st January.