NOVEMBER16, 2017
A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on November16, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.
Item1 – Roll call and Pledge of Allegiance. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;Heid, Daniels, Isbell, Rohn, and Mayor Ross. Attorney Rocklin also present. Absent: Trustees, Moos and Winter.Mayor Ross announced an amendment to the agenda with the addition of Resolution No. 2017-08: Ratification of appointment of Joyce Smock to the High Plains Library District Board, placed as Item 6, with the board’s approval.
Item 2– Review of the Minutes of the October19thmeeting. TrusteeIsbell moved to approve theOctober19th minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Heid. Motion carried 4-0.
Item 3 –Public Hearing on the proposed 2018 Budget. Mayor Ross opened the public hearing for any comments or questions regarding the 2018 Budget. No comments made and the public hearing was closed. The Board will be approving the 2018 Budget at the December meeting.
Item 4–Fagerberg Annexation: Ordinance No. 581 and Ordinance No. 582. Gary stated this process was started back in January 2017 and the applicant decided they needed further information before moving forward. Ryan Fagerberg contacted Mayor Ross informing him they were now ready to move forward. Ryan Fagerberg was present for any questions or concerns. The annexation includes approximately 156.11 acres and the public hearing was held January 19, 2017. Concluding questions, discussionand the first reading of Ordinance No. 581, Trustee Heidmoved to adopt, seconded by Trustee Isbell. Motion carried 4-0. Concluding questions, discussion and the first reading of Ordinance No. 582, approval of Agricultural (A-1) zoning for this property, Trustee Isbell moved to adopt, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 4-0. The second and final reading of both ordinances will take place at the December meeting. Attorney Rocklin will have the annexation agreement ready for approval at the December meeting also.
Item 5 – Shelton Fund Request: Eaton Historical Society. The board received a written request from the Eaton Area Historical Society for $30,000 from the Shelton Trust Fund to build a carriage house on the footprint of the existing garage located at 207 Elm Avenue and will mainly be used for exhibits. The Society is in the process of applying for a grant and has a committee working on fund raising projects. Art Meyer, president of the Eaton Historical Society board, was available for questions and concerns. Concluding questions and discussion, Trustee Rohn moved to grant the request, seconded by Trustee Daniels. Motion carried 4-0.
Item 6 – Resolution No. 2017-08: Ratification of Appointment of Joyce Smock to a 4-year term to the High Plains Library District Board of Trustees. Brenda Carns, library director, appeared before the board to provide some background information. Ms. Carns also expressed appreciation for the support given by the board and staff. Concluding discussion Trustee Heid moved to adopt the resolution, seconded by Trustee Daniels. Motion carried 4-0.
Item 7– Citizen comments/questions. None.
Item 8 –Reports.
Chief Mueller provided updates on the police department, which included hiring a new full time officer, Brian Cantin, effective November 6, 2017.
Jeff reported the new town website is up and running. The beginning and middle stages of the impact grant for Weld County Rd. 72 and 39 improvements was sent to Weld County.
Trustee Rohn reported membership at Eaton Area Rec Dist. is over 2,000 now.
Brenda Carns, library director, provided an update on the HPLD and Eaton’s library, which included hiring a new librarian.
Attorney Rocklin provided an update on communications with the railroad issues.
Gary reported he has received requests from a few people regarding lowering the speed limit from 55 to 45 on Christensen Avenue (Weld County Rd. 39) on the section by our cemetery and has asked Attorney Rocklin to research the process the Town would need to take in order to accomplish this. The police department will do a traffic survey/study and report back.
Mayor Ross provided an update for the MPOand County Road 74 Coalition Meeting. Mayor Ross receivedapproval to do a proclamation for National School Choice Week.
Item 9– Adjourn to Comprehensive Plan Work Session – Section 7 & 8. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk