A meeting of the Buildings Management Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Simpson Centre, Stotfoldon Wednesday21st March 2012, commencing at 7.30pm



2.Disclosures of Members Interest on matters contained in this agenda

Members are reminded that if at any time during the meeting they feel they have an interest in an item being discussed, they should declare it at that point.

3.Public participation – questions, comments and responses

4.Clerk’s Report, matters arising for information & correspondence

Nothing to report as at production of agenda.

5.Committee documents – policies, hiring agreements, etc

For note, the Committee’s documents have been checked and are up to date. Minor amendments have been made to list of key holders and maintenance arrangements documents.

6.Access Audit – Simpson Centre & Memorial Hall

To receive the 2012 Access Audit for the Simpson Centre and Memorial Hall, carried out by the Clerk. No changes have been noted from last year.

7.Use of Room 1

Room 1 has been advertised as office space for a month in a local newspaper, notices around the town and in the Stotfold News. Some interest has been shown but no-one has taken the matter further. Members are therefore asked to consider the future use of Room 1.

It is recommended that the room is now advertised for ad hoc meeting space that can be hired, and can also be used by the Town Council when not hired out. It is apparent that there may be interest by some groups for hire of a small meeting space.

See Clerk’s Report for matters to be considered should Committee resolve to hire out Room 1 as ad hoc meeting space.

8.Community Building – Land South of Stotfold

To receive an update on the community building for the Land South of Stotfold. Consider setting up a working team and holding a meeting with the developers after planning permission has been received to go through room data sheets, etc. Consider who will manage the project.

9.Memorial Hall as a Charitable Trust

For note, following Sue Norman of BRCC’s visit to the January meeting, and investigations into how the Memorial Hall was paid for when constructed, it is confirmed that the building was constructed using grant funds, monies raised and also a loan. Therefore as the loan was paid back using precept money, the Memorial Hall cannot be turned over to a Charitable Trust.

10.Committee budget & reserves update

To note the budget and reserves status as at end of month 11, and to receive an update on investigations into buildings rate payments.

11.Items for information purposes only

Kate Elliott-Turner

Town Clerk

16th March 2012

To: Members of the Buildings Management Committee: Councillors Mrs Bundock, Mrs Clarey, Collier, Cooper, Mrs Cooper, Mrs Saunders, Hayes and Smith.

All other Members of the Town Council for information.


Buildings Committee – 21st March 2012


Matters to consider if hiring Room 1 out on ad hoc basis for meeting space

  • What should the rental charge be? Should it be on an hourly basis? (Clerk is obtaining comparison prices from other venues to present at the meeting)
  • What should the maximum capacity be?
  • Boardroom layout
  • What would the access arrangements be? Would they enter the building via the fire exit door, or share the Council’s reception entrance and waiting area?
  • What facilities would we provide to hirers? Use of toilets, shared kitchen?
  • Would we provide tea/coffee making facilities, flip chart and pens to increase desirability of room?
  • Would we provide photocopying/printing services if required for the meeting? Charges applicable?
  • Permit the Council to use the room when not being hired out.
  • Permit Citizens Advice Bureau to use the room as a waiting area when not being hired out or used by the Council –popularity of CAB services has led to an increase in numbers of people waiting in the Council’s foyer, resulting in lack of privacy for residents and office staff.