RQ’s CH 26 Part 2 of 3 pp. 600-608
1 604 photo – Title?
- Who sought their future in the West?
2 605 Map – Name the 3 trails of the “Long Drive?”
- Name 4 towns that intersect with RR’s AND “Long Drive” Trails?
3 606 Painting – 608 Bbox – Title(s)?
- Which region gave Women the right to vote first beginning in 1869?
4 607 Map – Who is the largest landowner in the West still today?
- What has shaped the West “far more than all other groups combined?”
5 610 Map – What meridian separates the more drought prone arid region of the West from the well watered Eastern Mississippi Valley region?
6 611 Graph – In what year does the “Frontier” disappear?
Reading Questions
Mining: From the Dishpan to Ore Breaker
7 What were the two keys to the Expansion of the Mining Industry in the West?
8 What state had the “next” mining boom in 1858?
9 Boomtowns fed by the riches of quick mining success eventually become what kind of towns when the resources are mined out?
10 After the “Long-Tom” sluices are finished finding the surface minerals….What was necessary to exploit he the “vein” of ore underground?
11 In what ways does Mining help to “win the West?” (several)
12 What states give Women the right to vote before 1900? (4)
13 In what ways does mining influence the allegorical nature of the Wizard of OZ?
14 Which American trait attracts Mark Twain to the West ?
Beef Bonanza and the Long Drive
15 What is the resource which brings men to Texas that become the Legendary “Cowboys” specifically?
16 What is brought to the West that allows the resource to be brought to markets?
17 What is the “voyage” or “trip” called the Cowboys take to get the resource to Market?
18 Who became the “Barons of Beef?”
19 What invention allows for Beef to move to eastern cities?
20 Which two cities became the large stockyards where beef was processed?
21 What are the Towns called where cowboys bring their beef and sell them….then release some pent up boredom?
22 What two Sheriffs become legends in these towns?
23 What 3 ethnicities were represented as cowboys?
24 What two (2) characteristics of the plains (in italics) allow for the short life of the Long Drive?
25 Who invents Barbed Wire in 1874…which begins to fence off the plains and end the era of the “long drive?”
26 What eventually controls the cattle business in the West…just like it does Mining eventually?
27 In Which state do the Cattlemen control the legislature and state govt?
28 How long did the “Cowboy”-“Long Drive” era last?
29 What is the central character of WESTERN MYTH?
The Farmers Frontier
31 What are two nicknames for the farmer?
32 What act passed by Congress in 1862…same year as the Pacific RR Act which funds the 1st TCRR, that allows for pioneers to acquire FREE LAND – 30$?
34 Do more pioneers take free land or purchase their land?
35 What is the line that demarcates a separation between well watered land in the West and ARID dry land in the West?
36 What is the ratio of Homesteaders that failed as farmers v. were successful?
37 By what factor do Speculators end up with the best land rather than homesteaders due to corruption and trickeration?
38 Once the farmer busted the “sod” with heavy Iron plows and teams of oxen…was the “thought” to be infertile land Fertile or not?
39 What other two things do farmers do with THE SOD beside “BUST IT?”
40 Who, the director of the US Geological Survery and explorer of the Colorado River of the Grand Canyon, warns that farming west of the 100th meridian was impossible due to the lack of rain?
41 What farming technique is used West of the 100th meridian to farm this dry land…and it caused future BIG Problems?
42 From what Country do farmers find a new heartier stronger strain of wheat?
43 What causes the Great American Desert to bloom?
44 How many million acres are irrigated in how many states…due to Federal Dam Building projects?
45 In the long run…..what profession…had more to do with shaping the modern West than all other professions combined?
The Far WEST Comes of Age
46 How many new states enter the union from 1870 until 1900?
47 What is outlawed in Utah which allows them to enter the Union in 1896?
48 How does the US govt distribute the LAST FREE LAND IN THE WEST, from “Indian Territory,” now called Oklahoma?
The Fading Frontier
49 What does the Superintendent of the Census announce in 1890?
50 What is the name of the essay written by Frederick Jackson Turner, called the most significant and influential historical essay written about American History…today maybe one of the most Controversial especially to “NEW WESTERN HISTORIANS” (NWH)?
51 What is the myth of the “Safety Valve Theory?”
52 In Reality, What is the basis of the “Safety Valve Theory?”
53 What area is the most urbanized region in the United States based on % of population that lives in Cities after 1880?
54 What does US History have to viewed in light of to be properly understood….according to Frederick Jackson Turner?
55 What four (4) cultures COLLIDE in the Trans-Mississippi West?
56 What posed the Greatest Challenge in settling the West?
57 Who immortalized the heroes of the West in Literature? In Paintings?
58 Copy the quote at the end of my notes….