Minutes of the of the ILS Software & Service Committee

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

10 am – 11 am

Conference Call

Members Present:

Name / Title / Institution
Christina Prucha / Director of Library Services / State Technical College of Missouri
Renee Gorrell (Board Member) / Library and Information Services Director / Goldfarb School of Nursing
Joanna DeYoung / Purchasing/Serials Assistant / Lindenwood University
Melissa Hopkins / Library Director / Mineral Area College
JulieHousknecht / Technical Services Librarian / University of Missouri-Columbia
Steve Strohl / Associate Director, Member Services / MOBIUS
Donna Bacon (Ex Officio) / MOBIUS Executive Director / MOBIUS

Members Absent:

Laura Rein (RETIRED) / Dean of Library Services / Webster University/Eden Theological Seminary
Donna Bacon (Ex Officio) / MOBIUS Executive Director / MOBIUS

(Old) Name: ILS Marketplace Committee

(Old) Charge: Working in conjunction with MOBIUS staff, this committee will be responsible for monitoring and researching current trends and products in the integrated library system marketplace. This committee will be responsible for making formal recommendations to the board, if an RFI or RFP is desired. The committee should create and maintain a checklist or assessment plan incorporating functions and features necessary to support the MOBIUS Consortium, to be used to evaluate ILS products.

(Old) Website: http://mobiusconsortium.org/ils-marketplace-committee

(Old) E-mail lists:

For the committee:

Interested members of MOBIUS:

Guests or Proxies Present:


1.  Call to order and introductions via UberConference

·  The meeting was called to order by Christina Prucha shortly at 10:04 am.

o  It was noted that Laura Rein has retired and her open slot will be brought to Donna’s attention for future consideration.

2.  Agenda

·  Christina called for an adoption of the Agenda.

o  Accepted by acclimation.

3.  Old Business - Recap

a.  Revised name was approved at the December 8th, 2017 Board Meeting.

b.  Revised charge was approved at the December 8th, 2017 Board Meeting.

c.  Review:

i.  New name: ILS Software & Services Committee

ii. New charge:
Working in conjunction with MOBIUS staff, this committee will be responsible for monitoring and researching current ILS library software trends and related product offerings. This committee will engage the membership and make recommendations benefiting the MOBIUS membership regarding product enhancements & service improvements. This committee will be responsible for making formal recommendations to the MOBIUS Board for final consideration.

d.  Next Steps:

i.  New reference on the web site – coming soon. Steve will work with the office on this issue.

ii. New lists for both the committee & non-committee members – coming soon. Steve will work with the office on this issue.

iii.  Christina will work on a draft e-mail announcing our changes to the membership as a whole and encourage folks who are interested to join our non-committee mailing list.

4.  New Business

a.  After much discussion on the way forward with the new charge for the committee; a consensus was reached by acclimation:

i.  The committee will solicit feedback and suggestions for software and services both from inside and outside of the membership that will not overlap with the E-Resources committee. Anyone may suggest an idea for future investigation and discussion. Encouraging folks to meet with vendors at professional conferences was one idea on how folks could find new ideas to bring to the committee.

ii. The committee could leverage MOBIUS’ relationships through ICOLC (for example) and setup conversations with folks from other consortia on what they are doing so we understand more fully what our peers are doing and how we might idea share together.

iii.  The committee should act as a Sierra resource, across clusters, for questions and issues, particularly on how they impact to the new software the MOBIUS managed libraries acquired as part of the most recent contract with Innovative. We want to encourage folks to ask questions about anything Sierra related and not just limit the conversation to their own clusters.

b.  The committee would like to know more about which vendors the E-Resource Committee is talking with since some folks were concerned about not knowing if there might be something that they are interested in. Steve mentioned checking with that committee’s minutes but he would bring this up in the office to see what more we can learn.

5.  Adjourn Meeting: The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

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