The 137thmeeting of State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC) Haryana to review the performance of banks for the period ended 30th June, 2016will be held on 12.08.2016 (Friday) at 10.30 Hotel Mount View, Sector 10, Chandigarh. Following issues shall be taken up for discussions in the meeting:-

Last Meeting of SLBC / 136th
Held on / 13.05.2016
Minutes Emailed/Circulated on / 02.06.2016
Comments Received / Nil

In view of non-receipt of any observation/suggestion on the minutes of 136th meeting of SLBC circulated vide email dated 02.06.2016, the house may confirm.


2.1 Status of Opening of Accounts under PMJDY

Banks have opened 5254304accounts up to 30.06.2016 under PMJDY since its launching on 28.08.2014. Detail of Accounts opened under PMJDY upto 30.06.2016 are as under:-

Total Accounts Opened:52, 54, 304

Rural Areas: 27, 85, 386

Urban Areas: 24, 68, 918

Accounts Opened upto 31.03.2016:51, 83, 664

Incremental April-June,16: 70,640

Bank wise position of opening of accounts is given on Annexure No. 1 (P-86).

2.2 Issuance of Rupay Cards

Out of 5254304accounts opened under PMJDY, in 4419849accounts, Rupay Cards have been issued as at 30.06.2016, which is 84.12% of the total accounts opened.

Total Rupay Cards Issued upto

31.03.2016:42, 96, 520

Incremental April-June, 16: 1, 23, 329

The %age of issuance of Rupay Cards against the number of accounts opened under PMJDY in respect of the following banks is above 80% and below 50%:-

No. / % of issuance of Rupay Cards / Name of the Bank
1. / Above 80% / BMB (100%), (Dena bank 99.71%), SBT(97.47%), ICICI (100%), HDFC (99.99%), SBBJ (99.69%), Federal Bank (97.78%), Corp Bank (97.57%), BOI (98.22%), Indian Bank (99.15%), Indusind Bank (95.27%), SBHYD (96.65%), IOB (96.31%), OBC (95.94%), Andhra Bank (92.49%), BOB (94.24%), Kotak Mahindra (93.64%), IDBI (92.59%), Syndicate Bank(91.75%), UCO Bank(91.77%), SBOP(92.43%), Axis Bank(89.13%), SBI(86.12%), Allahabad Bank (85.33%), PSB(86.51%), Vijaya Bank (86.43%), Canara Bank (83.11%), UBI (84.49%), PNB (84.58%), Yes Bank (83.05%), SIB (92.03%),CBI (80.01%), J&K (92%)
2. / Below 50% / Nainital Bank (42.99%), Bank of Maharashtra (36.61%), Karnataka Bank (24.71%) and Karur Vysya Bank (18.42%)

Bankwise status of issuance of Rupay Cards is given on Annexure No.2(P-87)

Controlling heads of banks are requested to ensure issuance of Rupay Cards in all accounts opened under PMJDY immediately enabling the accountholders to avail the benefit of insurance under PMJDY.

2.3 Zero Balance Accounts, Issuance of RuPay Cards in Zero Balance Accounts

Out of total accounts 5254304opened under PMJDY, 885266accounts are zero balance accounts which is 16.85% of the total accounts opened under PMJDY.

Zero Balance as on 31.03.20169, 43,109

Reduction during April-June, 16 57,843

No. / % age of Zero Balance A/cs / Name of the Bank
1 / Less than 10% / Andhra Bank (0%), PSB (0.19%), KVB(0%), Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank (2.84%), PNB (1.43%), SBBJ (0.21%), CBI (4.17%), Canara Bank (8.94%) and Karnataka Bank (7.01%)
2 / More than 50% / Catholic Syrian Bank (85.50%), Nainital Bank (72.80%), South Indian Bank (50.85%), Yes Bank (57.20%), Kotak Mahindra Bank (54.85%)

Out of total 4419849Rupay cards issued upto 30.06.2016, 582221 Rupay Cards have been issued in Zero Balance accounts, which is 65.77% of the total zero balance accounts (885266). Out of these, 153971 cards have been activated (26.45%) so far in Zero Balance Accounts.

Controlling heads of the banks are requested to minimize the Zero Balance accounts.

Bankwise Position is given on Annexure No.2 (P-87).

2.4 Activation of RuPay Cards

As per the data received from banks it has been observed that out of 4419849Rupay Cards issued upto 30.06.2016, 3203127 cards have been activated which is 72.47% of the total Rupay Cards issued so far.

Bankwise details of issuance and activation of Rupay Cards are given on Annexure No.2 (P-87).

DFS, MOF, GOI, New Delhi vide communication dated 26.11.2015 has informed that NPCI has extended 45 days usage condition (minimum one usage in 45 days) to 90 days (minimum one usage in 90 days) for RuPay Classic cardholders with effect from 25thNov 2015.

It may be noted that 45 days usage condition will remain unchanged for RuPay Platinum Cardholders.

Accident arising on or after 00:00:01 25thNov 2015 will only be considered for extended period. Claim intimations on RuPay Classic cards where accident has occurred before 23.59.59 24thNov 2015 will not be eligible for claim benefit under 90 days usage condition. Such cases will be reviewed in light of the 45 days usage condition only.

From April 2016 onwards any customer induced transaction done by the account holder at the bank branch within the stipulated period of 90 days will also be eligible for claiming the Rupay card linked insurance benefit.


Parameter / Unit / Accident Claim / Natural Death Claim
Claims Recd. / No. / 80 / 77
Amt. (Rs. In lacs) / 80 / 23.10
Claims Lodged / No. / 80 / 76
Amt. (Rs.In lacs) / 80 / 22.80
Claims Settled / No. / 57 / 60
Amt. (Rs.In lacs) / 57 / 18.00

Bank wise Position is given on Annexure No.3 (P-88)

2.6 Aadhaar Seeding

Out of 5254304 accounts opened under PMJDY upto 30.06.2016, aadhaar have been seeded in 3884170 accounts which i.e 73.92% of the total accounts opened under the scheme upto 30.06.2016. The Government of India and State Govt. are implementing various DBT and Social Security schemes through bank accounts linked with Aadhaar to ensure that the benefits reach the genuine/actual beneficiaries.

Detail of aadhaar seeding in the accounts opened under PMJDY upto 30.06.2016 is a under:-

Total Accounts Opened under PMJDY:52, 54,304

Rural Areas:27, 85, 386

Urban Areas:24, 68, 918

Aadhaar Seeding in the A/cs opened under PMJDY:38, 84,170

Rural:20,41,961 (53%)

Urban:18,42,209 (47%)

Aadhaar Seeded as on 31.03.2016 : 37, 11, 580

Incremental April-June, 16 : 1,72, 590

No. / % of Aadhaar Seeding / Name of the Bank
1. / 85% and Above / UCO Bank (93.08%), PNB (87.31%), SBBJ (99.84%), Andhra Bank (100%), SBT (100%), Karur Vysya Bank (95.35%), SIB (91.79%)
2. / Less than 50% / Axis Bank (44.47%), Karnataka Bank (39.48%) Federal Bank (22.26%)

Bank wise status of Aadhaar seeding is given on Annexure No.1 (P-86)

Bankwise progress under Aadhaar Seeding is being continuously monitored by DFS, MOF. DFS has advised banks to make concentrated efforts in order to achieve following targets:-

Types of Accounts / Target / Monitoring by banks
Central Pensioners Accounts / 100 percent Central Pensioners accounts by 31st October, 2016 / To be monitored on a daily basis
Saturation of Union Territories for smooth implementation of DBT scheme and / In all Union Territories beneficiaries Bank accounts by 30th Sept., 2016. / To be monitored on a daily basis
Aadhaar Seeding in all other accounts (Including PMJDY accounts) / all other accounts (Including PMJDY accounts) by 31st March, 2017 / To be monitored on a daily basis

DFS has advised that the above said targets are to be achieved by organizing special camps by banks on every First and Third Saturday and Second and Fourth Friday, in addition to the daily efforts to achieve the targets so laid down. These camps will also be utilized for distribution of the huge backlog of undistributed RuPay Cards/PINs in banks, activation of cards, mobile seeding etc.

  • Aadhaar seeding is already available through other channels like internet banking, ATM, BC Locations and SMS. Customers need to be educated to utilize the same.
  • In order to make this a meaningful exercise, adequate publicity and communication to the account holders for camps and its activities should be made. Bank Staff at all levels should be sensitized and involved in the exercise. Services of Marketing Officers and BC Agents be utilized in an optimum manner.
  • Adequate publicity materiallike posters/banners and pamphlets should be got printed and displayed at branches and BC locations.

Bank wise, day wise targets based on the gap in Aadhaar seeding in central Pensioners account, accounts in U.Ts and overall operative saving bank accounts in banks is being monitored by DFS from 19.07.2016 onwards.

Aadhaar seeding in Central Pensioner and U.Ts is being monitored by DFS on daily basis and seeding in overall SB accounts on weekly basis. Controlling heads of banks are requested to develop a system at controlling office level to daily monitor the progress on daily basis.

In view of the magnitude of the intensity being shown by GOI to get the 100% aadhaar seeding work accomplished within the aforesaid stipulated time, controlling heads of banks are requested to intensify their efforts and monitoring to ensure that all branches of their bank accomplish the task of 100% aadhaar seeding in all Saving Accounts by the stipulated dates given in the above table.

The house may discuss.

2.7 Micro ATMs

Banks have provided 1553 Micro ATMs to their BCAs upto 30.06.2016.
Convener bank has also provided 428 Micro ATMs to its BCAs. This will enable the account holders to swipe their ATM Cards at BCA locations and they will not have to go to the far off areas for swiping the ATM cards. Besides 6142ATMs installed by all the banks in the state of Haryana will also take care of swiping of cards.

Bank wise status of providing of Micro ATMs is given on Annexure No. 2 (P-87).

2.8 Deployment and working of BCAs

In Haryana at all 3244 SSAs (Sub Service Area), the banking service is being provided either by the branches or by BCAs. Out of 3244 SSAs, 1259 SSAs are covered by branches and 1985 by BCAs. In the State of Haryana 2204 BCAs have been appointed against the requirement of 1985 BCAs. Therefore, not even single SSA has been left without the services of Bank Mitra/BCA. SBOP & OBC have 37 inactive BCAs respectively. These banks have assured that BCAs will be activated at the earliest.

It has been observed that BCs are not aware of their duties and sometimes they are not available on the locations.


Banks to monitor the working of their Bank Mitr closely.

Banks should ensure that all Bank Mitrare properly sensitized and should be aware of their duties and the prominent Phone numbers of the district should be available with the Bank Mitr.

Branch Managers should visit BC locations to check the availability of Bank Mitr and should also maintain proper record of the visits.

Banks should also make telephonic calls to check the availability/working of Bank Mitr.

Lead District Managers should undertake surprise visits at BCA locations during their field visits to monitor the functioning of BCAs.

Controlling Heads of banks are requested to ensure 100% presence and efficient working of their BCAs in their respective SSAs.

The House may discus.

2.9 Launch of 3 Social Security Schemes i.e. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) and Atal Pension Yojana (APY).

Hon’ble Prime Minister launched 3 Social Security Schemes namely Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) and Atal Pension Yojana (APY).

2.9 (i) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)-The scheme is a one year cover, renewable from year to year, Accidental Insurance Scheme offering insurance on accidental death and disability cover for disability on account of an accident. The scheme is being offered/administered through Public Sector General Insurance Companies (PSGICs) and other General Insurance Companies.

All Saving bank account holders in the age group of 18-70 years can enroll themselves in participating banks on payment of an annual premium of Rs.12/- renewable on year to year basis.

Up to 30.06.2016, banks have enrolled 2452091 persons under the scheme and 2288922 (93.3%) records have been uploaded by banks.

PMSBY Enrolled as on 31.03.2016:24,32,364

Incremental: 19,727

Bank wise Progress is given on Annexure No.4 (P-89)

2.9 (ii) Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)-The scheme is being implemented through LIC of India/other insurance companies willing to offer product on similar terms with necessary approvals and tie ups with banks for this purpose. Under the scheme all saving bank holders with the age-group of 18-50 years can enroll themselves to avail benefits of the scheme on payment of annual premium of Rs.330/-. Under the scheme Rs. 2 lacs is payable on member’s death due to any reason. Details of the scheme are available on PMJDY website and with all banks.

DFS, MOF, GOI vide their letter No. F.No.H-12011/2/2015-Ins.II dated 20.05.2016 have informed amendment in rules for implementation of PMJJBY. It has been decided by the competent authority to incorporate a lien clause in the rules of PMJJBY with effect from Ist June, 2016: whereby claims for deaths which occur during the first 45 days from the date of enrollment will not be paid. The risk cover will commence only after the completion of 45 days from the date of enrollment into the scheme by the subscriber. However deaths due to accidents will be exempted from the Lien Clause.

Accordingly, the revised consent cum enrolment form for PMJJBY with lien clause incorporated, effective from 01.06.2016 is given on Annexure No.5 (P-90).

All banks and Insurance companies are requested to initiate necessary action in order to ensure availability of the revised form for enrolment under PMJJBY with effect from Ist June, 2016.

Up to 30.06.2016, banks have enrolled 8,01,234persons under the scheme and 7,11,618(88.8%) applications have been uploaded by banks.

PMJJBY Enrolled as on 31.03.2016:7, 91,767

Incremental : 9,467

Bank wise Progress is given on Annexure No.6 (P-91)


Parameter / Unit / PMSBY / PMJJBY
Claims Recd. / No. of cases / 418 / 1085
Amt. (Rs. In lacs) / 830* / 2170
Claims Lodged / No. of cases / 404 / 1075
Amt. (Rs.In lacs) / 802* / 2150
Claims Settled / No. of cases / 207 / 859
Amt. (Rs.In lacs) / 413** / 1718

*It includes partial disability claims recd. & lodged- PSB(1), OBC (1), BOM (1) & SHGB (3)**Partial disability claim settled-PSB(1)

Bank wise Position is given on Annexure No.7 (P-92)

2.9 (iii) Atal Pension Yojana (APY) - Keeping in mind the concern about the old age income security of the working poor, to focus on encouraging and enabling them to save for their retirement, to address the longevity risks among the workers in unorganized sector and to encourage them to voluntarily save for their retirement, the Government of India launched thispension scheme namely Atal Pension Yojana (APY).

The scheme is being administered by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) through NPS Architecture.

Under APY, there is guaranteed minimum monthly pension for the subscribers ranging between Rs.1000/- to Rs.5000/- per month. The benefit of minimum pension will be guaranteed by Govt. of India.

All bank account holders which are citizen of India and in the age-group of 18-40 years can join APY and avail benefits of the scheme on payment of subscription according to their entry age and required minimum monthly pension ranging between Rs.1000/-to Rs.5000/- per month.

Complete details are available with the participating banks and on the website of PFRDA and PMJDY as well.

Up to 30.06.2016, banks have enrolled 68361 persons under the scheme and 65998 (96.5%) records have been uploaded by banks.

APY Enrolled as on 31.03.2016:55,797

Incremental: 12,564

Bank wise Progress is given on Annexure No. 8 (P-93).

2.10 Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)

Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency Ltd. (MUDRA) was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 8th April, 2015 as a new financial entity for developing and refinancing last mile financial intermediaries like banks, NBFCs and MFIs etc. who are in the business of lending to smaller of the micro enterprises in manufacturing, trading and service sector.

On the same day Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana was launched to “fund the unfunded” by bringing such enterprises to the formal financial system and extending affordable credit to them.

It is felt that there is a need to give a special boost to bank finance to this segment on a mission mode, considering enormous task in reaching to the large number of such units, currently excluded from the formal credit.

This segment mainly consists of non-farm enterprises in manufacturing, trading and services whose credit needs are below Rs.10.00 lakh. The MUDRA loans have been classified as under:-

  1. Shishu (Loans upto Rs.50000/-)
  2. Kishore (Loans from Rs.50001-Rs.5.00 lacs)
  3. Tarun (Loans above Rs.5.00 lac and upto Rs.10.00 lac)

It would be the endeavour of MUDRA that at least 60% of Credit goes to Shishu category units and the balance to Kishore and Tarun categories.

The overdraft amount of Rs.5000/- (Rs. Five thousand only) sanctioned under PMJDY may also be classified as MUDRA loans under PMMY.

Mega Mudra Credit Camps were organized from 25.09.2015 to 01.10.2015 in all the districts of State for effective implementation of PMMY in the state. The progress under PMMY upto 30.06.2016 is as under:-

  1. Progress under SHISHU Scheme (Loans upto Rs.50000/-)
  • Number of Accounts-21359
  • Amount disbursed-Rs. 58.38 Cr.
  1. Progress under KISHORE Scheme (Loans from Rs. Rs.50000/-to Rs.5.00 lac)
  • Number of Accounts-7371
  • Amount disbursed-Rs.149.68 Cr.
  1. Progress under TARUN Scheme (Loans above Rs.5.00 lac and upto Rs.10.00 lac)
  • Number of Accounts-2412
  • Amount disbursed-Rs. 170.55 Cr.


  • Annual Target-Rs.3015.98 Crore
  • Number of Accounts-31142
  • Amount disbursed-Rs.378.62 Cr.
  • Achievement-12.55% of the annual target

Institution wise progress under PMMY during the Q.E.June, 16 is as under:-

Amt. Rs. In lacs

Scheme / Public Sector Banks / Private Sector Banks / RRBs / Total
Ach.- No. of A/cs / 9695 / 10523 / 1141 / 21359
Amt. / 3074 / 2441 / 323 / 5838
Ach.- No. of A/cs / 5418 / 1391 / 562 / 7371
Amt. / 10905 / 3466 / 597 / 14968
Ach.- No. of A/cs / 1749 / 638 / 25 / 2412
Amt. / 13032 / 3876 / 147 / 17055
Target (Amt.) / 220367 / 76631 / 4600 / 301598
Ach.- No. of A/cs / 16862 / 12552 / 1728 / 31142
Amt. / 27011 / 9783 / 1067 / 37862
% age Ach. (Amt.) / 12.26% / 12.77% / 23.20% / 12.55%

Out of total disbursement in 31142 accounts under PMMY, 15544women have also been provided loans (49.9%) of the total loan cases in PMMY) amounting to Rs.59.88crore. Bankwise detail is given in Annexure No.9 (P-94).


Stand-Up India Scheme was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 5th April, 2016. The objective of the scheme is to facilitate bank loans between Rs.10 lakh and Rs. 100 lakh to at least one Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and at least one women borrower per bank branch of all scheduled commercial banks for setting up a green field enterprise. This enterprise may be in manufacturing, service or trading sector. In case of non-individual enterprises at least 51% of the shareholding and controlling stake should be held by either an SC/ST or Women Entrepreneur.

An interactive portal ( has also been launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister which hosts information about various entities providing handholding support to the borrower.
It has been advised to route the loan applications through the portal.