VII/28. Basel Protocol on Liability and Compensation

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling its decision VI/15 on the Basel Protocol on Liability and Compensation,

Also recalling Open-ended Working Group decision OEWG-II/2 on the Basel Protocol on Liability and Compensation,

Noting the importance of the workshops called for in the latter decision as a means of promoting the exchange of information on the difficulties faced by Parties with respect to ratification of and accession to the Basel Protocol on Liability and Compensation, with a view to enhancing such ratification and accession,

Also noting with appreciation the kind financial support provided by the Government of Switzerland towards the organization of three workshops,

Welcoming with appreciation the efforts made by the Secretariat, the Basel Convention regional centres and the host countries in organizing workshops,

Taking note of the work undertaken to date by the Secretariat,

Welcoming with appreciation the assistance offered by the Government of Switzerland in the preparation of the instruction manual,

Further noting the need for further work on the manual to render it ready for approval,

1.Calls upon all Parties and organizations that are in a position to do so to make financial or inkind contributions for the organization of workshops for addressing various aspects of and obstacles to the process of ratification of or accession to the Basel Protocol as called for in decisionVI/15;

2.Requests the Secretariat to continue its work on organizing workshops to address aspects of and obstacles to the process of ratification of or accession to the Basel Protocol;

3.Also requests the Secretariat to continue consultations with relevant institutions and to report thereon to the Open-ended Working Group regarding the options that may be available with respect to the requirement of insurance, bonds or other financial guarantees and the financial limits established under the Protocol;

4.Further requests the Secretariat to provide legal and technical assistance to Parties who require such assistance for the implementation of the Protocol;

5.Requests the Open-ended Working Group to consider and approve the instruction manual;

6.Also requests the Secretariat, upon approval by the Open-ended Working Group, to publish the instruction manual in all official United Nations languages and to disseminate it widely;

7.Invites Parties, upon approval by the Open-ended Working Group, to use the instruction manual, to report to the Secretariat on their experience in the use of the instruction manual and to submit to the Secretariat, on an on-going basis, copies of domestic laws and regulations implementing the Basel Protocol as well as case studies on the application of the Protocol;

8.Further requests the Secretariat to update the instruction manual on a regular basis by the addition, as annexes to the instruction manual, of copies of domestic laws and regulations and case studies relating to the implementation of the Basel Protocol submitted by Parties.