EU Funded Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Man-made and Natural Disasters in the ENPI East Region (PPRD East)
1st National Advisory Group meeting
25th of April 2013
Venue: Hotel Villa Verde, Chisinau, Moldova
The first meeting of the National Advisory Group (NAG) was held in Chisinau on 25th of April, 2013. NAG was established in the PPRD East Programme to raise the Partner Countries' ownership of the Programme and its activities and thus contribute to the sustainability of PPRD East results. National Advisory Group will have a consultative role and periodical meetings are planned in coming period till the end of the PPRD East Programme. The main objective of the NAG is to provide guidance and support to the implementation of the Program in Moldova. NAG members are the representatives of the governmental institutions, agencies involved in the disaster risk management as well as representatives of scientific and donor communities.
The meeting was organized by the PPRD East Programme in close cooperation with the Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service of Moldova (CPESS). CPESS is the key Programme stakeholder in Moldova. Representatives from the Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service of Moldova, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre, State Hydrometeorological Service, Institute of Ecology and Geography, Institute of Geology and Seismology, UNDP Moldova, Public Assosiation EcoTiras joined the meeting. The PPRD East Programme Team Leader and Key Experts facilitated the meeting.
The objectives of the meeting were:
1. To bring together key national stakeholders involved in disaster management and civil protection in Moldova;
2. To inform participants about the current status of the Programme, about recent developments and planned activities till the end of the Programme;
3. To receive the feedback from the participants about the Programme as well as about needs in the civil protection and disaster management sector.
The meeting was opened by the representative of Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service and the PPRD East Programme Steering Committee member Mr. Genadie Barbu. He welcomed participants, described the role of CPESS in this Programme and highlighted the importance of the Preogramme for the Republic of Moldova. He welcomed the initiative of the Programme to have meetings of all stakeholders in disaster management and civil protection and expressed his expectation that this initiative will be continued.
Mr. Barbu emphasized that the creation of a coordination group such as the National Advisory Group, with participation of the representatives of governmental institutions in the planning and implementation process would support the successful implementation of the Programme.
PPRD East Programme Team Leader and Key Experts presented the Programme, planned and achieved results and Programme activity areas. PPRD East Team Leader informed the participants that PPRD East Programme Phase I will finish in June 2014 and that should be followed by the Phase II, which is currently in the process of formulation. NAG should also contribute to the formulation of the Phase II by providing suggestions, recommendations and ideas.
To provide the better understanding of the Programme and its activity areas, the following were presented in details :
- Creation of the Electronic Regional Risk Atlas (ERRA)
- Strengthening of the civil protection/disaster management capacity
- Strengthening of the institutional and regulatory capacities
- Raising awareness on the issues of civil protection, disaster management and disaster risk reduction.
Discussions took place after each presentation (presentations are available at: XXXX). Participants were active, asking for clarifications and providing comments and proposals.
Meeting participants namely Academy of Science, UNDP Moldova, NGO EcoTiras and State Hidro-meteorological Services asked questions referring to:
- Potential beneficiaries / users of the Electronic Disaster Risk Atlas
The level of access to ERRA will be decided at the state level. General public will have the limited access, while special access will have the authorities involved in planning/mitigation and response to disasters (Ministries, Agencies, inspections). Initially, the idea was to establish only the Risk Atlas at the regional level, but later on and as a result of close cooperation with Partner Countries, it was decided to install ERRA at the national level of all 6 Partner Countries.
- Cooperation with other projects addressing similar issues (for example UNDP and the World Bank)
Several meetings were organized and thorough discussions were held with all interested parties with an aim to avoid duplication and overlapping - UNDP project had been elaborated to the level of technical specification; the WB project hasn’t started yet with this component. The main expectation is that all three projects (PPRD East, UNDP and WB) will create a constructive triangle, in close coordination with CPESS; as a result, and due to the fact that costs of a software and hardware for a data base like ERRA are very high, it was decide that available resources of all three projects will be mutually utilized.
- Further ERRA activities will provide the possibilities for additional scientific research, as the previous activities have already done, and it is necessary to ensure its continuity.
The whole PPRD East Programme and especially ERRA related activities provide opportunities for cooperation between different stakeholders.
- The server location
Participants agree to decide till June 2013 which Governmental institution will be responsible for what component of ERRA set-up and how it will be maintained. Hazard mapping as part of the risk assessment has already started. The decision where and how to install the ERRA Server should be reached at the national level and that decisions/information should be shared with other Partner Countries and EC.
- Sustainability and the maintenance of the Programme results
Moldova has the 10-years delay in the implementation of GEO portal. But, in the process of ERRA elaboration, all involved we will work also with the e-government, with an intention to use those resources which are available in the country and which will be available in the future.
- Is the proposed risk assessment methodology common/same for all countries, or specifics of each country will be taken in consideration?
PPRD east Programme has not reached the final decision on the questions raised; intention is to use the “ PPRD East Regional Risk Assessment Policy”, developed and accepted by all Partner Countries in at the end of 2012 as a basis for disaster risk assessment methodology. In principle, standardized approach and methods will be applied in all 6 Partner Countries, as the process itself should be clearly understood by each of the implementers. Nevertheless, some adjustments to the country specifics will be accepted.
- Necessity of the study tours/ training/ workshops and their aims
Trainings / workshops facilitate further capacity development and faster regional cooperation and information sharing.
- Institutional Strengthening
Cooperation between state structures exists and is satisfactory. PPRD East Programme is intending to analyze the EU institutional standards and good practices compared with what exist in Moldova. Existing legislation and policy documents will be provided to the Programme team and based on the review, recommendations will be formulated.
- Legal and Regulatory Strengthening
Moldova has a legal framework on disaster management but there is always an opportunity to be improved. PPRD East will, again, analyze what exist at the national level and will elaborate the recommendations for improvements. Each Partner Country will to what extent these recommendations will be implemented. The EU has different possibilities to provide assistance in case of disasters. All are based on sharing information.
- Early Warning System
There is an EWS on Danube River and once per year it is checked, and two years ago this EWS informed each country along the Danube river about pollution. It is important to have common rules for all actors active in this topic, especially for the actors from neighboring countries. PPRD East will elaborate recommendations and each Partner Country will decide how to use them. Recommendations will be very specific per each country, but some recommendation will be general for each sub-region.
The EU has recently developed minimum standards for disaster risk management; might be useful to develop something similar for the ENPI region as well.
- Register of state institutions which could offer comments on disasters.
Each person should know how to interpret information, especially if they are journalists, to check the sources, possibility of offering information and to make information more attractive.
- Sustainability of such potential in each country
The best option will be to involve the Training center of CPESS, but it is not a possibility to train the trainers during one day. PPRD East Programme will elaborate a “Guide for journalists”. The Spanish training course for journalist will be used as a starting point for the development of the journalist guide. International experts will be engaged for capacity building events. Based on provided trainings journalists have already created a network and will have further possibilities to share information and keep each other informed.
- Cooperation with mass media
It is important that CPESS cooperate with mass media, it is necessary to avoid data exaggeration, erroneous data that lead to big blunders, PPRD East is supporting such initiative. More than this information flow should be offered in visual manner, clearly and attractively.
- Administrative issues
Programme is reporting to EC and Partner Countries every six months through writen progress reports and at the Natioanl Coordinators and Steering Committee meetings. A next National Coordinators meeting will be organized till the end of 2013 while the next Steering Committee will be organized in May 2014..
Agency “Apele Moldovei ”(Moldovan water) shared information that 80 km of dykes on Nistru, Prut and Rrut Rivers are in deplorable condition, that they are not maintained in accordance to the technical regulations. During the last 2 years 30 km of dykes were repared with the funds from the National Environmental Fund. Agency “Apele Moldovei ” made a requesr/inquiry if there is a possibility to financially support the repairment of remaining 50 km of dykes.
The next National Advisory Group meeting is planned to take within the next 6 months or so. During closing round of the comments participants concluded that this meeting was a good initiative to foster the national cooperation and establish relationships at the national level and expressed the hope that this initiative will have the follow up.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Barbu thanked the participants of the meeting for productive working time and expressed his and readiness of the CPESS to support the further implementation of PPRD East Programme.
ANNEX 1 Agenda
National Advisory Group Meeting Moldova
Date: April 25, 2013
Venue: Hotel Villa Verde
str. Grenoble 110, mun.
Chisinau, Moldova
9:30-10:00 / Registration10:00-10:10 / Official Opening / Civil Protection and Emergency Situation Services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
EU Delegation in Moldova
10:10-10:20 / Welcome note and introduction – Tour De Table / PPRD East Team Leader
10:20-10:45 / Presentation of the PPRD East Programme progress / PPRD East Expert Team
10:50 / Presentation of the summary of the PPRD East Programme Work Plan / PPRD East Team Leader
10:50-11:10 / Presentation of the annual work plan of the Activity Area A: Development of the Electronic Regional Risk Atlas (ERRA) / PPRD East Expert Team
11:10-11:30 / Tour de Table - Activity Area A / Plenary
11:30-11:45 / Coffee break
11:45-12:05 / Presentation of the annual work plan of the Activity Area B: Civil Protection/Disaster Management Capacity Building Programme / PPRD East Expert Team
12:25-12:45 / Tour de Table - Activity Area B / Plenary
12:45-13:05 / Presentation of the annual work plan of the Activity Area C: Institutional and Regulatory Strengthening / PPRD East Expert Team
13:05-14:15 / Lunch
14:15-14:35 / Tour de Table – Activity Area C / Plenary
14:35-14:55 / Presentation of the draft annual work plan of the Activity Area D: Raising Awareness on Civil Protection, Disaster Management, and Disaster Risk Reduction Issues / PPRD East Expert Team
14:55-15:15 / Tour de Table – Activity Area D / Plenary
15:15-15:30 / Coffee break
15:30-15:50 / Final comments / Plenary
15:50-16:10 / Conclusions and next steps / Civil Protection and Emergency Situation Services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
PPRD East Expert Team
16:10-16:30 / Closing words and photo / Civil Protection and Emergency Situation Services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
EU Delegation
Nr. / Title / Name/surname / Name of institution / Function/specialty / Email address/phone1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
1 / Mr. / SergiuJunea / Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service oh the Republic of Moldova / Şef Secţie radiotiv-chimică / tel: (022) 73-8572;
mob: 079906499
2 / Mr. / Vladimir Leahu / ŞefServiciulaboator-chimic / tel: (022) 56-96-21;
mob: 079604118;
3 / Mrs. / ElinaPleşca / Ministry of Environment / prim vice-director al ServiciuluiHidrometeorologic de Stat / tel: (022) 77-35-11;
mob: 079557608;
4 / Mr. / Ivan Şavga / director adjunct al Agenţiei “ApeleMoldovei” / tel: (022) 28-09-65;
mob: 069052505
5 / Mr. / Alexei Boşneaga / Ministry of Regional Development and Construction / Şef al Direcţiei Construcţii, Materiale de construcţii şi Tehnologii moderne / tel: (022) 204587;
mob: 069000397.
6 / Mr. / SergiuVasiliţa / Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Moldova / Şef adjunct CentrulMedicinaCalamităţilor / tel: (022) 23-70-73;
mob: 079002229.
7 / Mr. / Valentin Luchian / Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre of the Republic of Moldova / Şef adjunct Direcţie / tel: (022) 88-12-64;
e-mail: ;
mob: 069172809.
8 / Mr. / VeaceslavGherghelegiu / State Hydrometeorological Service / Şef al Centrului Hidrografie şi Cadastrul Apelor / tel: (022) 76-45-88;
mob: 069817303;
9 / Mr. / IurieBejan / Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova / Doctor inginer, director adjunct peştiinţă / tel: (022) 21-11-34;
11 / Mr. / AlcazVasile / Institute of Geology and Seismology of the Academy of Sciences / Director / tel: (022) 72-36-08 / 73-90-27;
12 / Mr. / Graur Gheorghe / TiraspolStateUniversity / Inginer / tel. mob: 068550180.
13 / Mrs. / EcaterinaMelnicenco / UNDP / e-mail:
tel: (022) 52-08-60;
mob: 068371717.
14 / Mr. / DilanVitalie / Consultant GIS / e-mail:
mob: 069985294.
15 / Mrs. / Tatiana Echim / Public Association EcoContact / tel. mob: 079505051;
16 / Mr. / SirodoevGhennadi / International Environmental Association of River Keepers "Eco-Tiras" / tel. mob: 069154003;
e-mail: /
17 / Mr. / Ceban Alexandru / Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova / Consultant superior, Direcţiasupraveghereethnicăşisecuritateindustrială / tel: (022) 23-36-17;
18 / Mr. / VitalieJereghi / Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova / Consultant superior al Direcţieiresurseumane, responsabil de ProtecţiaCivilă / tel: (022) 21-01-53;
mob: 079754966;
20 / Mr. / SergiuCroitor / State Inspectorate for Supervision
of Dangerous Industrial Engineering / Şef al Direcţiei chimico-tehnologice / tel: (022) 22-57-32;
21 / Mrs. / Stela Baghici / Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova / Consultant al Direcţiei finanţele, justiţiei, ordinii publice, apărării şi securităţii statului / tel: (022) 26-27-20;
mob: 069505785;
22 / Mr. / Tatiana Gulea / Office of the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Moldova / Secţia control al urmăririi penale din cadrul Direcţiei control al urmăririi penale şi asistenţă metodică a PG / tel. mob: 069999705
23 / Mr. / Constantin Golan / Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova / Şef Secţie Protecţie şi Prevenire / tel: (022) 73-71-90;
mob: 060101952