FirstAuthor’sName-SURNAME1*, SecondAuthor’sName-SURNAME2
2 Secondauthor’scommunicationadress
Thisdocument is a guideandsamplepaperfor 1. International GAP AgricultureandLivestocksCongress.Foryourpaperto be published in theconferenceproceedings, youmustusethisdocument as both an instruction set and as a templateintowhichyou can typeyourowntext. Ifyourpaperdoes not conformtotherequired format, youwill be askedtofix it.Abstractsectioncontains no morethan 250 words. Inthissectionbrieflyaims of theresearch, themainresultsobtained, andtheconclusionsmust be given.
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1. International GAP AgricultureandLivestockCongressOral/Poster Presentation
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Yourmanuscriptmustuse a page size correspondingto A4 which is 210 mm wideand 297 mm long. Themarginsmust be set as follows:
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Titlemust be in 14 ptbold, authornamesmust be in 12 ptbold, authors’ addressesand e-mailsmust be in 10 pt, abstractandkeywordsmust be in 10 pt, othersectionsmust be 11 ptbold.
Titleandauthornamesmust be in single-column format andmust be centered.
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It is compulsoryforthecorrespondingauthorto be indicatedand his / her e-mail addressto be presented.
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AnalysisMethods of SoilSpecimens
Stabilityanalysis of genotypes
Inthissection, a clearpresentation of experimentalresultsobtained, highlightinganytrendsorpoints of interestmust be given.
Figuresandtablesmust be flushleftside in thecolumn. Graphicsandfiguresmay be fullcolor.
Tableandfigurenamesmust be 11 pt, contents of thosemust be 10 pt (Table 1; Figure 2).
1. International GAP AgricultureandLivestockCongressOral/Poster Presentation
Table 1. Sampletable
TextMetin / Number
Rakam / Example
Örnek / Parameter
Parametre / Trial
1 / 7 / 5 / 9 / 16
2 / 35 / 20 / 18 / 50
3 / 55 / 60 / 27 / 74
4 / 63 / 100 / 54 / 92
Figure 1. Samplefigure(a. wheat, b. cottonfield)
Figure 2.Samplegraphic
1. International GAP AgricultureandLivestockCongressOral/Poster Presentation
A briefexplanation of thesignificanceandimplications of theresearchmust be given in thissection.
Collateacknowledgements in a separatesection at theend of thearticlebeforethereferencesand do not, therefore, includethem on thetitlepage, as a footnotetothetitleorotherwise. You can writeherewhoorwhichinstitutionprovidedhelpduringtheresearch (e.g.,providinglanguagehelp, writingassistanceorproofreadingthearticle, etc.).
Theseshould be toaccessiblesources. Pleaseensurethatallworkcited in thetext is included in thereferencelist, andthatthedatesandauthorsgiven in thetextmatchthose in thereferencelist. Referencesmustalways be given in sufficientdetailforthereadertolocatetheworkcited (seebelowforformats).
- example of a book in
Winkler, A.J.,Cook, J.A., Kliewer, W.M.and Lider, L.A., 1974. General Viticulture. Univ. ofCalif. Press, Berkeley, 710p.
Metin, M., 2001. Süt Teknolojisi. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir, 802s.
- example of a part of thebook
Walstra, P.,Van Vliet, T. andBremer, C.G.B., 1990. On theFractalnature of Particlegels. FoodPolymers, GelsandColloids. (Ed) Dickinson, E.,TheRoyalSociety of Chemistry, Norwich, UK, 369-382pp.
- example of a journalarticle in
SingleAuthor (Tek Yazarlı)
Iotsova-Baurenska, N., 1975. StomatalNumbersand Size in JuglansRegia in RelationtoEcologicalConditions. Fitologiya, (1): 19-24.
Mamay, M., 2015. Nar Yaprakbiti [AphispunicaePasserini (Hemiptera: Aphididae)] ’nin Şanlıurfa ili nar bahçelerindeki bulaşıklık haritası. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni, 5(3): 159-166.
TwoAuthors (İki Yazarlı)
Çelik, Ş., Türkoğlu, H., 2007. Ripening of Traditional Örgü CheeseManufacturedwithRaworPasteurizedMilk: CompositionandBiochemicalProperties. InternationalJournal of DairyTechnology, 60 (4): 253-258.
Bekişli, M.İ., Gürsöz, S., 2016. Harran Ovası Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Bazı Amerikan Asma Anaçlarının Yaprak ve Stoma Özelliklerin İncelenmesi. Bahçe, 45: 857-861.
ThreeorMoreAuthors(İkiden Fazla Yazarlı)
Jyosthna, M.K.,Reddy, N.P.E.; Chalam, T.V. andReddy, G.L.K., 2004. MorphologicalandBiochemicalCharacterization of PhaseoisariopsisPersonataResistantandSusceptibleCultivars of Graundnut (Arachishypogaea). TaiwanPhytopathologicalSociety, 13(4): 243-250.
İkinci, A.,Mamay, M., Ünlü, L., Bolat, İ. ve Ercişli, S., 2014. Determination of HeatRequirementsandEffectiveHeatSummations of SomePomegranateCultivarsGrown in SouthernAnatolia. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 56 (4): 131-138.
- example of a conferencepaper in
Hayoğlu, İ., Çelik, Ş. ve Türkoğlu, H., 2010. Güneydoğunun vazgeçilmezi: Meyan Şerbeti. 1. Uluslararası Adriyatik’ten Kafkaslar’a Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, 15-17 Nisan, 1037-1038s. Tekirdağ.
Gursoz, S.,Odabasioglu, M.I. and Ak, B.E., 2017. A Study on TheGrafting of DifferentTableGrapeVarieties on DifferentRootstocks. The 3rd InternationalConference on EngineeringandNaturalSciences (ICENS), 3-7 May, 888-893p.Budapest-Hungary.
- example of a websiteor web pagein
Anonymous, 2014. Access date: 15.07.2014
Anonymous, 2015. Access date: 01.01.2016.
- example of a master’sorPhDthesis in
Shure, K. B., 1992.Changes in theOdor of AppleHomogenatesDuetoEnzymaticOxidation. Cornell University, M.S. Thesis, 35p.
Bekişli, M.İ., 2014. Harran Ovası Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Bazı Asma Çeşitleri ile Amerikan Asma Anaçlarının Yaprak ve Stoma Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Harran Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 96s.
- example of an unknownsource in
Anonim, 2005. Tereyağı, Diğer Süt Yağı Esaslı Sürülebilir Ürünler ve Sadeyağ Tebliği, Türk Gıda Kodeksi, Tebliğ No: 2005/19, Ankara.
Sourcesshould be arranged in alphabeticalorder. If a secondsourcepublishedbythecitedauthor(s) is cited, it should be arrangedaccordingtotheyear.
Ağaoğlu, Y.S., Çelik, H., 1985. Conservation of Germplasm of Vitisvinifera L. in Turkey. 4th InternationalSymposium of GrapevineBreeding, 13-18 April, 40-42p. Verona-ITALY.
Ağaoğlu, Y.S., Çelik, H., 1986. Bağcılık Potansiyelinin Geliştirilmesi. Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi Tarımsal Kalkınma Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 18-21 Kasım, 211-229s. Ankara.