
PO Box 1432, Highland Park, NJ08904

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December, 2012

Second Edition


PO Box 1432, Highland Park, NJ08904

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President – Skip Drumm

Vice President – Lisanne Powers

Secretary – Alan Gross

Treasurer – Roberta Berlin

Campus Liaison – Sarah Kelly

Newsletter Editor – Skip Drumm

State Board Rep – Gabby Celeiro

State Board Alternate -Sarah MacCombie

Our Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be Monday, December 17th (3rd Monday!),7 pm, at the home of Rich and John. Dinner will be served, once again courtesy of our hosts. Let me know if you're planning to attend, so we can have enough food for everyone. This is Party Night and chapter election night, so think about what capacity you might like to serve in.

From NOW National Action Center November 28, 2012

VAWA Programs Face Uncertain Future -

Congress still has not reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act. If Congress fails to pass VAWA in this "lame duck" session, we will have to start all over again with the new Congress in January.

Tell your representatives...


From the Women's Media Center, November 26, 2012:

A photography exhibit opening in Vienna, Austria, is designed to raise awareness of crimes of femicide and violence against women and girls. For the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 26, the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) is sponsoring the exhibit. Femicide is a term that addresses not only violence against women, but also the institutional structures and cultural attitudes that create extreme violence against women as well as members of the transvestite and transgender population.

From Women’s E-News:

Dear President Obama: Do These Things for Women

By Susan Rose-WeNews commentator, November 23, 2012.

After providing Obama the bulk of their votes, women are in a position to ask for a roster of policy rewards, from labor protections for domestic workers to rapid implementation of health reform. Click on the headline above to read more.

From Women’s E-News:

Abortion Protests Erupt Over Death in Ireland

By Claire Mc Cormack-WeNews correspondent

The death of an Indian woman who was denied an abortion in Ireland has triggered protests worldwide this week and renewed the debate over the country's strict abortion laws. Click on the headline above to read more.

Job Opportunity, Trenton,NJ
Receivedon November 20, 2012.

“Director of Sales: A rare and exciting opportunity to manage a sales force of one of the last greatest News Talk stations in the country. One of the pioneers in FM News Talk, New Jersey 101.5/WKXW, is looking for a GREAT DOS! You’ll have the opportunity to sell compelling original content for both broadcast and digital. We are a Townsquare Media property with a cutting edge attitude. Be a part of something great!”

Closing date 1/31/13. Please e-mail resumes to Annette Petriccione at or fax them to 609-359-5301. EEO

Lady Gaga: ‘Bulimia and Anorexia Since I Was 15’

From: Tasha Amador, November 28.

Lady Gaga publically states she has battled an eating disorder (Bulimia) since she was 15, starts a "Body Revolution" movement for Body Acceptance. Sounds like we have a new ally! Click here for story.

SPEAKOUT! For Morning After Pill

National Women’s Liberation Demands Health and Human ServicesStop Blocking Over-the-Counter Approval of the Morning-After Pill. The Speakout will be Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 4:30p to 5:30p, the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade in Manhattan, 26 Federal Plaza, on Broadway at Worth St., U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. For more informationclick here.

Saving Abortion

“Seeking Women with a Story to Tell”

By Mimi Pichey

The Rutgers University Choice group (RU Choice) has partnered with the MiddlesexCounty chapter of NOW to record women’s stories, both taped and written. Our goal is to post some short videos and written memories on a website and reach out to young people using the internet. We're hoping that these vignettes can educate young people about the dangers that await if we don't pay attention to preserving the rights we gained in 1973.

The videotaping is being done by Rutgers students. Check out the several that have already been posted at Never Go Back. If you prefer, it could be done so that you are not recognizable. You would have the ability to approve the final product before publication. You are also welcome to share a written memory such as the one that appeared in the November 2011 newsletter. (Available on our website: For more information: or 732-316-1078.

Guest Contributors to our Newsletter are welcome!

Send articles, poetry, and other items of interest to the chapter at .

What issues would you like to see our chapter address?

Please reply to .

How to Contact your State and National Legislators:

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