1st CHORLEYWOOD SCOUT GROUP January 2011 Newsletter
A Happy New Year to everyone and congratulations to Sue Eltringham who received an award for her five years’ service as a scout leader. Our best wishes go to John Scanes, our subscriptions secretary, who is recovering at home after a stay in hospital. John is feeling much better and hopes to be able to send out all billings by the end of the month.
Thank you also to all those helpers who braved the icy conditions and helped the scout group raise £356.50at Chorleywood’sLate Night Shopping Evening.An enormous thank you to the Beaver parents who sent in an amazing selection of mince pies for the evening.The Beavers themselves were busy that night entertaining the residents at Troutstream Hall. They also held a sponsored silence and raised £268 for the Watford New Hope Trust. Patrick, who raised an impressive £64, handed over a cheque at our Chorleywood in Action evening.
(Pat Cunnings, editor)
Chorleywood in Action Evening
What a fantastic evening this turned out to be. It was great to seesuch a packed hall. Thank you to everyone who came along. Parents and our invited guests,Arnie Baker the District Commissioner and Cllr Barbara Green, next year’s Chair of Three Rivers Council enjoyed a series of presentations from all section members. We heard first from the Beavers and a very proud Charlie was presented with his Beaver Scout Award by the District Commissioner. The cub packs told us about their experiences as sixers and seconders and why they enjoycubs.
We then heard from two members of Chess troop who gave a very entertaining account of their experiencesduring the district expedition to Lochearnhead last summer. Friday night scouts showed us their silverware won at recent scouting competitions.I hope they managed to get their two parent volunteers for their night away at HMS Belfast.The presentations finished with a talk by Katharine, one of two ChorleywoodExplorer scouts who are representing the District at the World Jamboree in Sweden this summer.
It was fantastic to see the progression fromBeavers all the way up to Explorers as the children grow older and more independent, taking part in more challenging activities. On your behalf I must thank the leaderswho arranged the programme and also spoke during the evening. A special thank you goes to Sarah Wright and Richard Hall for coordinating the event. Thanks also go to Sara Allmey for her fantastic refreshmentsand to those of you who sent in contributions.
The other main item on the agenda at this meeting was HQ itself. Nigel Hammond gave a very graphic talk as to why the building needs a “make over.” It’s leaking heat as it is very badly insulated. If I am reading my 50thanniversary souvenir brochure correctly it seems as if the building which was officially opened in 1956 used sections from an old 1914-18 army hutto form the side walls of the building. So yes I think that you will agree it’s time the building had some TLC. We would also like to demolish the garage and existing outbuildings and replace them with a new storage block creating, at the same time, an area for outdoor activities.
This all needs money. We are applying for grants but we don’t know how successful this will be so we need your help. Sarah Wright spoke to us on Friday saying that she hoped to set up a fund raising subcommittee for this project henceforth known as Project35K.Several people signed up on the night. If you would like to join this groupor have any ideas on how we can reach our target please phone Sarah on 01923282946 or email her at
Quiz night
Our next fund raising event is our quiz night. This takes place on Feb 5th 7pm for 7.30 at HQ in Green Street. This event is almost sold out but we may be able to squeeze in another table. Please contact Guy Allen on
01923 283386 or at to book a place at this event. The cost is £10.00 a person. This includes supper. A vegetarian option is available but it needs to be ordered when booking tickets.
Feel free to bring some extra nibbles if you think it will help the little grey cells. However you don’t need to bring your own drinks as we will be running a bar where you can buy wine, beer, soft drinks or mineral water.HOWEVER PLEASE DO bring your own cutlery, plates and glasses. It saves a lot of washing up at the end of the evening. Two of our explorer scouts, Katharine and Eleanor, will be running a raffle to raise money for their trip to the World Scout Jamboree.
100 Club (Martin Day)
Recent draws for the 100 Club resulted in the following winners; November, Rachel Speirs; December, David Ponsford; January, Nigel Davies; £50 draw at the Scouts in Action Evening, Pat Cunnings. Congratulations to all and thanks to all 100 Club members for your support.
Stop press
Watford Observer Friday 28 Jan articles on our scout group