1C – Quantitative Techniques and Understanding

1998 Category Review –

This review is included for 1C since the later review contained less information about assessment (surveys lost/missing).

Math objectives and competencies:

The quantitative communications area aims to develop students’ ability to use and understand numerical data and to increase their awareness of the ways in which numerical data increasingly make accessible levels of knowledge which were previously unobtainable. Students also develop alertness for the misuse, manipulations, and multiple interpretations of numerical data. The concepts of degree of risk, distribution, uncertainty, orders of magnitude, rates of change and confidence levels and acceptability are included in the competencies to be achieved by students.

All three courses focus on mathematical concepts which are useful for acquiring, understanding, and communication information, and which thus are consistent with GE objects. Because 800:092 is offered in smaller sections than either of the other two courses, it can actually focus on communicating quantitative information and addressing critical thinking on an individual basis. Some sections of 800:072 use team projects to address communicating quantitative information.

Specifically, 800:023 and 800:072 focus on “critical thinking and logical reasoning” (competency 5.2) and on “analysis, synthesis, and evaluation” (competency 5.3). Yet they also address methods and aspects of communication (competency 5.1) by providing the mathematical structures for communication and by considering means of communicating quantitative information. Attention to general communication processes and skills is most fully present in 800:092 where section size limited to 25 permits significant writing in group projects and also extensive attention to critical thinking and logical reasoning. Further working through mathematical models entails analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Although 800:072 focuses specifically on statistical methods, student who enroll in it generally have greater preparation in mathematics than those who enroll in 800:023 and thus are more likely to be (or become) acquainted elsewhere with topics such as rates of change and orders of magnitude. 800:023 includes a significant attention to statistics, including degree of risk, uncertainty, and acceptability as well as rates of change and orders of magnitude. In this course as in the other two, the focus is on mathematical concepts rather than simply honing algebraic skills.

Assessment methods -


In 800:023, multiple-choice examinations and daily quizzes are used to assess student achievement. Both conceptual problems and computational (numerical/set/logical) are tested.

Student assessment in 800:072 varies by instructor; there is not a common mechanism to insure uniform grading. Courses grades earned are based on tests and (depending on section size) quizzes, homework including Minitab assignments, group projects, and class participation including attendance.

In 800:092, students’ written and oral work, both individual and group projects and presentations, is graded.

Student Perceptions Survey used for category

We are asking students to provide feedback on the General Education Category V classes (48C:001, Oral Communication; 620:005, 620:017, or 620:034, College Reading and Writing, Expository Writing, or Critical Writing About Literature; and 800:023, 800:072, or 800:092 Mathematics in Decision Making, Introduction to Statistical Methods, or Mathematical Modeling). Please carefully read the information and give us your responses to the questions posed. Your assistance will help us adapt and refine the courses for future students.

The University of Northern Iowa has determined the following outcomes and competencies for theses classes: Students shall understand how both verbal and quantitative information is effectively acquired, transmitted, interpreted, and analyzed.

Competency 5.1 develop an understanding of and competence in the processes by which messages are generated, transmitted, received, and used

Competency 5.2 develop critical thinking and logical reasoning

Competency 5.3 become responsible consumers of communication through competence in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

1. Which of the following did you complete to satisfy your General Education requirements?

620:005, 620:015, 620:034, tested out

48C:001, transfer, other

800:023, 800:072, 800:092, transfer, other

(standard Likert scale is used 1=strongly disagree…5=strongly agree)

2. I have these competencies: understanding of and competence in the processes by which messages are generated, transmitted, received, and used.

3. I have these competencies: critical thinking and logical reasoning.

4. I have these competencies: I have become a responsible consumer of communication through competence in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Please identify the objectives in each of your classes:

5. Objectives for my College Reading and Writing General Education class were:

6. Objectives for my Mathematics General Education class were:

7. Objectives for my Oral Communication class were:

(Likert scale again)

8. The objectives for my College Reading and Writing Gen. Ed. Class were consistent with the outcomes and competencies stated above:

9. The objectives for my Mathematics Gen. Ed. Class were consistent with the outcomes and competencies stated above:

10. The objectives for my Oral Communication Gen. Ed. Class were consistent with the outcomes and competencies stated above:

11. What did you find particularly effective in your Category V classes (Identify specific instructional strategies, assignments, readings, activities, etc.)?

College Reading and Writing Gen. Ed. Class:

Mathematics Gen. Ed. Class:

Oral Communication:

12. What would you do to refine, add, delete, or change the course content or delivery to better meet the objectives identified for Category V, Communication Essentials, classes?

College Reading and Writing Gen. Ed. Class:

Mathematics Gen. Ed. Class:

Oral Communication:

Please complete the following demographic information:

___ Female ____Male ____Race ______year in school

Age range: _____ 18-22 _____ 25-30 _____ over 30

2004 -2005 Category Review

Math assessments:

Desired outcomes assessed were:

  1. Students show an understanding of quantitative information.
  2. Students are able to analyze and synthesize quantitative data.
  3. Students are able to apply and interpret quantitative techniques.
  4. Students are able to communicate quantitative information, reasoning, and results.

Review team was unclear about how to measure these outcomes. The review team recommends that the mathematics faculty create such competencies for each course in the subcategory, using the statedsubcategory outcomes.

Student Assessment Methods used for review:

Pre and post tests were administered in 800:023 (20 multiple choice questions covering the major topics of the course). Showed improvement (41% to 68% correct).

Student perceptions surveyed as well (copy of survey and results not available).