Selected Bibliography: Interdisciplinary Studies
2005: Julie Thompson Klein. Humanities, Culture, and Interdisciplinarity: The Changing American Academy. Albany: State University of New York Press.
2005: Allen Repko, Interdisciplinary Practice: A Student Guide to Research and Writing. Preliminary Edition. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.
2005: Tanya Augsburg, Becoming Interdisciplinary: An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
2002: Julie Klein (ed.), Interdisciplinary Education in K-12 and College: A Foundation for K-16 Dialogue. New York: The College Board.
2002: Carolyn Haynes (ed.), Innovations in Interdisciplinary Teaching. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
2002: Mary Taylor Huber and Sherwyn P. Morreale (eds.), Disciplinary Styles in the
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Exploring Common Ground. Stylus Publishing in
collaboration with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Learning.
2002: Joe Moran, Interdisciplinarity: The New Critical Idiom. London: Routledge.
2001: Lisa Lattuca, Creating Interdisciplinarity. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
2001: J. Thompson Klein, et. al. (eds.), Transdisciplinarity: Joint Problem Solving
among Science, Technology, and Society: An Effective Way for Managing Complexity.
Basel: Birkhauser Verlag.
2000: Peter Weingart and Nico Stehr, (eds.). Practising Interdisciplinarity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
2000: Accreditation Guidelines for Interdisciplinary General Education (Joan B. Fiscella, Cheryl R. Jacobsen, Julie Thompson Klein, Marcia Bundy Seabury, and Michael J. Field).
1999: Marcia Seabury (ed.). Interdisciplinary General Education: Questioning Outside the Lines/ the University of Hartford Experience. New York: The College Board.
1999: Joan Fiscella & Stacey Kimmel. Interdisciplinary Education: A Guide to Resources. New York: The College Board.
1998: William H. Newell (ed.), Interdisciplinarity: Essays from the Literature. New York: The College Board.
1996: Julie Klein. Crossing Boundaries: Knowledge, Disciplinarities, and Interdisciplinarities. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia.
1996: Alan F. Edwards, Jr. Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Programs: A Directory .
2nd ed. Acton, MA: Copley Publishing Group.
1995: James R. Davis. Interdisciplinary Courses and Team Teaching: New Arrangements for Learning. ACE Series on Higher Education. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press.
1994: Julie T. Klein & William G. Doty (eds.), Interdisciplinary Studies Today. New Directions for Teaching and Learning #58. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
1990: Julie Thompson Klein. Interdisciplinarity: History, Theory, and Practice. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Selected Sources of Publication and Peer Review
National Association Conferences/Organizations
Association for Integrative Studies
American Association of Colleges and Universities
Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs
Association for General and Liberal Studies
Association for Core Texts
Association for General and Liberal Studies
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching:
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning projects (SoTL)
Professional and Organizational Development Network
Interdisciplinary Journals
Issues in Integrative Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (in its 25th year): interdisciplinary theory, pedagogy, research, administration, and assessment.
Journal of General Education
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Interfaith Dialogue
Journal of Liberal Learning
On-line Resources
AIS website includes links to interdisciplinary associations/conferences, consultants for interdisciplinary programs, the IDS syllabi project (peer-reviewed), guidelines for accreditation of interdisciplinary general education, IDS graduate program directory, IDS assessment resources, link to INTERDIS listserv, job postings
http://www.interdisciplines.org: international conference papers, peer-reviewed.
Panel, Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning in the New American College Context, 2007 ANAC Summer Institute.
Francine Navakas, North Central College