Ksiega Adresowa Polski

Jewish Records Indexing - Poland in cooperation with JewishGen

Phase 2 Data Entry Instructions

October 2, 2004



Steps in the Business Directory Project

1. View Business Directory Pages on JRI-Poland Website

2. Set up your computer to use Polish fonts

3. Download the Business Directory Template

4. Print or Download these Data Entry Instructions

5. Enter the Business Directory Data

The Starting and Ending Points for Data Entry

Data Fields in the Business Directory Template

General Data Entry Instructions

Detailed Data Entry Instructions

Special Instructions for Towns with an Alphabetical Index of Registered Businesses

Special Instructions for Advertisements

Using the Data Entry Rules – Real Examples

6. Verify and Finalize the Data

7. Send the data (completed file) to the Project


Appendix A: JRI-Poland Standard Polish ASCII Codes

Appendix B: Where to Find Polish Fonts

Appendix C: How to Enter Polish Diacritical Marks

Upper Case Polish Keyboard

Lower Case Polish Keyboard

Appendix D: List of URLs used in this Document

page 1

October 2, 2004


This document provides instructions, examples and hints for entry of the 1929 Polish Business Directory Project data. For a full explanation of the project, please click here.

Steps in the Business Directory Project

Scanning over 2500 pages, converting them to PDF and making them available on the JewishGen web site.

The 13 pages of the English / Polish Business/Industry types Cross Reference from Section B (pages 2336 – 2348) were entered into a spreadsheet, along with the French translations.

Phase 1 - Entry of the 84 page index for all towns in the Business Directory (pages 2 – 85) has been completed.

Phase 2 - Entry of the Business Directory Data:

Selecting Business Directory pages to enter data:

  • Use the Town Index Search Engine in order to get page numbers for town(s) of interest,
  • View the relevant Business Directory page(s) on the JRI-Poland website in order to see how much work is required,
  • Email the Business Directory Database Manager to request the assignment of town(s) or page(s).

OR Volunteer to enter data without a specific town of interest:

  • Email the Business Directory Database Manager to request the assignment of page(s).

The Data Entry procedure:

  • Set up your computer for Polish fonts and keyboard,
  • Download the Business Directory Template,
  • Print or download these data entry instructions,
  • Enter the data for each town on your assigned pages,
  • Review your entry of the data, and
  • Send the data to the JRI-Poland Business Directory Project.

1. View Business Directory Pages on JRI-Poland Website

The entire 1929 Polish Business Directory (Ksiega Adresowa Polski) may be viewed on-line in PDF format here. It contains several sections, including various indices, listings, locality descriptions and advertisements. Phase 2 of the project, is to enter the business and individual data from pages 89 through 2296 in Section A. The Table of Contents detailing the organization of the directory may be seen here. Volunteers will be assigned blocks of 10 pages for data entry into a standard spreadsheet template. Pages with specific towns may be requested but the volunteer will be expected to enter the data for all towns on the pages assigned. This project does not include the entry or translation of the descriptive paragraphs found at the beginning of each town’s entry.

You will be provided with a release waiver that will give JRI-Poland non-exclusive rights to the data that you will be entering. JRI-Poland cannot use your data without this waiver. Print and sign the release waiver and return it to JRI-Poland. You can then download the graphics files to your own machine for your entry work. Note that these are PDF files and will not be printable. If you require printable page files you can request these to be sent directly to you for your assigned pages only.

To find a specific town, refer to the Town Index Search Engine. If you know the Voivodeship and, if applicable, the Powiat, for your town(s) of interest, please specify these in your request. Please note that a number of Polish towns in different districts have the same name. Make sure you know the town that you want to be included in the pages you will be entering.

To volunteer for the data entry of one or more blocks of 10 pages, please send an email message to the Business Directory Database Manager, Howard Fink. You will be assigned page numbers and your name will be added to the volunteer table.

2. Set up your computer to use Polish fonts

The entries in Polish business directories use Polish fonts that guide the reader in the proper sounding (pronunciation) of business/industry types, family names and street names. Several letters of the Polish alphabet are written with diacritical marks, for example, Ł, ę, and ó. Experienced researchers know the importance of these Polish diacritical marks. Some additional extended characters are also used in this directory for French and German names. Several different techniques that can be used to enter data with all of these extended characters are provided in the Technical Appendix.

If you already have fonts on your computer capable of showing Polish and Russian (Cyrillic) characters then it is likely you can continue to use those fonts for entering data for this project, however, you should check carefully that the fonts use exactly the same internal ASCII codes as those in our standard fonts listed in Technical Appendix A.

We recommend you use the JRI-Poland standard font Times New Roman CE (Central European). Instructions for downloading this font are provided in Technical Appendix A.

3. Download the Business Directory Template

The Data Entry Template is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. It contains column headings for the data and a selectable list of the business/industry types to simplify data entry. The business/industry definitions are in Polish alphabetical order with French and English translations included. Click below to start downloading.

JRI-Poland1929 Business Directory Template (MicrosoftExcel 2000, Windows)

Excel 5.0 and Excel 95 Users: When you open the workbook, the system will recommend that you use the file read-only. Ignore this recommendation and save the workbook in the earlier version of Excel.

4. Print or Download these Data Entry Instructions

Click below to download these instructions in a Microsoft Word document. You will need the Central European fonts for proper display of many parts of this document. (See section 4 below).

JRI-Poland 1929 Business Directory Instructions (Microsoft Word 2000, Windows)

5. Enter the Business Directory Data

Use the following examples and instructions to enter the Business Directory data into the template. The instructions in this section include the Business Directory data for a town, the completed template for the town, a description of the data fields in the Business Directory template, and data entry instructions.

The Starting and Ending Points for Data Entry

All data from each page is to be entered. If the pages you receive start or end in the middle of a town, you must complete the data entry of each item for the partial listings for that town. JRI-Poland will then combine your work with that of other volunteers to complete the town.

Warning: If a business entry crosses a page boundary, all of the information for that business is to be entered on the page that it starts on. Entry of data for the next page should start with the first complete business listed there.

In the Directory, the name of the first and last town on the page is at the top left and top right, respectively.

Data Fields in the Business Directory Template

The Business Directory Template is a spreadsheet that contains columns for the following data fields. The Business/Industry and Voivodeship values have built-in lists to expedite and simplify data entry, as well as ensure consistency.

Page Number

Voivodeship[from list]


Town or Village Name

Business/Industry (Polish)[from list]

Business/Industry (French)[to be automatically added later]

Business/Industry (English)[to be automatically added later]

Registered Business indicator

Business Name


Given Name or Initial




General Data Entry Instructions

Start with the first entry on the first page, even if it is in the middle of a town’s entries. Ignore the descriptive information that appears at the beginning of each town. End with the last entry on the last page, even if the town continues on a page that you do not have.

Before you begin, copy the template to a file named:


where Start and End have been replaced with the page numbers specific to your data entry.

You can use paste, fill or drag to fill in fields that are repeated in multiple records, such as Page Number, Voivodeship, Powiat, Town Name and the Business/Industry definitions.

Use Polish diacritical marks wherever they appear in the printed pages. ASCII codes must meet JRI-Poland standards. See Technical Appendix A.

Use the Comments field for miscellaneous data that does not have a specific data field in the template. Some examples are business specialties, more than one Surname in a business listing, more than one address in a listing, etc. See the Detailed Data Entry Instructions for the formats to use.

If a Business/Industry type is not listed in the template, select [NOT IN LIST] under Business/Industry and carefully enter it in the Comments field using both the Polish and French descriptions, using the appropriate diacritical marks for each language.

If a character is not legible enter a question mark (?) in place of that character.

When you are in doubt whether a word is part of a name, please use a translation aid (such as to help determine if the word has another meaning that makes sense in that context.

Detailed Data Entry Instructions

Page Number

Use the page number that appears in the upper left or right corner of each directory page. A town may span more than one page.


Voivodeship is the Polish province. It appears at the center top of each directory page in uppercase letters. Wojewodztwo means Voivodeship

Example: WOJEWODZTWO BIAŁOSTOCKIE(Voivodeship listing)


Powiat is the Polish district. This field is to be used only when two or more towns in the Voivodeship have the same name. If this applies, the Powiat name will appear (in the column labeled “See under”) in the results of the Town Index Search Engine.

Warning: Do not include this field in other towns that you are entering.

Town or Village Name

The Town or Village Name is listed in BOLD UPPERCASE letters at the beginning of the town’s (or village’s) entries, centered over the column of descriptive information.

If the page starts in the middle of a town or village, the town or village name will appear as a header on the page.

There may be more than one town or village on a single page. A large town may be listed on several pages.

Sometimes several very small towns will be described underneath a nearby town. In this case the small town name will appear as (and should be entered in) the Address field.

Warning: Do not enter this name in all uppercase; use only leading capital letters.

Business/Industry (Polish / French / English)

The directory pages list the Polish Business/Industry type, followed by the French Business/Industry type in parentheses. The template includes the Polish Business/Industry types. Include the Business/Industry type in each entry. Use the pull-down list in the Polish column, and the French and English translation will be filled in automatically after your pages have been submitted to the database manager.

Warning: The professionals, and occasionally other business people, may have a specialty. If this is the case, it will appear in the listing after the name. If it does not appear in the list of Business/Industry types with the Specialty it should be entered as a comment. Enter this carefully, using the correct Polish and French diacritical marks. Choose [NOT IN LIST] for the Business/Industry field. See the example under Surname, below.

Registered Business Indicator

This appears in the directory as an “X” before the surname OR the Business Name. Input “X” in this field if applicable. It is followed by a Business Name and/or a Surname.

Example: X„Gospodarz”(Listing of Registered Business Indicator followed by a Business Name)

Example: XKohn, B.(Listing of Registered Business Indicator followed by a Surname)

Reg / Business Name / Surname / Given Name
X / Gospodarz
X / KOHN / B.
Business Name

The Business Name is usually, but not always, listed in quotation marks. If there is a business name immediately after the “X”, enter it in this field but do not include the quotation marks.

If the Business Name listed in quotation marks is followed by additional information, list the additional information as part of the Business Name.

Example: X„Jedność”,Spółdz. Roln. Handl(Business Name in quotation marks with additional information)

Reg / Business Name
X / Jedność, Spółdz. Roln. Handl

Example: XSpółdzielnia Robotnicza (Business Name without quotation marks)

Reg / Business Name
X / Spółdzielnia Robotnicza

Example: XKasa Kredytowa, Sp. z o o (Business Name with additional information)

Reg / Business Name
X / Kasa Kredytowa, Sp. z o. o.

A complete list of abbreviations can be found on page 87 of the Directory; common entries in Business Names:

dzierżawcaLessee, Lease Holder

oddz. (oddział)Branch

S.A. (Spółka Akcyjna)Joint Stock, Incorporated


Stow (Stowarzyszenie)Cooperative

Spółdz (Spółdzielcze)Association

Sp. z o. o. (Spółka z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnoscią)Limited

Św. AnnySt. Anne (Saint Anne)

The Business Name may be followed by one or more Surnames of the owner(s).

Example: „Studio”, wł. Kenigstein J.(wł. means proprietor)

Reg / Business Name / Surname / Given Name
Studio / KENIGSTEIN / J.

Warning: Do not include the “X” Registered Business Indicator as part of the Business Name.

Warning: Do not include quotation marks as part of the Business Name.


Enter the surname in CAPITAL LETTERS. It may appear as X[SURNAME] in the directory.

Example: Kohn, B.(Surname without Registered Business Indicator)

Example: XKohn, B.(Registered Business Indicator followed by a Surname)

In either case, enter the Surname as: KOHN

There may be more than one Surname. (In Polish, “i” means “and” and “vel” means “also known as”.) In either of these cases, input a separate line in the template for EACH name. Then add a cross-reference to the other name(s) in the Comments field. For example, if there are 3 surnames, the Comment for [SURNAME1] uses the format: In business with [SURNAME2, Given Name 2], and [SURNAME3, Given Name 3];

Example: Rogalski, Wojno i Miedziński(create 3 entries in the template.)

Example: XGothelf H. i G.(create 2 entries in the template with the same surname.)

Example: Rotsztajn M. i Wołkowica A.(create 2 entries in the template)

Reg / Surname / Given Name / Comments
ROGALSKI / In business with WOJNO and MIEDZIŃSKI
WOJNO / In business with ROGALSKI and MIEDZIŃSKI
MIEDZIŃSKI / In business with ROGALSKI and WOJNO
X / GOTHELF / H. / In business with GOTHELF, G.
X / GOTHELF / G. / In business with GOTHELF, H.
ROTSZTAJN / M. / In business with WOŁKOWICA, A.
WOŁKOWICA / A. / In business with ROTSZTAJN, M.

Warning: Our search engine requires a slash, not a dash, to distinguish multiple names from hyphenated Surnames.

Example: Kinska-Golpern

Reg / Business Name / Surname / Given Name

Warning: Note that “Bcia” following a name means “Brothers”, so this is a Business Name, not a Surname.

Warning: Note that “i Ska” following a name means “and Company”, so this is one Business Name, not two Surnames.

Example: Lewkowicz Beia

Example: Kohn i Ska

Reg / Business Name / Surname / Given Name
Lewkowicz Bcia
Kohn i Ska

If there is a specialty to the Business/Industry, it is listed in parentheses immediately after the person’s full name. If there is no Business/Industry type in the pop-up list already describing this Business/Industry type and Specialty combination enter the specialty in the Comments field as listed in Polish using the format:


Example: Lekarze (medecins): Mozessohn Sz. dr. (skórno-wen) (Listing for a Physician with multiple specialties).

Surname / Given Name / Title / Comments
MOZESSOHN / Sz. / dr. / Type of Lekarze: skórno-wen

Warning: Do not include the “X” Registered Business Indicator as part of the Surname.

Given Name or Initial

Enter the given name or initial, including punctuation. This is shown in the examples under Surname, above. If “vel” (also known as) appears in this field do not make a separate entry for the other name. Enter both given names, with the word vel in between them.


Enter the title if listed, including punctuation if any. This is shown in the final example under Surname, above.

Other titles include:ks (prince or priest).


Enter the Address as shown in the directory pages. The Street Number is always listed after the Street Name.

Example: Małkinska 8

Małkinska 8

A number before the Street Name is part of the name, as in First Street or 1st Street in English.

Example:3-go Maja

3-go Maja

For companies with multiple addresses, enter all locations in this field.

Example: Małkinska 8, Karpinski 1

Małkinska 8, Karpinski 1

Sometimes the address given is actually a small town name, usually abbreviated as a single letter. In this case the full small town name from the descriptive paragraph at the beginning of the encompassing town should be entered. See the example for Chocz at the end of this section: