Thursday 18th February 2016

Present: Mr J. H. R. Hoyles MBE North Level District IDB - Branch Chairman

Mr S. A. R. Markillie South Holland IDB - Branch Vice Chairman

Mr I. Thomson ADA – Chief Executive

Mr P. D. Sharman North Level District IDB

Mr D. Worth South Holland IDB - Chairman

Mr T. C. Purllant Welland & Deepings IDB - Chairman

Mrs K. Daft Welland & Deepings IDB

Mr G. Szomi Environment Agency

1.  Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Miss S. J. Ablett, Mr S. Ayers, Mr P. Bateson, Mr W. D. Branton, Mr P. J. Camamile, Mr H. G. Cator, Mr R. Hill, Mr G. W. Lankfer, Mr N. Morris, Mr E. Poll, Mr P. Reilly, Mr M. H. S. Sly, Mr I. A. D. Smith, Mr D. Thomas, Mr B. Thornely, Mr K. Vines.

2.  To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th November 2015

The Minutes of the last Meeting, copies of which had been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

3.  Matters arising from the Minutes

Item 5

With regards to the question of how many ‘low’ consequence main river lengths there are in Welland and Nene catchment Mr Szomi responded that to the best of his knowledge there were none.

Mr Szomi provided a map of the Welland and Nene Asset Performance Flood Risk Management Systems showing the High, Medium and Low risk consequence systems with regard to the main rivers (copy herewith).

There were no other matters arising.

3.1 ADA National Update

Mr Thomson updated members regarding the arrangements in Somerset, whereby a Notional Settlement had been agreed allowing Somerset County Council to increase their council tax demands by 3.5% to fund the extra work required in the area, estimated to be approximately £2.70 million. This Notional Settlement is not date limited so could in theory be repeated year on year to fund the works as deemed necessary.

Mr Thomson further updated members regarding the work being undertaken to resolve the obstacle to both boundary reviews and the formation of new Boards in the absence of ratings list dating back to 1990. This process is likely to take some considerable time but remains preferable to revisiting the Land Drainage Act 1991.

3.2 Environment Agency Report

Mr Szomi reported that a number of local Environment Agency (EA) staff were sent to assist with the floods recovery in both Cumbria and Yorkshire as part of the mutual aid arrangements. The recovery is ongoing and a number of staff will remain in these new posts for some time. This has led to a review of incident management which is now focused on providing this mutual aid rather than leaving the recovery to the regions as previously.

He further explained the new CAMC asset management system which is designed to demonstrate and monitor efficiencies, with £1.8 million efficiency savings required.

Consultation meetings have taken place with IDB’s regarding the PSCA work required for the coming financial year and Mr Thomson reiterated the desire to have a three year or longer programme rather than the current arrangement of year by year.

Appraisal schemes are underway for Rings End Sluice, Stanground Sluice and Marsh Road Sluice with both inspection and refurbishment due this year at Marsh Road.

Mr Sharman requested from Mr Szomi the unit costs so that we as IDB’s can demonstrate the savings by working under Public Sector Co-operation Agreements (PCSA). A lengthy debate ensued regarding comparing costs on a like for like basis bearing in mind machine right-off costs, labour rates including pensions and depreciation of plant etc.

A general discussion ensued regarding the inflated costs of using the WEM framework contractors which exacerbates this whole cost issue.

It was agreed that Mr Sharman and Mr Szomi would discuss this outside of the meeting and take to our next EA/IDB liaison meeting.

3.3 Flood Resilience

The Chairman raised the issue of Flood Resilience to all IDB assets in the light of the River Foss in York incident. It was recommended all Boards revisit their own resilience plans.

4.  To appoint a Chairman for the Welland and Nene Branch

Election of Officers

Chairman – It was agreed and RESOLVED that Mr D. Worth, South Holland IDB, be elected as Branch Chairman and to serve as a Director to represent the Branch on the ADA Executive for the following three year period to 2019.

Vice-Chairman - It was agreed and RESOLVED that Mr S. A. R. Markillie, South Holland IDB, be elected as Branch Vice-Chairman for the following three year period to 2019.

Secretary – It was agreed and RESOLVED that according to the rota South Holland IDB would provide the Branch Secretary for the following three year period to 2019.

5.  Any Other Business

There was no other business.


Chairman Mr J. H. R. Hoyles MBE