Minutes from the SWIMS Circulation Group


Thursday 23rd February 2017, 10.00am

W 12th 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Item / Subject / Action
1. / Apologies:Jill Buckland (JB), Darrel Mason (DM), Sarah Harris (SH), Barbara Peirce (BP)
Attendees: Andrew Brown (AB)(Chair), Tom Arnold (TA) (minutes), Jenny Toller (JT), Claire O’Connor (CO’C), Colleen Powell (CP),
2. / Actions from previous meeting and matters arising
  • No amendments required for previous minutes.
  • Data integrity checks completed.
  • Deduplicate option to be discussed Item 4.
  • Reservation Type default set to Copy Reservation.
  • Self-reservation to be discussed Item 6.
  • Occupations Master List -AB checked for errors, will review differences with options on Olib.
/ AB
3. / Service Pack 9 – any circulation related queries or issues
This pack did not include any optional enhancements for circulation.
There was a discussion around the deletion of copy and title records, and the automatic adding of traps. It was noted that the FAQ’s for deleting copy records was accurate, but that problems could easily occur if not following this – JT reported she had been in contact with OCLC about this and was also deleting orphan title records where there had been problems.
4. / Deduplicate user button (JT’s email 20th Oct 2016)
  • JT explained that the configuration of the test database to allow deduplication had been wiped.
  • Was agreed that this facility to merge two records would be worth testing,JT to reconfigure in test database.
/ JT
5. / User Search – normalized & exact match (BP’s email 10th Jan)
JT explained that after normalisation had been introduced for some searches in an earlier service pack, the default when searching for a user is now normalised searching on name. Circulation group was asked for opinions.
  • It was felt unlikely that normalisation would be helpful, and noted that a large number of incorrect results could be returned.
  • It was suggested that the default was set to exact name search, with normalised as the second option in the list.
  • The possibility of normalised searching being offered or used automatically in the event of no results being returned was also suggested.
  • It was agreed that any searches that still had initial as an option could have it removed being as right truncation worked.

6. / WebView self-reservations / interlocation reservations
Following discussion it was agreed that this was not really needed, and due also to the extra work that would be required would not be taken forward.
7. / Bath representative (ML has left the group)
Megyn Luscott has left the group as she takes on a new post. It was decided that the group had adequate representation without seeking a replacement.
8. / For info – 20,000 library cards recently ordered
Contact Imelda Winn or Sarah Maddock if needed.
9. / AOB
  • Standard trap messages
  • TA reported someone had raised the issue of proliferating standard trap messages, with 96 available, some very similar.
  • JT to discuss this at the Systems Administrators meeting.
  • [Post meeting note – see JT email Wed 23rd March for Systems admin group minutes.]
  • Deleting copy records with outstanding fines
  • TA also reported an issue had been noticed when deleting copy records with outstanding fines attached. This action waives the fine in the user record and replaces it. However it also updates the user record with a new last active date, which may have implications for deletions.
  • JT to ask OCLC if the new active date could be prevented.
  • The group was satisfied that the rest of the process worked as expected and was covered by the FAQs.
  • [Post meeting note – see JT email Wed 23rd March for OCLC response.]
/ JT
10. / Date and time of next meeting
Thursday 15th June 10:00