Farm training

By Distance

Are you interested in an outdoor career?Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu, in association with Telford Rural Polytechnicis able to offer you the opportunity to complete unit standards in your chosen field.

Why should I do this course?You are interested in an outdoor career. The unit standards count towards NCEA.

It won’t cost you anything. A full year’s work on this course can, after discussion with your Learning Adviser replace one of your other subjects, if you are taking four or more subjects

What can I study?Level 2 and 3 Unit standards in General Agriculture, Vehicles and Machinery, Fencing, Dairy, Deer, Cattle, Sheep, Farm Dogs, Agrichemicals and plant pest control, Apiculture (bee keeping), and Horticulture and Forestry are available through paper-based distance courses from Telford:

19116 Demonstrate knowledge of livestock behaviour and animal WelfareL2 cr2

18 Demonstrate knowledge of animal anatomy and physiologyL3 cr4

24836 Describe non-electric fences, fence support materials and safe practices in fencingL2 cr2

19044 Demonstrate knowledge of the legal requirements and hazards associated with tractor useL2 cr3

24555 Demonstrate knowledge of the safe operation of a motorbikeL2 cr3

24557 Demonstrate knowledge of the safe operation of a quad bikeL2 cr3

18191 Demonstrate knowledge of safe handling of Dairy cattle and health related to milkingL2 cr3

18192 Demonstrate knowledge of how cows produce milkL2 cr2

18193 Demonstrate knowledge of Farm dairy design and the effluent systemL2 cr2

24550 Describe the operation of farm dairy equipment and perform calculations for dairyL3 cr6

24623 Demonstrate knowledge of breeds and classes of cattle and identification and recordsL2 cr2

19075 Demonstrate knowledge of calving and associated diseases and health disordersL3 cr3

19147 Describe the activities and hazard in a wool shed during shearing from a farm perspectiveL2 cr2

24641 Demonstrate knowledge of features, attributes, identification and records for sheepL2 cr2

19111 Demonstrate knowledge of the types breeds uses and health requirements of farm dogsL3 cr4

19883 Demonstrate knowledge of beehives and beehive frame assembly and repairL2 cr2

19888 Demonstrate knowledge of the NZ beekeeping industry and career and training opportunitiesL2 cr2

829 Demonstrate knowledge of plant nomenclature (plant collection required)L2 cr5

22177 Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and function of plantsL2 cr5

22994 Demonstrate knowledge of factors that affect forestry workersL2 cr10

To enroll or if you have questions contactChris Berentson, Secondary/Tertiary Adviser, Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu, Ph 0800 659988 extn 8479 or email him at