Argumentative Research Paper Topics

Ethical Dilemmas

§  Zoos are internment camps for animals and should be shut down.

§  Surrogacy should be illegal.

§  All countries should abandon nuclear weapons.

§  Companies using animal testing should pay higher taxes.

§  Only victims of accidents can use plastic surgery.

§  Professional actors shouldn't be allowed to play poker.

§  Leather and fur clothes should be outlawed.

§  Teens should have access to birth control pills.

§  Politics and church should be separate.

§  News writers should never distort the truth to astonish audiences.

Personal Relations

§  Empathy should be taught at school.

§  Humor is the best way to resolve conflicts.

§  Social life is more important than academics.

§  Parents should become their kids' best friends.

§  Smoking doesn't help make acquaintances.

§  Internet kills communication.

§  Codependency is the key to a happy family life.

§  The first impression of a person is always right.

§  Effective listening is more important than talking.

§  Conflicts are necessary for healthy relationships.

Business Communication

§  All is fair in love, war and business.

§  Companies can refuse to hire candidates who smoke.

§  Team building exercises improve employees' productivity.

§  Brainstorming helps boost company's performance.

§  Companies shouldn't copy competitors' strategies.

§  Leaving a company to work for a competitor is unethical.

§  Customers' critique is the best way to improvement.

§  Inclusive corporate culture increases employees' motivation.

§  Dress code is unnecessary for office employees.

§  Diagonal communication is critical for company's performance.

§  Should the government provide bailouts for companies that go bankrupt?

§  Should small towns with many local businesses allow big corporations (e.g., WalMart) in also?

§  Does it take a college degree to get a well paying job?

International Economy

§  Outsourcing IT departments is ineffective.

§  Innovations should be used carefully.

§  Small towns with local businesses shouldn't let big corporations (IKEA) in.

§  Governments shouldn't give bailouts to bankrupt businesses.

§  All businesses should have pages on social networks.

§  MBA degree doesn't guarantee business success.

§  All businesses should go green.

§  SOPA and PIPA can't stop online piracy.

§  Poor leadership is the main cause of business bankruptcy.

§  Energy drinks are a promising business niche.

§  China is a new economic superpower.

§  English should remain an international language for business.

§  Outsourcing call centers to India cuts costs but reduces the quality of services.

§  The European debt crisis can affect US small businesses.

§  All countries should use the same currency.

§  The European crisis shows that globalization is a bad idea.

§  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) shouldn't give loans to economically challenged countries.

§  The Poverty Reduction and Growth program from IMF and World Bank is ineffective.

§  The immediate debt cancellation for the poorest countries is unjust.

§  Greece won't leave the eurozone.


§  HR mangers shouldn't use lie detectors at job interviews.

§  Applicants shouldn't be judged by their social network profiles.

§  Companies shouldn't block social networks in the offices.

§  Regular official training is necessary for all industries.

§  Non-monetary motivation can be effective for employee retention.

§  Staff turnover is bad for the company's revenues.

§  Entry-level employees bring young energy to companies.

§  Law should protect trade secrets.

§  Delegating responsibilities is the key to effective management.

§  Steve Jobs' genius is the top reason of Apple's success.


§  Social media is a cheap but effective advertizing channel.

§  Subliminal messages in advertizing aren't effective anymore.

§  Customer feedback is the key to improvement.

§  How do certain kinds of advertising perpetuate gender, racial, or religious stereotypes?

§  How do certain kinds of advertising make claims of patriotic values?

§  How do mass marketing and manufacturing affect originality and creativity in the arts and other fields?

§  Does the American consumerist society conflict with democratic values? In what ways?

§  How does advertising treat convenience as necessity?

§  Are certain kinds of advertising unethical?

§  Should product placement in television, film, and other media be controlled?

§  Should product advertising and selling be permitted in public schools?

§  Should communities retain the naming rights to baseball parks and football stadiums, or should businesses be allowed to purchase these rights?

§  Does the modeling industry bear any responsibility to provide healthy, realistic physical role models for young women?

§  Is the use of sexual imagery in ad campaigns unethical?

§  Should tobacco and liquor advertising be allowed on television?

§  Should all billboard advertising of alcohol be banned?

§  Should tobacco and alcohol companies be allowed to use ad campaigns that could be considered child-friendly?

§  Why are alcohol companies now allowed to advertise on television under certain conditions (after primetime, with responsible drinking messages in some ads, etc.)?

§  Humor is the only way for ads to reach spectators' hearts.

§  Brand loyalty can't compete with special offers and sales.

§  Push marketing strategy is obsolete.

§  Direct sales letters are always perceived as spam.

§  Old price/new price tricks will always be effective.

§  Positive branding is central to business success.

§  Companies shouldn't send annoying happy birthday messages to their clients.


§  The structure of the language affects the way in which native speakers perceive the world.

§  Jargon is caused by speakers' laziness, not language evolution.

§  Google's auto-complete function uses negative stereotypes.

§  Metaphors have the power of controlling people's minds.

§  Social media networks are a strong engine of change in the arena of typed conversation.

§  The prevalence of same-sex marriages requires reconsideration of dictionary definitions of traditional concepts of "marriage" and inclusion of new words, such as "widower", for example.

§  Stronger taboos against swear words can make people' cursing more creative.

§  A simplified phonetic language system can help language students speak their target language.

§  Complimenting colleagues’ looks is language sexism.

§  Telling jokes or declaring love in a foreign language is easier to multilinguals.


§  All K - 12 public schools should adopt a school uniform policy.

§  The classroom size of grades K through 5 statewide should be set at a maximum of 20 students.

§  Children should not be exposed to computer technology until late in the education process [which year?] because computers often distract young learners from learning the basics, or have the basics done for them by computers.

§  Home schooling provides an exceptional education under controlled circumstances. Nevertheless, I would advocate that every American child should receive at least two years of public schooling before graduating from high school.
We should implement a public school voucher system in PA.

§  Students should not be required to take physical education courses.

§  Any student caught cheating on an examination should be automatically dismissed from college.

§  Freshmen should not be required to purchase a meal plan from the college.

§  University students should not be penalized for illegally downloading music, movies, or other protected content.

§  Government financial aid for students should be based solely on merit.

§  Nontraditional students should be exempted from regular class-attendance policies.

§  At the end of each term, student evaluations of faculty should be posted online.

§  College students should have complete freedom to choose their own courses.

§  The primary mission of colleges and universities should be preparing students for the workforce.

§  Financial incentives should be offered to high school students who perform well on standardized tests.

§  All students in high school and college should be required to take at least two years of a foreign language.

§  College students in the U.S. should be offered financial incentives to graduate in three years rather than four.

§  College athletes should be exempted from regular class-attendance policies.

§  Parents should allow kids draw on walls.

§  Students should be able to choose teachers.

§  Video games should be used in class.

§  Homeschooling is more effective than public schools.

§  Online courses won't kill traditional universities.

§  Teaching handwriting isn't important anymore.

§  Grades don't indicate either intelligence or effort.

§  College classes should start later.

§  Teachers should be allowed to possess guns during school hours.

§  Schools have no right to search students' lockers.

§  Testing to Improve Educational Standards
School Choice - charter schools & vouchers
Intercollegiate Athletics and Ethics

§  Cyberschool versus “brick and mortar” schools

§  Public schools versus private schools

§  Corporal punishment in schools should be banned.

§  Schools need more anti-bullying programs.

§  Home schooling deprives kids of important social experiences.

§  Religion shouldn't be included in school curriculum.

§  Video camera surveillance in schools violates students' rights.

§  Fund raising in schools should be banned.

§  Should college be for everyone? Does going to college guarantee a job? What happens to the individuals that are not college material?

§  Should students who receive financial aid be required to go to school full-time?

§  Should college grads get a break on student loans?

§  Student debt, Fool’s Gold? Is it worth putting yourself in a financial hole that you might never get out of?

§  College degrees without going to class. How effective are they?

§  Should college be for everyone?

§  Should Home-Schooled kids play sports for high school teams?

§  Will women get ahead by going back to school?

§  Are teachers overpaid?

§  Should the school day be longer?

§  Do we spend too much time and money on education?

§  Woman’s Choices: School vs. Children

§  Can Young Students learn from online classes?

§  Should College Grads Get a Break on their loans?

§  What are the benefits of recess?

§  Teachers shouldn't encourage school snitches (those who report classmates for a certain reward).

§  Schools should place more emphasis on sports instead of academics.

§  Is standardized state or national testing (such as the FCAT or SAT) helping or hurting American schools?

§  Is the current system of public school funding (primarily through property taxes) unfair? Does it contribute to inequality in the public school system?

§  Should tracking be used in determining courses for public school children?

§  Should magnet and charter schools be encouraged or discouraged?

§  Should the system of busing students to school be amended?

§  Should local school districts be redrawn to create schools that are more equal?

§  Should federal school vouchers be used at religious schools? How does the separation of church and state apply to this issue?

§  Consider the needs of a teacher's salary vs. the realities of the funding schools now have. Argue for a change in education budget allocation.

§  Do teachers in classrooms of thirty or forty children accomplish their intended tasks as educators? Should they be expected to?

§  Some standardized tests scores factor in to how much money a school will receive in the next fiscal year. Is this an ethical way to demand accountability from a school, or does this further punish lower-performing schools?

§  Consider the benefits and drawbacks of a home-school education vs. a public school education.

§  Conservatives, liberals, and radicals all have different ideas about the purposes of a public education. Research several perspectives and argue for or against a particular viewpoint.

§  How necessary are the arts in the public school system? Argue for or against a change in funding for a particular district.


§  We should use death row inmates as subjects for medical testing rather than animals.

§  Drivers who are over 70 years old must pass an annual test for eyesight and physical ability before they can renew their driver's license.

§  We should not lower any physical requirement guidelines so that women may be admitted in the military [or fire or police departments].

§  Gay marriage should be legally recognized nationwide so that tax and insurance benefits apply equally among all states.

§  There should be no drug testing in the workplace because this violates our privacy rights.

§  We should implement immigration reform to provide those immigrants already here but not yet legal with a path to citizenship.

§  The war on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights.

§  All forms of government welfare should be abolished.

§  The solution to the impending crisis in Social Security is the immediate elimination of this anachronistic government program.

§  Government and military personnel should have the right to strike.

§  To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food.

§  To conserve fuel and save lives, the 55 miles-per-hour national speed limit should be restored.

§  All citizens under the age of 21 should be required to pass a driving education course before receiving a license to drive.

§  People who contribute to Social Security should have the right to choose how their money is invested.

§  Any citizen who does not have a criminal record should be permitted to carry a concealed weapon.

§  Excess weight fees in airplanes should be banned.

§  Parents' consent isn't necessary for giving teens birth control pills.

§  Mailing any materials that refer to the topic of abortion should be prohibited.

§  Drivers shouldn't be allowed to toot car horns unless it's a case of emergency.

§  Castle doctrine: homeowners can use guns if they feel threatened in their homes.

§  Citizens under the age of 21 shouldn't be allowed to carry guns.

§  The Confederate flag shouldn't flow on any public property in the US.

§  Police should be allowed to confiscate the vehicles of unlicensed drivers.

§  Minors under the age of 18 shouldn't be allowed to use tanning beds.

§  Police shouldn't be allowed to search a cell phone of anyone they arrest without a warrant.


§  Western museums should repatriate artifacts to the countries of their origin.