Minimum Periods of Exclusion from Nursery

Disease/Illness / Minimal Exclusion Period
Antibiotics prescribed / First 24 hours at home
Athlete’s foot / None
Chickenpox / Until all vesicles have crusted over
Conjunctivitis / Eyes need to be treated
Cold sores (Herpes simplex) / None
Cryptosporidiosis / Exclude from last episode of diarrhoea
Diarrhoea/Vomiting / 48 hours from last episode
Diphtheria * / Exclude and consult local HPT
E. coli O157 VTEC Typhoid * / Excluded until there is evidence of microbiological clearance.
German measles (rubella)* / 4 days from onset of rash
Gastro-enteritis, food poisoning, salmonellas and dysentery / Until authorised by District Community Physician
Glandular Fever / None
Head lice / Treatment needed
Hand, foot and mouth / None
Hepatitis A * / 7 days
Hepatitis B * C* / None
Impetigo / Until lesions are crusted or healed or 48 hours after starting antibiotic treatment
Measles* / 4 days from appearance of the rash
Molluscum contagiosum / None
Meningococcal meningitis/ septicaemia * / Until recovered from the illness
Meningitis due to other bacteria * / Until recovered
Meningitus viral * / None
Mumps * / Until the swelling has subsided and in no case less than 5 days from onset of illness
MRSA / None
Poliomyelitis / Until declared free from infection by District Community Physician
Roseola (infantum) / None
Ringworm / Seldom necessary to exclude provided treatment is being given
Scarlet fever and streptococcal infection of the throat * / 24 hours after starting appropriate antibiotic treatment
Scabies / Need not be excluded once first treatment has been given
Slapped cheek/fifth disease Parvovirus B19 / None (once rash is developed)
Shingles / Exclude only if rash is weeping or can not be covered
Tuberculosis * / Until declared free from infection by the District Community Physician
Typhoid fever / Until declared free from infection by the District Community Physician
Threadworms / None
Tonsilitus / None
Plantar warts / No exclusion. Should be treated and covered
Warts and verrucae / None
Whooping cough – Pertussis * / 21 days from the onset of paroxysmal cough or 5 days from starting antibiotic treatment

* denotes a notifiable disease. It is a statutory requirement that doctors report a notifiable disease to the proper officer of the local authority (usually a consultant in communicable disease control). In addition, organisations may be required via locally agreed arrangements to inform their local PHE centre. Regulating bodies (for example, Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED)/Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI)) may wish to be informed – please refer to local policy.