Zandbergsestraat 1 4569 TC GRAAUW - HOLLAND

AWIKA covering letter leaf analysis June/July 2011

(include this letter in the sample bag)

Always take leaves from one variety, one parcel, and from trees on the same rootstock and of the same age.

Data needed for the early leaf analysis fruit growing:

Name principal (client):


Postcode + place:


Date of sample-drawing: 2011

Name of parcel: Soil type:

Variety: First year of growth:

Rootstock: Interstock:

Vigour(growing level): choose from: weak, normal or strong

Fruit load: choose from: bad, good, or high

Age of the trees: (type/ write an ‘X ‘ before the correct age)

2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, more than five years.

Date of full flowering: (when the first white flower leaves fall down)

Organic / manure/ compost treatment in 2010 or 2011: ton/ha

Root pruning/trunk cutting 2011:

q  neither of them

q  root pruning before flowering side(s)

q  root pruning after flowering side(s)

q  root pr before & after flower side(s)

q  trunk cutting side(s)

Soil treatment 2011:

(given net on the tree strip)

Nitrogen kg pure N/ha orchard

Phosphate kg pure P/ha orchard

Potassium kg pure K/ha orchard

Magnesium kg pure Mg/ha orchard

Fertigation at this parcel;

yes no

Soil treatment iron chelate 2011:

EDDHA / EDDHMA kg / ha

Date of this treatment:

Biological fruit growing

yes no

(please read the explanation)

Foliar feeding: (which foliar feeding products are sprayed in the last 10 days before the sample drawing?)

Zintrac /Zinc sulphate: ……… lt./kg/ha

Mantrac/ Carboman: ……… lt./ha

Manganese nitrate: ……… lt./ha

Manganese sulphate: ……… lt./ha

Dithane/Mancozeb: ……… kg/ha

Urea: ……… kg/ha

Bittersalt: ……… kg/ha

Magnesium nitrate : ……… lt./ha

MAP: ……… kg/ha

MKP: ……… kg/ha

Caltrac: ……… lt./ha

Calcium nitrate: ……… kg/ha

Wuxal Aminocal: ……… lt./ha

Kali /potassium nitrate: ……… kg/ha

Bortrac / Solubor: ……… lt./kg/ha

Aminosol: ……… lt./ha

Wuxal Microplant: ……… lt./ha

Biomit C ……… lt./ha

Final K ……… lt./ha


………………………………… ……… /ha

………………………………… ……… /ha

AWIKA’S explanation leaf analysis fruit growing

In Scandinavia we sample this year from the beginning of July till end of July depending on the location and the growing level.

For control there is a possibility of a leaf sample drawing in August and/or a fruit analysis shortly before harvest.

- Do not pick the leaves within 3 - 4 days after heavy rain (more than 30-40 mm) when this rain comes after a long dry period. Pick only dry leaves.

-  Pick the leaves at apples from ± 20-30 cm long bourse shoots, this are shoots grown out of a bourse with fruit of the more than one year old wood.

-  Take leaves from bourse shoots that are closed and pick the second or third full grown leaf counting from the base of that shoot.

Only in case there are no bourse shoots (on pears) you can take 1 full grown leaf close to the pears (at the pear stalks) per cluster.

- Pick maximum 2 leaves (the best is only 1 per tree) leaves (with leafstalk) from one tree and take the leaves from trees divided over the whole parcel.

- Take the leaves from trees with a good-heavy fruit load, trees with a lot of fruit on it can show what is needed, trees with little or no fruit not!

- Always take leaves from one variety, one parcel, and from trees on the same rootstock and of the same age.

- Pick the leaves, walking through the orchard, at the right side and the left side to get a good division of leaves from the sun-side and the shadow-side of the trees. Pick the leaves between 0,5 and 1,5 meter height.

- Fill the sample bag well. When necessary press the leaves a little bit together.

Pick about 80 up to 100 leaves for each sample, depending on the size of the leaves, this should about 80-100 gram.

-  Fill in the covering letter leaf analysis carefully and complete. Don’t use an address stamp! It will be invisible when it gets wet! Fold the letter three times with the text inside, and put the letter in the sample bag. Close the sample bag with a stapler.

- Do not store the leaves in the fridge, they will get wet after coming out of the fridge! In case the leaves are wet when you pick them spread them out on a newspaper on a warm place before you put them in the paper bag.

- Stamp the sample bag, if you have two bags you can tape them together, more than two bags you better put in a cardboard box (be sure of sufficient stamps) use extra adhesive tape on the address label and post it.

Send all analysis directly to the laboratory:

Lab. Zeeuws Vlaanderen

Zandbergsestraat 1


The Netherlands